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Using ONGAA CAM To Program Wood CNCs

Process change is both difficult and inevitable but it can also be positive and profitable. At the same time, change for ‘no good reason’ is generally negative and expensive. Deciding that a change would be beneficial should be done during a full functional evaluation.

The following ‘Time studies’ are great examples of objectively evaluating software to ‘simplify’ standard procedures in the manufacturing of machined wood components.

These studies show the importance of reviewing processes before and after the ‘intended change’ to ensure process changes are truly beneficial and don’t just ‘move’ the load and costs from one area to another.

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Why You Need ONGAA CAM

ONGAA CAM works much like WoodWOP in that you, as CNC programmer, decide what processes you want to use and what order they should be in. Tool options like feed, speed, approach and tool compensation are entered in ONGAA CAM. Unlike WoodWOP, instead of entering numbers from a drawing or calculator, you simply select the edges (geometry) you would like to reference.

Learning to use ONGAA CAM takes only minutes if you know how to use WoodWOP.

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Using ONGAA CAM To Program Wood CNCs

Process change is both difficult and inevitable but it can also be positive and profitable. At the same time, change for ‘no good reason’ is generally negative and expensive. Deciding that a change would be beneficial should be done during a full functional evaluation.

The following ‘Time studies’ are great examples of objectively evaluating software to ‘simplify’ standard procedures in the manufacturing of machined wood components.

These studies show the importance of reviewing processes before and after the ‘intended change’ to ensure process changes are truly beneficial and don’t just ‘move’ the load and costs from one area to another.

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Why You Need ONGAA CAM

ONGAA CAM works much like WoodWOP in that you, as CNC programmer, decide what processes you want to use and what order they should be in. Tool options like feed, speed, approach and tool compensation are entered in ONGAA CAM. Unlike WoodWOP, instead of entering numbers from a drawing or calculator, you simply select the edges (geometry) you would like to reference.

Learning to use ONGAA CAM takes only minutes if you know how to use WoodWOP.

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