Managing Big Data – A Key To BI Success

Explore how organizations of every size are recording more data than ever, but still letting Terabytes, Petabytes, Exabytes fly by unanalyzed. Managing these gigantic flows, probing massive respositories and speedily extracting actionable business intelligence is a major opportunity for enterprises.
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Business Intelligence: A Guide For Midsize Companies

You've heard the term "business intelligence" and know that large companies are using it to obtain a competitive advantage. But right now, your company's primary analysis tool is a spreadsheet. Isn't it time your analysis capabilities graduated from spreadsheets to more powerful tools as well? This paper from SAP offers guidance on how business intelligence can give your company a competitive edge.
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Improving Performance by Making the Future More Visible

In this report, Ventana Research identifies attitudes toward and utilization of predictive analytics. The research was designed to investigate practices and needs of individuals and organizations and the potential benefits from improving their existing processes, information, and systems.
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Reaping the Benefits of Next Generation Dashboards

The need for timely and succinct business intelligence (BI) continues to grow as executives demand critical information to seize opportunities faster than competitors and to address potential problems in the making. This white paper explores how organizations are looking to the next generation of BI dashboards solve these challenges.
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Big Data is Talking. Are You Listening?

This interactive white paper from CIO Magazine and EMC lays out the benefits of big data and predictive analytics, provides tips on how to get started, and shares the remarkable results that businesses have achieved by marrying these two powerhouses. Embedded videos feature Gerry McCartney, CIO of Purdue University and Jeremy Burton, Chief Marketing Officer of EMC with Bill Cook, President of EMC's Greenplum Division. And a quick survey provides benchmarking between CIO peers.
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Big Data. Evolution? Game Changer? Definitely.

In a recent survey of CIOs conducted for EMC by CIO Magazine, almost half the respondents said they agreed with this statement: "Big Data analytics is an evolution but not a revolution in the area of data warehousing, databases, and big file systems." The rest were about evenly divided among "game changer", "pipedream", "and not sure". What's up with that? Isn't Big Data changing the world?
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What Every Developer Should Know about XSS

This document exposes the most common remediations that you need to use when developing a web application in order to fix cross-site scripting. XSS is a complex problem with many moving parts.

Read about the most important "gotchas."
Top 3 Things to Know About XSS Mitigation
Coverity Security Library Installation & Usage
Getting it Right: 13 common locations where dynamic data can appear on in a web page
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The Risks of Using Spreadsheets for Statistical Analysis

Spreadsheets are widely used for statistical analysis; and while they are incredibly useful tools, they are useful only to a certain point. When used for a task they're not designed to perform, or for a task at or beyond the limit of their capabilities, spreadsheets can actually be dangerous. This paper presents some points you should consider if you use, or plan to use, a spreadsheet to perform statistical analysis. It also describes an alternative that in many cases will be more suitable.
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10 Ways to Build Better CRM Processes

Most businesses see the value in CRM and ERP. When implemented properly, these platforms can enable better sales, more efficient marketing, and drive both top line and bottom line revenue growth. Getting there however, is a challenge. This IT Managers' Journal is designed to give IT managers and business leaders 10 steps that can help them transform CRM into a winning solution for revenue growth and business efficiency. Read this ITMJ and discover how IT and business management can work together to realize real, demonstrable ROI.
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