Humanize Artificial Intelligence for Better Process Automation

Adopt a people-first mindset into your AI and RPA projects.

Intelligent Automation uses uniquely human strengths—like intuition and judgment—and combines them with intelligent tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) to deliver superior organizational outcomes. Easily apply UX/UI templates and connect plus manage popular technology services. Download the eBook to learn more.

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Humanize Artificial Intelligence for Better Process Automation

Adopt a people-first mindset into your AI and RPA projects.

Intelligent Automation uses uniquely human strengths—like intuition and judgment—and combines them with intelligent tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) to deliver superior organizational outcomes. Easily apply UX/UI templates and connect plus manage popular technology services. Download the eBook to learn more.

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The Future of Healthcare Finance

Many healthcare organizations are holding onto the same financial processes from 30 years ago, preventing the future we think they deserve.

Download this eBook about The Future of Healthcare Finance where we discuss:

  • The Future of a Data-Driven Healthcare Finance Team.
  • Healthcare Accounting: Using Agility to Fight the Status Quo.
  • What is a Healthcare ERP? .
  • Client Obsessed: Implementation Made Easy.
  • A Partner For Life with World-Class Support.
  • Success Story: Crosspoint Human Services.
  • A Better Future for Everyone.

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The Ultimate Guide to Scaling Your Compliance Program

Do you need to add more security frameworks to your existing compliance program, but don’t know where to start? Scaling your compliance program can feel like you’re proving your security from scratch. It doesn’t have to.

Vanta’s ultimate guide to growing your compliance program shares strategies and best practices for adding compliance standards without adding to your workload. Learn how to scale, manage, and optimize alongside your business goals.

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Caching at Scale with Redis

This is the only primer you need to understand what application caching is, why and when it’s needed, and how to get the best performance from your applications using advanced enterprise application caching techniques.

You’ll also learn about:

  • The role of caching in modern application stack.
  • Horizontal and vertical scaling techniques.
  • Caching in the cloud.
  • Caching at enterprise scale.

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Caching at Scale with Redis

This is the only primer you need to understand what application caching is, why and when it’s needed, and how to get the best performance from your applications using advanced enterprise application caching techniques.

You’ll also learn about:

  • The role of caching in modern application stack.
  • Horizontal and vertical scaling techniques.
  • Caching in the cloud.
  • Caching at enterprise scale.

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Work Like It’s 2022

In the vast sea of possibilities, our BIRD-Framework is here to guide your way to a successful hybrid work model. The framework lets decision makers plan and structure their hybrid workplace with a hands-on mentality, providing a practical step-by-step guide with examples, tools and useful insights. It can be seen as a handbook for a well thought-through approach to hybrid that can be adapted to the specific circumstances and context of each company.

Download the playbook and get top insights on:

  • Hybrid work vision building
  • Appropriate flexible model choice
  • Company culture and leadership
  • Gamechanger tools and advice
  • ... and much more!

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Humanize Artificial Intelligence for Better Process Automation

Adopt a people-first mindset into your AI and RPA projects.

Intelligent Automation uses uniquely human strengths—like intuition and judgment—and combines them with intelligent tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) to deliver superior organizational outcomes. Easily apply UX/UI templates and connect plus manage popular technology services. Download the eBook to learn more.

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Choosing the Best Data Stack: DataStax Astra DB vs. Amazon DynamoDB

DataStax’s Astra DB is the serverless, fully managed, and cloud-agnostic DBaaS built on Apache Cassandra™ that provides developer freedom through APIs, unparalleled price, and scalable performance. Read this ebook to discover the advantages of Astra DB over DynamoDB:

  • Rich API flexibility means there’s no need for developers to learn any new complex, proprietary APIs for application development.
  • Better price/ performance (throughput and latency) at scale for lower TCO.
  • Infrastructure-agnostic data layer provides flexibility to run on multiple clouds, on-prem data centers, or both in a hybrid fashion.
  • Powered by Astra Streaming, a multi-cloud streaming as a service built on Apache Pulsar, to support real-time data pipelines.
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The Tech Recruiter’s 2022 Handbook: How to Build a Remote Hiring System

The verdict is in: businesses that want to enter 2022 with a competitive edge in the technical hiring market must make remote hiring a core part of their strategy.

In this ebook, we offer actionable guidance around how to build and optimize your modernized, remote hiring process - from interviews to onboarding - that will result in a great candidate experience, improve your acceptance rates, and keep your engineering team happy and productive.

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Introducing Next Generation Automatic Speech Recognition

This white paper seeks to educate companies on use cases for next-gen ASR. You can incorporate it within your business and deliver more value to your end-customers by:

  • Achieve above-average transcription accuracy up to 98.7%
  • Reduce word error rates by up to 52.3%
  • Reduce English dialect errors by over 2x

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Comment L’Intégration De Données Renforce Un Avantage Concurrentiel Dans Un Écosystème Multi-Cloud

Si vous êtes comme près de 80% des entreprises1, vous vous appuyez sur une variété de plates-formes Cloud pour stocker vos données et fournir des fonctions métier essentielles.

L'intégration de données multi-Cloud peut les rassembler afin de fournir les analyses et les informations interentreprises dont votre entreprise a besoin pour battre la concurrence.

Téléchargez l'eBook « Gagner avec le multi-Cloud : Comment obtenir un avantage concurrentiel et relever les défis de l'intégration de données » dans le but de :

  • Comprendre les avantages et les risques liés à l'implémentation d'une stratégie multi-Cloud.
  • Découvrir les défis les plus fréquents liés à l'intégration de données pour la gestion de données multi-Cloud.
  • Découvrir comment une plate-forme d'intégration et de gestion des données adaptée peut vous aider à mettre fin à la division du multi-Cloud et à répondre à vos exigences en matière d'analyse et d'informations.
  • Découvrir comment d'autres entreprises offrent une meilleure expérience client, améliorent leur productivité et alimentent l'automatisation grâce à l'intégration de données Cloud.

1. Étude IDC.

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How Data Integration Boosts a Competitive Edge in a Multi-Cloud Ecosystem

If you’re like nearly 80% of organizations,1 you rely on a variety of cloud platforms to store your data and provide critical business functions.

Multi-cloud data integration can bring them together to provide the cross-organizational analytics and insights your business needs to beat the competition.

Download the “Winning with Multi-Cloud: How to Drive a Competitive Advantage and Overcome Data Integration Challenges” eBook to:

  • Understand the benefits and risks of implementing a multi-cloud strategy.
  • Explore the common data integration challenges for multi-cloud data management.
  • Learn how the right data integration and data management platform can help you bridge the multi-cloud divide and meet your analytics and insights requirements.
  • Discover how other companies are delivering better customer experiences, improving productivity, and powering automation with cloud data integration.

1. IDC study.

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Caching at Scale with Redis

This is the only primer you need to understand what application caching is, why and when it’s needed, and how to get the best performance from your applications using advanced enterprise application caching techniques.

You’ll also learn about:

  • The role of caching in modern application stack.
  • Horizontal and vertical scaling techniques.
  • Caching in the cloud.
  • Caching at enterprise scale.

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Caching at Scale with Redis

This is the only primer you need to understand what application caching is, why and when it’s needed, and how to get the best performance from your applications using advanced enterprise application caching techniques.

You’ll also learn about:

  • The role of caching in modern application stack.
  • Horizontal and vertical scaling techniques.
  • Caching in the cloud.
  • Caching at enterprise scale.

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