Realizing Digital Value: Three Opportunity Areas for OEMs

Success as an OEM has always hinged on the ability to design and deploy machines in ways that yield rapid time to value, no matter the challenges that may be involved.

Industry challenges, both perennial and new, are likely here to stay.

What’s different now is the technology landscape and opportunities it presents for OEMs to not only maximize efficiency from within, but also to differentiate themselves and strengthen their position in the marketplace.

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Synchronizing Supply & Demand in 2023 and Beyond

Subject matter experts from Kalypso take a probing look at the evolution of the supply chain, where the acceleration of key issues and trends over the past few years has left few industries and businesses unaffected. Volatility and constraints in labor, materials, resources and capacity have been compounded with limited end-to-end visibility and an ever-growing regulatory environment to create increasingly complex challenges for supply chain leaders.

We profile those challenges, as well as the central driving market forces that have created them, before exploring the future state of the supply chain and what actions supply chain leaders should take.

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Why Oracle Users Should Move to the Cloud – And Take Their Tax Engine with Them

Today’s businesses are shifting to a digital-first, cloud-first model as more and more customers and clients expect seamless, on-demand access to financial systems and data. At the same time, there is another shift towards tax automation due to ever-changing regulations and compliance requirements – which will continue to evolve and become more stringent with time.

To remain competitive and agile in the face of this business complexity and set the foundation to future-proof the business, many Oracle users are considering a digital transformation to the cloud to better manage their business. But what really are the benefits of making such a shift, and how does it impact tax?

In this e-book, we will walk you through:

  • The benefits of moving your on-premise ERP to Oracle Cloud.
  • Why your tax engine should be included in your move.
  • Two migration pathways Oracle users could take, including highlights of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and Vertex Accelerator for Oracle Cloud ERP.
  • A summary of Vertex and Oracle’s Partnership.

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Planning And Deploying a Successful Intranet

The ultimate 37-page guide to planning and launching a modern intranet, from the critical pre-launch period to maintaining engagement over time.

Learn how to:

  • Create your business case.
  • Plan your approach.
  • Build your content.
  • Launch your intranet.
  • Measure your success.

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IT Risks: Backup and Recovery Blueprint

With the rapidly sprawling data footprints across multiple environments and increasingly dispersed hybrid workforce, enterprises now rely on their ICT infrastructure more than ever. As the critical functions that ensure business continuity rely on these ICT systems, it has become vital for businesses to keep their ICT systems up and running all the time. However, the rapidly evolving threat landscape poses a significant challenge on that front.

This eBook is designed to help organizations develop a comprehensive approach and realize ICT Readiness for Business Continuity (IRBC) so they can meet their operational goals and business objectives even in the event of an IT threat. This backup and recovery blueprint will help you effectively identify, address and recover from any disruptions to your ICT services. Read the eBook to learn more.

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Converting CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux

With the announcement that the CentOS Project will discontinue updates and releases of CentOS Linux® version 8 on Dec. 31, 2021 and of version 7 on June 30, 2024, many organizations began the process of reevaluating their IT environments and started to plan for a migration.

If your organization needs a production-grade operating system to run critical business systems, migrating to a fully supported Red Hat® Enterprise Linux subscription with a predictable life cycle and extensive partner ecosystem is a straight-forward process that results in a deployment with a similar user experience to that of CentOS Linux. Learn more in this overview.

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State Of Linux in The Public Cloud

More and more workloads are moving to public clouds. When it comes to hybrid cloud success, consistency is key. When an operating environment is flexible, consistent, resilient, and security-focused, the overall application and user environments inherit that consistency. That consistency starts with Linux®. Read this e-book to learn more about the value of Linux for today's business cloud strategy.

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Simplify Cloud Security with Red Hat And AWS

As cloud adoption grows, security continues to be a leading concern for organizations of all sizes. In fact, 79% of organizations cite security as a top cloud challenge. This concern is with good reason—45% of breaches in 2022 occurred in the cloud. To protect your business, you need the same level of security policy and access controls in the cloud that you have on-site in your datacenter.

This overview describes how using Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® as your operating foundation across your datacenter and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environments helps you:

  • Detect and remediate vulnerabilities at scale with Red Hat Insights.
  • Ensure compliance with standards certification and built-in scanning and remediation.
  • Streamline security configuration and management with automation.

Download the overview to learn how Red Hat and AWS help create the consistency you need to maintain security and compliance.

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Benefits of Migrating from CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The CentOS Project will discontinue updates and releases of CentOS Linux® between 2021 and 2024. As a result, CentOS Linux users must migrate to a new operating system to continue receiving updates, patches, and new features. While implementing a new operating system may seem tedious, it also presents an opportunity to reassess your organization’s needs and choose a platform that will better support your business now and in the future.

A consistent, intelligent operating foundation for modern IT and enterprise hybrid cloud deployments, Red Hat® Enterprise Linux delivers optimal benefits for your organization. Because CentOS Linux is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux sources, you can continue to use many of the same techniques and elements while gaining more features, tools, support, and value.

Compared to organizations that use unpaid alternatives like CentOS Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux users experience:

  • 16% lower three-year cost of operations.
  • 32% more efficient IT infrastructure teams.
  • 35% faster development life cycles.
  • 81% less unplanned downtime.

Download the overview to get all the details.

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Wallet Solutions

Onboard your users with our easy-to-implement wallet solutions. Choose our Wallet API to take full control of the UX, or the Wallet Widget - where we take care of security and compliance.

Venly Wallet allows your users to interact with Web3 familiarly, while we take care of the security & complexity. Integrate our widget in minutes or go for our API solution to get total freedom on UX and asset management.

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NFT Solutions

Build & scale your project with our comprehensive set of Web3 tools. We provide wallet services, marketplace solutions, NFT tools, and more.

To realize our vision of bringing blockchain to the mainstream, we offer NFT tools for anyone to access Web3. Looking to make and sell NFTs? This is a great place to start.

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Gaming Solutions

Effortlessly onboard players into the world of Web3 and build a thriving community around your game. Boost engagement and create new monetization opportunities by incorporating NFTs into gameplay.

Our Web3 Gaming Toolkit is simple for you and your users. You'll launch your game ahead of schedule, while options like social login will eliminate friction for your players.

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E-Commerce Solutions

Engage your customers with exclusive NFT collections, gated virtual experiences, and tokenized “phygital” assets. The opportunities are endless and you can do it all with one app.

NFTs are changing e-commerce as we know it. Don’t get left behind. Community building, digital twins, gated content, customer profiling - see what you can do with tokens.

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A Primer in Root Cause Analysis

In this article I will attempt to outline a general process for troubleshooting network-related events, meaning those issues which directly impact the performance of a computer network or application resulting in a negative impact on user experience. While I will use FirstWave’s Solutions in the examples, these steps can be applied to any collection of NMS tools.

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How to Detect, Diagnose, and Fix Issues with Network Bandwidth

Network bandwidth has always been a precious commodity and given our current circumstances with so many people working from home, many companies have not had the bandwidth they need in the right places. This E-book will help you with some strategies on how to detect bandwidth issues, further diagnose those issues, and what actions you can take to relieve those bandwidth issues.

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