enSilo Guide To Understanding Ransomware

Ransomware is an increasingly popular tactic used to steal data and disrupt a system’s operations. Essentially, ransomware is malware used by attackers to infect a device, hijack files on that device and lock them via encryption. These maliciously encrypted files can no longer be accessed by users and are held hostage by the attacker until a ransom is paid.

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Containing Security Incident Response Costs

Of the many challenges security leaders face, one big issue can often be downplayed: budget. Leaders are expected to manage a large and complex volume of stealthy attacks on endpoints while responding quickly and effectively to incidents without exceeding planned capital expense (CapEx) and operating expense (OpEx) budgets. Compounding this challenge is the significant demand for the narrow supply of security analysts skilled in advanced malware forensics, forcing long recruiting cycles and high wages.

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Don’t Get Caught-Off-Guard: How IOT And Containerized Apps Impact Your Security

New technologies such as containerized applications and the Internet of Things (IoT) are driving innovation and productivity like never before, but with these advancements come some concerns. As adoption of containerized applications in production and the number of connected IoT devices rise, so should concerns about security best practices.

This white paper will look at the growth of new technologies, delve into some of their inherent security challenges, propose new approaches to security for containerized applications and IoT devices as well as introduce enSilo’s proactive, real-time, automated Endpoint Security Platform approach.

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Meeting The Challenge Of Cloud-Native Security Threats

Network engineers and admins have always been tasked with ensuring that their organization’s network is performing in peak condition. Over the last decade, digital transformation and the rapid adoption of cloud services, such as those offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), have made it essential for network admins to prioritize network health as a key priority.

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State of Insider Threats in the Digital Workplace

While cybercriminals, hacktivists, and ransomware often make a big splash in the news headlines, the reality is that the biggest security threat is often right in front of you.

Insiders—people already in your organization—pose a pervasive security risk, whether their behavior is malicious or accidental.

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The Ultimate Offboarding Checklist for Modern IT Professionals

What should a complete offboarding workflow look like?

Offboarding in the age of SaaS is more than just revoking access. There are many more steps than people often realize—steps that are critical for data security, compliance efforts, and business continuity.

Of course, every company’s offboarding process will differ slightly, from the timing of certain steps to what your source of truth is. We’ve offboarded one million employees across 3,000 companies, and we’ve seen all kinds of variations. But generally speaking, these best practices will make sure that every user is fully offboarded, every time, without fail.

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The Total Economic Impact™ of GTT SD-WAN

Forrester has repeatedly stressed the importance of the network in addressing the demands of digital business. Cloud, virtualization, and mobile devices can wreak havoc on network and operations if infrastructure and networking professionals struggle to keep up with the changes needed to move users, data, and applications fluidly across the entire business and its supporting parts, such as cloud services.

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The Total Economic Impact™ of GTT SD-WAN

Forrester Consulting provides independent and objective research-based consulting to help leaders succeed in their organizations. Ranging in scope from a short strategy session to custom projects, Forrester’s Consulting services connect you directly with research analysts who apply expert insight to your specific business challenges. For more information, visit forrester.com/consulting.


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The Complete Guide On Open Source Security

Open source components are the core building blocks of application software, providing developers with a wealth of off-the-shelf possibilities that they can use for assembling their products faster and more efficiently. This joint report by Microsoft and WhiteSource discusses the difference in finding & fixing vulnerabilities in open source components opposed to proprietary code, how to grasp the unique challenges of open source security and how to tackle them, as well as how to master the best practices of managing your open source security risks.

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Open Source Security Management in the Age of DevOps

These days, there’s an app for virtually anything. Enabling rapid application development and deployment of these apps is a nearendless body of components, most of which are opensource: code, scripts, artifacts and more. But while these components are driving faster development and deployment, they also can be a security nightmare for companies that fail to manage and secure them effectively—a scenario that has proven catastrophic in several high-profile incidents over the last few years.

We conducted a survey of more than 400 organizations to understand their policies,processes and tools in managing the risk associated with the use of open source components in their applications.

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iPaaS Grid Report

Integration platforms as a service (iPaaS) provide a centralized console to manage, govern, and integrate cloud-based applications. These tools work by connecting cloud applications and services, and controlling integration flows. They can speed up product development by integrating existing tools, and increase data volume by utilizing external sources. Companies use these tools to scale performance needs, add product functionality, and structure application integrations. Features or data can be added or removed quickly, reducing failover, downtime, and development time. There is some relationship between iPaaS and ESB software, but iPaaS is typically used for customer-facing applications, while ESB is used for internal data transfers and updates.

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Central Role of Messaging Middleware in Cloud and Digital Transformation Initiatives

Highly decentralized computing is the new normal for most organizations, and digital transformation (DX) initiatives are changing application architectures to event driven to support real-time and near-real-time response cycles. In this environment, enterprises are increasingly turning to messaging middleware to meet the combined requirements of complexity, speed, reliability, and security to connect the digital world of applications and data.

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