The Evolution of the Datacenter and the Need for a Converged Infrastructure

As the economy begins to recover from the recession, organizations will begin to reevaluate how they deploy technology. Currently, enterprise datacenters are very heterogeneous environments that typically handle a lot of applications running on a variety of platforms. In this very complex environment, there's a burgeoning need within datacenters to drive efficiencies by changing how staff members spend their time and how money is spent.
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Securing end-user mobile devices in the enterprise

Mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, enable increasing numbers of employees to work "anywhere, anytime. "The security of enterprise data is a key concern, particularly on mobile devices that are easily lost or stolen. The security risk is further heightened by the proliferation of employee-owned mobile devices in many enterprises. Employees will almost always take the path of least resistance in leveraging mobile devices for business purposes, which may lead to unsafe computing practices. A clearly documented and enforceable mobile security policy is critical to reducing the risk of data loss.
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Optimizing process management with IBM System z

Organizations across the spectrum of industries today are looking at business process management (BPM) as a way to optimize processes and create business value. This white paper will help organizations that are making decisions about BPM deployment: - Understand the overall value and benefits of BPM. - Identify the types of process problems that BPM can address. - Determine where process problems exist in their organizations. - Learn to discover and prioritize BPM projects.
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Integrating Security into Development, No Pain Required

Developers and security have traditionally been like oil and water. Developers need to meet deadlines and enable new lines of business while security professionals face the state of coding flaws and undiscovered vulnerabilities. Both groups know they should be working together, but it is still the exception rather than the norm.
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