Sponsor: Veeam Software

Top 10 Reasons Enterprises Choose Veeam

There are a lot of decisions to be made in today’s modern data center. One key decision is how to ensure availability for the data center. The Always-On Business™ is powered by the data center, and everything supporting it is strategic to the business. This white paper will outline key decision points that enterprise organizations have looked at when deciding to build their availability strategy with Veeam® Availability Suite™.
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Sauvegarde de VMs : Veeam et les outils de sauvegarde traditionnelle

Les outils de sauvegarde traditionnelle ne répondent plus aux besoins de continuité d’activité (Always-On Business™) d'aujourd'hui. En utilisant les outils conçus pour les sauvegardes physiques cela peut prendre des heures voir même parfois des jours pour sauvegarder vos données et applications et cela ne vous permet pas d’atteindre vos objectifs de temps de récupération (RTO) et de point de restauration (RPO). Veeam® Backup & Replication™ assure la disponibilité du Data Center moderne™ en aidant les organisations à atteindre des objectifs de temps et de point de restauration (RTPO ™) de moins de 15 minutes pour toutes les applications et les données.
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VM-Backup: Veeam vs. herkömmliche Backup-Tools

Herkömmliche Backup-Tools werden den heutigen Anforderungen an das Always-On Business™ nicht gerecht. Sie wurden für physische Backups entwickelt und brauchen oft Stunden oder sogar Tage, um Vorgaben für Wiederherstellungszeiten (Recovery Time Objectives, RTOs) und Wiederherstellungspunkte (Recovery Point Objectives, RPOs) zu erfüllen. Veeam® Backup & Replication™ unterstützt Unternehmen unter dem Motto Availability for the Modern Data Center™ dabei, Vorgaben für Wiederherstellungszeiten und -punkte (RTPO™) von weniger als 15 Minuten für ALLE Anwendungen und Daten zu realisieren.
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Hyper-V Backup and Storage Best Practices

Although nearly every enterprise backup application being sold today supports virtualization, software support alone is not enough. The key to creating reliable backups of your virtualization infrastructure is to adhere to the established best practices for backing up your hypervisor. This paper discusses some best practices for Hyper-V backups.
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Cinq meilleures pratiques pour les administrateurs VMware : Microsoft Exchange sur Vmware

Par le passé, Microsoft interdisait expressément d'exécuter Microsoft Exchange dans des environnements virtuels, en raison des moyens inconnus par lesquels l'environnement basé sur un hyperviseur peut nuire au bon fonctionnement d'Exchange. Mais cette époque est révolue. Exchange est désormais pleinement pris en charge en tant qu'application de premier plan dans un environnement virtuel.
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Sauvegarde de VMs : Veeam et les outils de sauvegarde traditionnelle

Veeam® Backup Replication™ n’est pas la seule manière de sauvegarder votre datacenter moderne… mais c’est la meilleure manière de le faire.

Alors que de nombreux outils de sauvegarde traditionnelle peuvent désormais effectuer des sauvegardes en mode image de machines virtuelles (VMs), seul Veeam tire pleinement parti de l’environnement virtualisé pour réduire les coûts et augmenter la rentabilité de la sauvegarde – et pas juste un peu, mais beaucoup.

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VM Backup: Veeam vs. Legacy Backup Tools

Veeam® Backup & Replication™ isn’t the only way to back up your Modern Data Center™…but it is the best way.

While many legacy backup tools can now perform image-based backups of virtual machines (VMs), only Veeam fully leverages the virtual environment to reduce the cost and increase the value of backup—not just a little, but a lot.

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Top 10 Reasons Enterprises Choose Veeam

There are a lot of decisions to be made in today’s modern data center. One key decision is how to ensure availability for the data center. The Always-On Business™ is powered by the data center, and everything supporting it is strategic to the business. This white paper will outline key decision points that enterprise organizations have looked at when deciding to build their availability strategy with Veeam® Availability Suite™.
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Virtual Backup Strategies: Using Storage Snapshots for Backups

Effective data protection is a mandatory element in the modern IT environment. Historically, backup strategies were confined to the last few chapters in an administrator’s manual and treated like an afterthought. Now they sit firmly at the forefront of every CIO’s mind. The ability to continue business operations after a system failure and the need to fulfill stringent compliance requirements have made backup a necessity—not only for business continuity, but also for business survival. The question organizations need to ask about data protection is not whether to backup their data, but how to backup their data.
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Veeam Data Center Availability Report 2014

The Veeam Data Center Availability Report 2014 investigates the increasing demands organizations face to provide an ‘Always-On Business’, what actions they are taking to meet those demands, and how successful their actions are. Following on from previous Veeam Data Protection Reports, this report investigates whether existing solutions can provide the always-on availability that businesses demand in the 21st Century.
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Veeam Data Center: The Challenge of The Always-On Business

The Veeam Data Center Availability Report 2014 investigates the increasing demands organizations face to provide an ‘Always-On Business’, what actions they are taking to meet those demands, and how successful their actions are. Following on from previous Veeam Data Protection Reports, this report investigates whether existing solutions can provide the always-on availability that businesses demand in the 21st Century.
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Virtual Backup Strategies: Using Storage Snapshots for Backups

Effective data protection is a mandatory element in the modern IT environment. Historically, backup strategies were confined to the last few chapters in an administrator’s manual and treated like an afterthought. Now they sit firmly at the forefront of every CIO’s mind. The ability to continue business operations after a system failure and the need to fulfil stringent compliance requirements have made backup a necessity—not only for business continuity, but also for business survival. The question organizations need to ask about data protection is not whether to backup their data, but how to backup their data.
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