Best Practices for Optimizing Website Performance With Tag Management

Website performance matters. Many factors impact site performance, including the speed of the hosting provider, page design, number of http requests and more. One big factor is the accumulation of digital marketing vendor tags and pixels on web pages. Tags can dramatically impact site performance in a number of ways– poor tag design, synchronous tags can block content, slow response time associated with the collection servers, tag placement and the sheer number of tags accumulated on pages.

Over the years, Tealium has pioneered many of the best practices in tagging and has incorporated various techniques to minimize the effect of tags on website performance. They include:

  • Tag Loading & Page Performance – Perceived Load Time vs Actual Load Time
  • Asynchronous Loading
  • Client-Side Tagging with Multi-CDNs
  • Script Compression (gzip) and Bundling
  • Conditional Loading
  • Reduced Page Weight
  • Fewer DNS Lookups
  • Intelligent Cache

This whitepaper provides more details about these techniques and their associated benefits.

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Capture, Correlate, and Manage Customer Data in Real Time to Create Unified Customer Experiences

Organizations today are handling an inordinate amount of data from different sources and to help make sense of this influx they’re using data storage and analytics solutions. Yet, it can be a challenge to collect customer data from multiple technologies, sources, and touchpoints to be able to enrich it in a way that produces a unified data set on every customer. These complete and comprehensive data sets are needed, though, because they become the necessary foundation for driving and delivering meaningful, consistent and relevant customer experiences.

Brands are leveraging enterprise data storage technologies like Data Lakes and Enterprise Data Warehouses (EDWs) to house customer data. However, those solutions alone won’t allow an organization to capture, correlate and manage their real-time incoming data to support customer data initiatives aimed at creating unified customer experiences.

This paper will highlight key differences, benefits, and challenges of Enterprise Data Warehouses and Data Lakes, and introduce the one, key solution every brand should employ to create and drive unified customer experiences.

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Customer Data Platforms: How They Work, What They Solve & Why Everyone Needs To Use One

Today’s customers have been trained by Amazon, Netflix, Spotify and many others to expect personalized experiences. In one recent study, two-thirds of respondents said they were more likely to shop at a retailer who knew their purchase history and 75% said they were comfortable with sharing personal data.

Another survey found that 61% believe their favorite brands understand and cater to their needs while 38% were likely to stop buying from a brand that failed to provide timely offers on sales and promotions. Yet 22% in the same survey also said they’d break up with a brand if it provided too many offers. In short, consumers demand personalization but have little tolerance for firms that do it poorly. The stakes couldn’t be much higher.

Marketing technology vendors offer many personalization tools to help. But those tools need data to pick the right experiences for each customer. And they need not just any data, but accurate, organized and accessible data that includes information from all sources, presents an integrated picture of each customer, adds intelligence to help guide decisions and is easily available to the systems that deliver the front-line experiences. It’s easy to overlook the need for this data while exploring the latest new gadget for automated video creation or augmented reality advertising. But quality data is the fuel those other systems run on. Without it, they’ll sputter to a halt or spew wildly inappropriate experiences that annoy customers even more than no personalization at all.

Unfortunately, assembling quality data is hard. Traditional methods have consistently failed to meet marketers’ needs: it’s painfully common to hear stories of data warehouse projects that dragged on for years before finally being canceled without delivering anything useful. Systems that run “in the cloud” don’t magically solve problems, since all that cloud-based data still needs to be brought back to earth to be unified, refined and exposed. Building direct connections between individual systems can sometimes close a few critical gaps on a short term basis, but becomes increasingly unwieldy as marketers continue to add new systems that must be included.

A new solution has recently appeared: the Customer Data Platform (CDP). As purpose-built products designed from the start to assemble and distribute customer data, CDPs promise to be faster, easier, cheaper and more flexible than previous solutions. But CDPs are not widely understood and such promises rightly arouse much skepticism. This paper aims to dispel the skepticism by explaining what CDPs are, why they overcome previously unsolvable problems and how you take advantage of them.

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GDPR Impact Series 2018

2018 sees the long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enter into enforcement starting May 25th. It is a once-in-a-lifetime change to the legal basis on which individuals share their data with organizations.

DataIQ undertook twin-track research in the UK to examine how consumers expect their data to be used and whether they intend to exercise their new rights, as well as into what organizations intend to do to bring their data-driven practices into line with the Regulation. The project had three key objectives:

  • Understand the consumer perspective on data collection, consent, context, and control
  • Learn key strategies for the business/marketer’s processes, top opportunities, and challenges in adjusting to the new Regulation
  • Identify any mis-alignments between the two sides’ views of the data exchange and their root causes

The research was built around four key areas of data protection and privacy management: mobile and digital (the issues specific to those channels), relevance and accuracy (how data should be kept upto-date), readiness (how consumers and businesses are preparing for GDPR) and regtech (how technology can support GDPR compliance). Results from the research are presented in a series of four white papers, each of which looks at one of these areas.

This whitepaper specifically focuses on the research segment conducted by DataIQ in association with Tealium. It looks into the how aware consumers are of the way data is collected from their mobile and digital footprint, as well as how businesses rely on these data streams to deliver personalized services and a better customer experience.

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Faster Internet and Better Phone Service!

Get connected to a blazing fast fiber-grade connection. Enjoy better clarity and better reliability with ZTelco's cloud based telephone services. Get better phone and internet services for your business today and get a free month*.

Take advantage of enterprise level reliability and sophistication with the benefits of personalized support. Realize even more value with an integrated solution to include Internet and/or MPLS. Whether your business has 10 handsets or 10,000 users, we can help you.

Manage your multi-location business with a fully-meshed and secure network. Easily scale your business with a proven solution to provide inter-office connectivity. Better manage your critical applications with traffic prioritization using a ZTelco private network.

* New Business Customers Only. Offer Available Throughout San Diego County, Hemet, Temecula, Lake Elsinore, and Surrounding Areas.

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Ooma Traction OnDemand

Ooma Enterprise communication solution is the modern cloud communications service for today’s agile and mobile company. While other VoIP cloud based enterprise solutions start with a laundry list of features, we put your business needs first. What sets us apart is the Ooma Enterprise Experience.
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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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On Site Messaging Web

Your website’s lead capture forms treat all visitors the same.

The most successful approach to lead capture is aligning a visitor’s interests with content and messaging. Content must be targeted, specific, and meet the needs of the people who are browsing your site. Too often marketers rely on static landing page forms that place too much of a burden on a visitor to move the sales process forward. Ultimately creating so much friction that the visitor never bothers to convert. So what happens? The visitor browses and then vanishes without a trace (and without a conversion).

Read on to know more...

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Stay Personal at Scale with Email Automation

Raise your hand if you’ve had concerns about how your email marketing program is performing in the last year. Heck, how about the last month? Well, you’re not alone and the data is there to support it. Many B2B marketers are still operating on the batch-and-blast playbook from the late 90s. It's time to evolve and we'll show you how.

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Turn Visitors Into Leads Web

98% of your traffic currently remains anonymous.

How many sales have slipped away because your team did not have a platform to identify anonymous website visitors that showed real interest in your services, but didn’t fill out a static form while on your site.

This “invisible sales pipeline” is made up all of those people visiting your site who are never going to fill out a form. The challenge then becomes how you can get visibility of buyers in the invisible sales pipeline, find the ones worth talking to, and then connect with them?

The answer to this challenge is in this whitepaper.

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Reveal Your Invisible Sales Pipeline

You don’t have enough qualified leads in your sales pipeline.

B2B marketing and demand generation has made enormous leaps over the last 10 years. Marketing Automation. Business Intelligence. Revenue Attribution. Personalization. Web Services.

But, the typical marketing stack has become increasingly bloated and often leaves marketers with too many features that aren’t satisfying their fundamental goal of positive pipeline growth.

LeadFWD was designed to simplify a marketer’s technology stack by combining tools that are commonly delivered by multiple solutions, into one easy-to-use sales automation platform.

It’s simple, intuitive and unlike most other lead generation platforms -- LeadFWD can begin making a positive impact on day one.

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3 Steps- Invisible Sales Pipeline Web

You don’t have enough qualified leads in your sales pipeline

B2B marketing and demand generation has made enormous leaps over the last 10 years. Marketing Automation. Business Intelligence. Revenue Attribution. Personalization. Web Services.

But, the typical marketing stack has become increasingly bloated and often leaves marketers with too many features that aren’t satisfying their fundamental goal of positive pipeline growth.

Read on to know more...

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Reveal Your Invisible Sales Pipeline

You don’t have enough qualified leads in your sales pipeline.

B2B marketing and demand generation has made enormous leaps over the last 10 years. Marketing Automation. Business Intelligence. Revenue Attribution. Personalization. Web Services.

But, the typical marketing stack has become increasingly bloated and often leaves marketers with too many features that aren’t satisfying their fundamental goal of positive pipeline growth.

LeadFWD was designed to simplify a marketer’s technology stack by combining tools that are commonly delivered by multiple solutions, into one easy-to-use sales automation platform.

It’s simple, intuitive and unlike most other lead generation platforms -- LeadFWD can begin making a positive impact on day one.

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Turn Visitors Into Leads Web

98% of your traffic currently remains anonymous.

How many sales have slipped away because your team did not have a platform to identify anonymous website visitors that showed real interest in your services, but didn’t fill out a static form while on your site.

This “invisible sales pipeline” is made up all of those people visiting your site who are never going to fill out a form. The challenge then becomes how you can get visibility of buyers in the invisible sales pipeline, find the ones worth talking to, and then connect with them?

The answer to this challenge is in this whitepaper.

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Stay Personal at Scale with Email Automation

Raise your hand if you’ve had concerns about how your email marketing program is performing in the last year. Heck, how about the last month? Well, you’re not alone and the data is there to support it. Many B2B marketers are still operating on the batch-and-blast playbook from the late 90s. It's time to evolve and we'll show you how.

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