Shield Your Applications from Catastrophe

Whether they reside on the company's internal servers or are accessible via the Web from desktop PCs or mobile devices, the applications a business uses to run its operations are ever-growing. The number and complexity of enterprise applications, particularly those based on Java and other Web technologies are changing the nature of IT management. Today the entire organization must focus on delivering these applications to internal and external users when and how they need them. IT needs to ensure that applications meet optimal performance levels in terms of business priority and other requirements.
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Gartner 2012 SIEM Critical Capabilities

The report assesses 12 SIEM technologies by evaluating the capabilities that are critical for the support of threat management, compliance reporting and SIEM deployment use cases. Read the full report to learn why many SIEM vendors are releasing or developing SIEM capabilities - such as behavior profiling and anomaly detection, threat intelligence, and more effective analytics - to support the early detection of targeted attacks.
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Identity and Access Intelligence: Transforming Enterprise Security

In this paper, ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES® (EMA™) analysts describe the nature of identity and access intelligence and the factors that are driving this important aspect of security evolution. Learn how Identity and Access Intelligence helps organizations rethink their defense against a wide range of threats, cope with mobile and cloud security challenges and proactively protect sensitive IT assets.
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Avoiding insider threats to enterprise security

IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager helps organizations to securely manage and track the activities of privileged users, thereby reducing the risk of breaches, improving compliance and ensuring accountability. The IBM white paper explains how IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager provides enhanced security across various IT environments by centralizing and controlling the use of privileged identities.
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Ensuring application security in mobile device environments

In today's business environments, mobile devices make up the fastest growing segment of computing devices—outpacing desktop and laptop computers. As more employees prefer to use mobile devices in the workplace, organizations are rapidly moving towards a bring-your-own device (BYOD) model. This often leads to employees having a mix of corporate and personal applications on the same device, which gives the security team less control over devices that can access corporate networks. As a result of the increase in wireless devices in the workforce, organizations are becoming more concerned with mobile security. Many, in fact, see this area as a primary technology challenge to address and a main focus for security initiatives.
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Keeping distributed endpoints safe and secure

In today's far-reaching environments, where the numbers and varieties of servers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices and specialized equipment such as point-of-sale (POS) devices, ATMs and self-service kiosks - known collectively as "endpoints" - are growing at unprecedented rates, traditional protection schemes such as firewalls and anti-virus agents are no longer sufficient on their own. With rapidly increasing numbers of remote workers and mobile devices, there is no well-defined perimeter. The perimeter, by necessity, must be the endpoint itself.
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Malware B-Z: Inside the Threat From Blackhole to ZeroAccess

This paper provides insight into two of the most commonly used and technically capable pieces of crimeware, the Blackhole exploit kit and the ZeroAccess rootkit. We explain why these kits are so useful to the bad guys and show you how you can stop these threats from infecting your network and your users.
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Mobile Device Management Buyers Guide

Mobile device management (MDM) solutions allow IT organizations to centrally manage, monitor and support mobile devices from smartphones to tablets. By using an MDM solution to control and protect the data and configuration settings on users' mobile devices, you can reduce support costs and security risks. In this guide, you'll learn what you need to consider to find a MDM solution that best fits your needs.
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Beyond the Next Generation: Meeting the Converging Demands of Network Security

A number of network security technologies have arisen that claim to be the "next generation" of network defense - but what does this concept actually mean? How is the threat landscape changing the way we think about and deploy network security solutions? Scott Crawford, Managing Research Director, Security and Risk Management at EMA Research provides insight into what we can expect in the area of network security and how to leverage new technologies to meet today's security challenges in light of other considerations such as overall complexity and performance.
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Forrester – Turn Big Data Inward With IT Analytics

Your business is complex. Big data promises to manage this to make better decisions. But the technology services that run your business are also complex. Many are too complex to manage easily, causing delays and downtime. Forrester predicts this will worsen. To combat this onslaught, you need machines to analyze conditions to invoke automated actions. To perform adaptive automation, you need IT analytics, a disruption to your monitoring and management strategy.

This report helps leaders prepare for IT analytics that turn big data efforts inward to manage the technology services that run your business. Register to get the full report.
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Forrester – Managing The Performance of Critical Applications

In conducting a survey of more than 150 IT professionals with direct responsibility for business-critical applications, Forrester found that enterprises are supporting corporate objectives of productivity and efficiency, a typical trend in times of economic uncertainty. The survey also revealed that the lack of performance and availability of critical and complex applications had direct and negative consequences on business productivity, business finances, and IT efficiency.
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