Employee Recognition and Rewards Playbook

Any business can improve recruitment and retention by utilizing the power of employee recognition and rewards.

In this playbook You’ll learn these crucial steps:

  • Understand the Importance of Employee Rewards and Recognition
  • Recognize the Link Between Employee Engagement and Company Profitability
  • Secure Support from Top Management
  • Learn from Companies with Successful Programs
  • Build a Rewards and Recognition Program Customized for Your Company’s Needs
  • Watch Your Employees Achieve their Goals as Productivity and Profits Increase
  • Track the Effectiveness of Your Program
  • Take Your Business to the Next Level of Success

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Innovative Solutions That Actually Work

Technology is often a driver of innovation, especially in the people management, HR, and payroll space. But far too often, technology becomes an additional burden HR and people leaders must bear while they try to make changes and go after bigger, more positive outcomes.

The good news is, there are HCM systems out there that accelerate you forward, causing positive disruption.

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The Changing Future of HR

Before the pandemic, digital transformation was a competitive advantage, but an optional one. It was often cited as a priority for HR and business leaders, but not treated with urgency. Today, however, digital transformation is table stakes for identifying and meeting the needs of your workforce and monitoring the productivity of that workforce — two foundational elements of companies that will thrive post-COVID-19.

This eBook represents three ways HR leaders must adapt to the future world of work.

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Innovative Solutions That Actually Work

Technology is often a driver of innovation, especially in the people management, HR, and payroll space. But far too often, technology becomes an additional burden HR and people leaders must bear while they try to make changes and go after bigger, more positive outcomes.

The good news is, there are HCM systems out there that accelerate you forward, causing positive disruption.

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The Changing Future of HR

Before the pandemic, digital transformation was a competitive advantage, but an optional one. It was often cited as a priority for HR and business leaders, but not treated with urgency. Today, however, digital transformation is table stakes for identifying and meeting the needs of your workforce and monitoring the productivity of that workforce — two foundational elements of companies that will thrive post-COVID-19.

This eBook represents three ways HR leaders must adapt to the future world of work.

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Branding With a Shot

Alina Wheeler’s book Designing Brand Identity is considered a bible for brand professionals. In this breezy, inspirational e-book, you’ll glean insights from two chapters of the book:

  • How brand governance has evolved.
  • Why Deloitte’s brand center is a best-in-class benchmark for brand teams.

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How to Detect, Diagnose, and Fix Issues with Network Bandwidth

Network bandwidth has always been a precious commodity and given our current circumstances with so many people working from home, many companies have not had the bandwidth they need in the right places. This E-book will help you with some strategies on how to detect bandwidth issues, further diagnose those issues, and what actions you can take to relieve those bandwidth issues.

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A Path to a Secure and Stable Linux Platform

Securing your Linux platform is a full lifecycle activity — from architecture through design and deployment, and on to decommissioning.

With the increasing number of intelligent devices utilizing open source software (OSS), security vulnerabilities are more prevalent than ever. Unaddressed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) can cause excessive technical debt that ultimately weighs on the success of an embedded project. Unaddressed security vulnerabilities and defects can expose your organization to serious risk, leading to reputation damage, financial impact, and even product failure. Security management is a full lifecycle activity. Embedded software teams must be committed to ongoing threat monitoring, rapid assessment and threat prioritization, and timely remediation.

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Taking The Lead on IT Automation

As IT automation becomes a critical element in digital transformation and for achieving other top business goals, IT leaders must not focus solely on technical matters like selecting the right technology. They should also become evangelists by developing a strategic vision for IT automation and serving as a proponent of culture change to overcome the resistance present at many organizations today.

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The IT Automation Imperative

Cloud adoption is growing, but these environments also bring new operational challenges. IT automation can help you maximize the value of your cloud investments to support digital initiatives and innovation, at scale. Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform delivers all of this and more, allowing you to implement effective cloud and enterprise-wide automation. Read this e-book to learn how automation can help you deliver business outcomes across your hybrid cloud environment.

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Network Automation for Everyone

Network management has remained largely the same for decades despite substantial change in network technologies. Traditional approaches cannot keep up with rapidly-evolving developer needs and application requirements, so more organizations are implementing automation into network services management. Automating network management provides more control and visibility into network resources. This e-book covers the benefits of modernizing your network with Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform.

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Innovate with Automation

Many organizations are turning to automation to innovate and adapt to change. Ansible and the open source community continue to expand the possibilities of automation. Real Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform customers share their challenges, approaches, and successes across four industries and how they used automation to address their needs while advancing innovation in their industries in this collection of stories.

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How to Buy an LMS for a Compliance-Driven Business

Are you tired of grappling with the challenges of compliance training? Look no further! An LMS will help you manage your immediate challenges when it comes to completion rates and overall compliance. With its ability to automate compliance, centralize training materials, and track progress, an LMS is the ultimate tool for talent development leaders in high-consequence industries. And with our E-book, you'll learn how to choose and use the perfect LMS for your needs.

We've done the work for you. All you have to do is download the e-book now!

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Can Technology Help Solve the Burnout Crisis?

The causes of the physician burnout crisis are many and complex, which makes it hard to find a solution. How does technology play a role, in both the problem and the solution?

Physicians who are burned out often feel powerless. The first step to relieving burnout is to realize you can take back control. One way physicians can do this is by seeking out technology solutions that support — rather than hinder — the physician-patient relationship.

This e-book will put the burnout crisis in context, discuss the role of technology in relieving the pressure and provide practical advice for physicians, practice executives and administrators looking for solutions.

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