Executive checklist: Modernize your SAP environment

SAP HANA® and SAP S/4HANA® migration present an opportunity to modernize and realign your IT infrastructure with business needs. Together, Red Hat and Amazon Web Services (AWS) deliver a proven, easy-to-deploy foundation for SAP HANA that improves datacenter innovation, efficiency, and agility. In this checklist, learn questions to consider when planning your migration.

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Eliminate Friction in Design Collaboration

Traditional tools of the engineering trade don’t accommodate today’s need for cross-team collaboration. From using different mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD) applications to working on projects with stakeholders located all over the world, engineers have to overcome various obstacles to get the job done. Learn how technology can help streamline communications and collaboration, ultimately setting up your team for success.

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Cosine Additive

When he co-founded Cosine Additive Inc. to design a 3D printer that could be economically competitive with traditional manufacturing methods, CTO Andrew McCalip had one design platform in mind. “I’ve always preferred SOLIDWORKS because it’s the most modern package and supports an intuitive, common-sense approach to design,” he says. Learn more. Read the case study.

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The How-To Guide for Changing CAD Tools

When competing in today’s global economy, investments in the design process can help companies quickly develop high-quality, innovative products more economically—helping them stand out from the competition. This white paper explores what is driving companies to change CAD tools and what successful companies are looking for when purchasing a new CAD tool.

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Joy of Data: Powerful Use Cases for Customer Data

Hey, all you Marketing, Analytics and Data Chefs! Welcome to The Joy of Data, a new kind of cookbook!

This ebook is full of delightful data recipes that showcase what ingredients go into baking solid customer loyalty and retention programs, whipping up powerful and personalized messaging, cooking up sophisticated advertising strategies and rolling them all up with predictive insights to create joyful experiences for your customers (what a joyful mouthful)!

Let’s roll up our sleeves, tie on our digital aprons and get our tech stack utensils organized to start cooking up some experience goodness together.

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Joy of Data: Powerful Use Cases for Customer Data

Hey, all you Marketing, Analytics and Data Chefs! Welcome to The Joy of Data, a new kind of cookbook!

This ebook is full of delightful data recipes that showcase what ingredients go into baking solid customer loyalty and retention programs, whipping up powerful and personalized messaging, cooking up sophisticated advertising strategies and rolling them all up with predictive insights to create joyful experiences for your customers (what a joyful mouthful)!

Let’s roll up our sleeves, tie on our digital aprons and get our tech stack utensils organized to start cooking up some experience goodness together.

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Joy of Data: Powerful Use Cases for Customer Data

Hey, all you Marketing, Analytics and Data Chefs! Welcome to The Joy of Data, a new kind of cookbook!

This ebook is full of delightful data recipes that showcase what ingredients go into baking solid customer loyalty and retention programs, whipping up powerful and personalized messaging, cooking up sophisticated advertising strategies and rolling them all up with predictive insights to create joyful experiences for your customers (what a joyful mouthful)!

Let’s roll up our sleeves, tie on our digital aprons and get our tech stack utensils organized to start cooking up some experience goodness together.

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Joy of Data: Powerful Use Cases for Customer Data

Hey, all you Marketing, Analytics and Data Chefs! Welcome to The Joy of Data, a new kind of cookbook!

This ebook is full of delightful data recipes that showcase what ingredients go into baking solid customer loyalty and retention programs, whipping up powerful and personalized messaging, cooking up sophisticated advertising strategies and rolling them all up with predictive insights to create joyful experiences for your customers (what a joyful mouthful)!

Let’s roll up our sleeves, tie on our digital aprons and get our tech stack utensils organized to start cooking up some experience goodness together.

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Reevaluating Digital Transformation During Covid-19

2020 is a year that’s caused seismic shifts in how global executives run their businesses and envision their growth strategies for the future. Disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic are at the heart of what’s prompting business leaders to make fundamental changes to internal operations, as executives continue digitization and automation strategies that were underway prior to the outbreak of the pandemic.

In this Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, learn about the impact Covid-19 has had on digital transformation efforts, and how the true leaders in digital transformation are investing in resiliency and agility to stay ahead.

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Drive Business Success with a Dual-Track Approach to Transformation

Digital transformation has become the watchword—or, some would say, buzzword—in corporate suites for much of the past decade. The drive to leverage digital capabilities comes as operational agility is seen as the answer for innovating new business models and serving rapidly shifting customer demands.

Research by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services explores why IT leaders are embracing dual-track transformation, the impacts on their businesses, and how they are implementing rapid-cycle innovation to support this strategy.

In this report, learn about the data that reflects input from over 400 IT leaders, and why it’s never been more important for organizations to get more out of their technology and people and build the solutions they need that connect their data and systems.

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Governance Model for a Culture of Innovation: A Playbook for Centers of Excellence

In this age of agility, businesses must operate under more pressure than ever before – competing with cloud-native companies, addressing increasing customer demands, and responding to market volatility at a global scale.

Companies know that they must pursue digital transformation as a priority but have to re-think traditional transformation strategies or risk falling behind. To ensure that your organizational culture is ready to take on these key digital transformation efforts, and become a more flexible and adaptable business, organizations can take steps to improve their culture from the top and throughout the organization.

In this eBook with Quick Base, learn more about the governance model that is supported by a Center of Excellence, and ensure that your systems and processes will be successful for your business to remain resilient for the long-term.

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From Frustrated to Automated

If you’re like most people with a job at the front lines of the business, you’re likely spending at least part of each day searching for data or manually compiling it from across your organization’s core systems.

Despite how frustrating it is, many professionals have grown so used to this situation that they’ve just accepted it as the status quo. Luckily, there is a better, faster, and easier way to simplify, collect, share, and report on data needed on a recurring basis.

In this Quick Base eBook guide, learn about the five steps of process automation and data consolidation, and how it can enable you to automate processes and workflows, compile reports that save time, deliver real-time insights, lower risks, and ultimately advance the success and competitiveness of the business.

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