Shine a Light Inside the Black Box

As anyone with experience in outsourcing will tell you, no offshore software development program with multiple concurrent projects and over 150 developers in several countries can possibly realize projected cost savings and stay on schedule. That is, unless it is running Scrum. Discover how Agile practices of Scrum, coupled with smart metrics and common sense, force unprecedented levels of accountability and transparency on outsourced projects, giving buyers a powerful toolkit for managing suppliers and dramatically improving ROI from offshoring.
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Advanced Persistent Threat: Is Your Organization Protected?

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are among the most hotly debated topics in IT security. Are APTs a legitimate threat? How are IT managers and executives preparing for the risk of APTs? Or are they ignoring them? Learn what your IT professional peers think about APTs and how they are working to reduce the risks these new kinds of attacks pose.
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EMC VNXe3150: Winning Storage Simplicity

Enterprises do not have to be huge to experience the pain of unbridled information growth and the impact of server virtualization on storage requirements. As a result, many businesses are turning to shared storage in the form of unified storage to meet their storage needs.
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Gartner: The Electronic Signature Market Is Poised to Take Off

Growth in the e-signature market is becoming viral, and there are significant benefits to adoption for organizations that plan ahead. Gartner analyst, Gregg Kreizman writes about how the electronic signature market is growing and how your organization can prepare for the take off. In this whitepaper, learn about: 1. E-signature benefits and impacts to your organization 2. Recommendations and strategic plan assumptions with e-signatures 3. Why Gartner inquiries on the topic of electronic signatures has doubled in the last two years Learn why “enterprises' and consumers' recognition of the benefits gained from adopting e-signature software and services has led to 48% growth in this market in 2011.”
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Forrester Research Reports Customers are Driving E-Signature Adoption

Read Forrester's Research about how the connection between e-signature technology and improved customer experience is driving e-signature adoption.

In this whitepaper, learn about:
1. Why more customers want e-signatures
2. The changes in technology that increase the speed of processing transactions
3. How to save money by going paperless

You will gain insight on why tech- and web-savvy customers are influencing businesses to adopt e-signatures for a better customer experience.
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Your Cast of Characters: Team Building in the Support Centre

A support team should be more than the sum of its parts. But how do you build a cohesive team out of contrasting (and sometimes conflicting) personalities? View this short white paper to understand the impact of personality on team building and how to leverage individual strengths to create a cohesive support team. Download the white paper to learn: Four key personality types and their traits, Why good people don't automatically make good teams, Three strategies for harnessing the diversity of your team, and more.
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Strength-Based Coaching in the Support Centre

If you want to improve behaviour and get better results from your people, try this effective leadership technique with your support team. "When you start using a strength-based approach, you harness the energy of your own people to create a brand-new culture of excellence." This article shows you how to focus on the strengths and interests of your team members to positively change behaviour and create an all-star team of support professionals.
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A Strategic Process for Hiring an All-Star Support Team

There are no shortcuts to good hiring. But with the right process in place, you can have an all-star support team in due time. This article shows you how to build a sustainable process for hiring the very best people for your support team. Download the article to learn: How to shift your focus from pedigree to aptitude, Three goals for screening candidates over the phone, Why your team should participate in the interview process, and more.
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The Consumerisation of Technology

Smart Phones in the Office - Impact, Issues and IT. iPads are the must-have fad. Android is the rising mobile platform -- Everywhere you turn, the news is about personal, smart, mobile devices and their impact on business and on IT. But what are the facts? Download this Citrix GoToAssist research white paper to understand the true extent, drivers and impact of the seemingly unstoppable invasion of personal mobile devices into the office. Learn what the just-released survey of 700 senior business executives and managers in the UK, France and Germany says are the key issues.
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The Helpdesk of the Future

What does the helpdesk of the future look like? "Customer support is one of those areas of your business where it's surprisingly easy to differentiate yourself." This new brief explores technologies that will reshape the helpdesk of tomorrow: How immersive displays enable a centralised workflow; What intelligent optimisation could do for time management; Why a decentralised process is key to greater effectiveness; And more...
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IPv6 Shadow Networks are Here Today

Many enterprises are planning to transition their working environments to IPv6 over the next two to ten years. But long transition horizons should not fool IT organizations into thinking that all IPv6 issues can be deferred to the future. End points – PCs and Macs as well as smartphones and tablets – are enabled with IPv6 today. Carriers provide IPv6 services, and moderately modern routers and switches are IPv6-ready. These facts raise a key issue: you may very well have IPv6 connectivity and traffic in your enterprise today. If it’s not in your network policy to allow that, you’re out of compliance. Confirm that your security infrastructure is properly enabled and configured.
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Four Steps to High Performance WAN and Internet

Problems with application and network performance on the WAN and Internet links are caused by many and varied issues – congestion, latency, protocol design, sudden bursts of disruptive traffic – all contribute. New factors make the calculus even more complicated: social networking, BYOD, cloud applications, growing video content, even IPv6 traffic growing in the shadows. It’s tempting to respond to these problems by jumping to a single set of technologies that fix certain aspects of performance. We recommend, instead, that you take advantage of Blue Coat expertise and technology to take the four simple steps described in this paper.
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Top Social Media and HTML5 Considerations for Mobile App Success

Stay in front of the competition by educating yourself on the backend of mobile app development. Download the developer survey report from IDC and Appcelerator to learn about two hot app development topics - social media and HTML5. Find out why social media is an absolute must, and why HTML5 could be the key to richer app experiences.
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