Empowering the Digital User

But today, the data center is just one component of the hybrid cloud, an architecture that combines elements of private clouds, public clouds, and on-premise data centers. Enterprises are increasingly choosing this cloud architecture in order to maximize the performance of mission-critical applications, which benefit from the security and reliability of the private cloud and on-premise data centers, as well as the scalability and flexibility of the public cloud. The hybrid cloud helps companies manage the processing of applications from big data to payroll, service mobile and fixed users, and speed content to its consumers.
De IT-infrastructuur die deze online aanwezigheid ondersteunt, verschuift momenteel van traditionele eigen systemen naar Cloud-gebaseerde oplossingen. Cloud providers hebben meer internetbandbreedte dan de meeste bedrijven. Bovendien isoleren ze internet transacties van het bedrijfsnetwerk, en voorkomen overbelasting van routers en switches met data die daar niet nodig is. Daarom is het selecteren van een goede Cloud provider cruciaal.
Increasingly, the IT infrastructure that supports these online business efforts is shifting from traditional on-premises to Cloud-based solutions. Cloud providers have more Internet bandwidth than most businesses, and additionally isolate Internet transactions from the corporate network instead of clogging on-premises routers and switches with data that needn't be there in the first place. As such, selection of a suitable Cloud provider is critical.