Sponsor: Hewlett Packard – CA

See the Big Picture in Big Data

How do some companies leverage big data to know their customers 100% better, design100% better products, improve their operations 100% and pinpoint security risks 100% better ? Take a look at this infographic and get the big picture in big data.
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Think Like a Bad Guy: Understanding Advanced Threats and How to Mitigate Them

When you're a hacker, time is on your side. Time to find a soft spot in your armor, to evade defenses, to seek out your most critical data. Increasingly, today's advanced threats circumvent traditional defenses—even sandboxing. You need a new approach.

This SlashGuide white paper helps you understand advanced threats and how to defend against them. Read it to learn:

• How threats are changing
• Why that requires changing defenses
• The fundamental requirements for an advanced threat appliance
• How HP TippingPoint Advanced Threat Appliance helps neutralize patient zero and minimize the time malware sits on your network

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Capitalize on Big Data in Financial Services

The shift in the data landscape brings an enormous opportunity—but only to enterprises who can harness insight from all their data. This white paper looks at the opportunities and provides real-life examples where by financial services organizations are employing Big Data today. It describes how HP HAVEn, the industry’s leading Big Data platform, can help you securely capture, analyze, and act upon 100 percent of the data available to you.
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Harvest Your Big Data: Transforming CSPs’ Big Data to Knowledge and Revenue

This white paper analyzes the complete value chain that can transform CSPs’ data to knowledge and revenue. It covers the sources of information, the data collection tools, the analytic platforms providing quick data access, and finally the business intelligence use cases with the presentation and visualization of the results and predictions. The HP HAVEn platform brings together everything you need to profit from Big Data. Encompassing hardware, software, services, and business transformation consulting, HAVEn helps organizations make the critical business transformation to connected intelligence and analytics-driven decision making.
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See the Big Picture in Big Data

Security breaches can happen anywhere in an organization, and having the ability to analyze any form of data can give you the edge against fraud, theft, and infiltration by pinpointing abnormal behavior patterns. Read this white paper to learn how HAVEn can help you:

• Perform lightning-fast analysis on lots of structured data
• Derive meaning from unstructured information, including images and voice data

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Building a Better Network Security Strategy

In today's global, always-on world, network security is crucial. Enterprises need to ensure that employees accessing their networks are secure at all times. A comprehensive network security solution needs to include a number of factors, including network reliability, resources for managing the network, network features and functions, and full integration. This Slashdot Pulse offers insight into IT professionals who currently manage network security, giving readers a glimpse into real-word security plans and tactics.
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Network World QuickPulse: SECURITY

A new survey from IDG Research Services tells the story: most organizations lack confidence in the ability of their security defenses to keep them safe. In fact, more than half said 100% security is a pipe dream. This summary by Network World lays out the facts but also presents an approach to detect malware and prevent it from spreading throughout the network. Read the summary to learn:

• How respondents view their security measures
• Why a layered approach to security is now necessary
• How HP TippingPoint Advanced Threat Appliance "detonates" suspicious files or malware in a safe sandbox environment to stop it before it can spread

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Network Security Intelligence Selection Buying Guide

The security industry has thousands of researchers looking for vulnerabilities in the software you use—HP Security Research alone has more than 3000. But how do you apply the security intelligence they develop to the job of protecting your network?

The Activate “Network Security Intelligence Selection Buying Guide" tells you what you need to know about security intelligence. Read it to learn:

<p<• Who finds more Microsoft vulnerabilities than anyone else in the industry
• How next-generation firewalls (NGFW) and next-generation intrusion prevention systems (NGIPS) work
• How HP TippingPoint NGFW and NGIPS combine industry-leading security research with ultra-fast hardware to spot and block cyber attacks

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8 Ways to Better Monitor Network Security Threats in the Age of BYOD

Today's workforce is highly mobile. They don't just work on laptops, they also use smartphones, tablets and other devices, many of which they brought into the enterprise themselves. In addition, these workers don't stay put. While many work from the office, most access corporate networks and data from a variety of locations, including home offices, airports, hotels, and wide area networks, often using any or all of the aforementioned devices. Identifying and managing network security risks in this environment is a non-stop, 24/7 challenge for even the most seasoned IT security professionals.

This white paper offers unique insight and analysis into how network security professionals can better identify, manage, and contain the leading network security risk factors that arise from a mobile, always-on workforce. Read it and learn what you need to better manage and mitigate these network security risks, giving them actionable tips they can put into practice today.

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Ponemon: 2014 Global Report on the Cost of Cyber Crime

Ponemon Institute has completed its fifth year studying the cost of cyber crime to businesses around the world. The 2014 Cost of Cyber Crime Study taps the collective experience of 257 organizations in seven countries. It shows that cyber crime and its associated cost to businesses continues to rise. But there is good news, too. Security defenses and a strong security posture help drive down the losses.

Separate reports exist for each country, and this global summary pulls it together to offer a worldwide view. Read the global report to learn more.

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Enterprise Software Security Strategies Pulse Report

Whether you develop software in-house, outsource development, or customize large commercial applications, you open the door to cyber attacks if your software contains vulnerabilities hackers can exploit. This survey report by Gatepoint Research explores the extent to which IT organizations employ application security testing and remediation solutions.
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Reducing Security risks from Open Source

Open source software is a game-changer in helping development organization herd their application security risks. But they can also introduce risk when employed without adequate precautions. However, by following a few strategies, your organization can gain the full benefits of open source and the cloud without compromising the security of your applications.
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Assuring Application Security: Deploying Code that Keeps Data Safe

“There’s an app for that” has become the mantra of users, developers, and IT alike. The explosion of applications – whether homegrown, developed with outside teams, commercial off-the-shelf, or open source – is clear. But all that code can bring new risks. Unprotected web applications can lead to data leakage, compromised systems, and full-blown breaches. As such, developers, DevOps, and IT must ensure that the applications they create and run do not put the enterprise at risk. Download this Slashguide to learn the value of better testing & security of new apps during deployment & beyond.
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OpenStack® Technology Breaking the Enterprise Barrier

This book explains how cloud computing is a solution to the problems facing data centers today and to highlight the cutting-edge technology (including OpenStack cloud computing) that HP helped bring to the current stage. Once you more fully understand this relatively new technical approach, we believe you too will see that it’s the right choice for the future of cloud computing.

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