Reducing downtime for SAP HANA

With more than 20 years of joint innovation, Red Hat and SAP tailor solutions for the needs of business-critical applications.The combination of SAP® HANA® System Replication and RedHat® Enterprise Linux® for SAP Solutions enhances the ability to operate SAP HANA landscapes with less downtime, helping organizations avoid business disruption, lost revenue, and reputation damage.
Read this overview to learn more.

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How Small Businesses Overcome Email and Security Challenges

Like larger firms and enterprises, smaller organizations face enormous problems in managing email and web security threats. However, smaller organizations are at a decided disadvantage when attempting to manage security using on-premises solutions because they lack the same economies of scale enjoyed by their larger counterparts.

In this white paper by Osterman Research and Mimecast, learn how smaller organizations can address these security inadequacies by integrating their email and web security capabilities using the cloud as the delivery model.

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25 things every business should automate

Marketing automation is everywhere in your inbox. Across industries, automation has become a key to success: Nearly 80 percent of top-performing companies have used marketing automation for more than two years.

But automation isn’t reserved for big corporations. Small companies, too, can incorporate automation in every aspect of business: from capturing leads to closing sales to serving customers to checking routine office tasks off the to-do list.

In this guide, you’ll learn about 25 things every small business should—and can—automate, and how automating processes is easier than you might think.

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Get paid faster and improve your cash flow

You just provided your client with your product or service, and now it’s time to get paid. Should be pretty straightforward, right?

But that’s not always the case. You’re probably all too familiar with clients who don’t pay right away or forget to pay and don’t pay until you’ve sent them a couple past due reminders.

Luckily, more and more options that can help you streamline your payment process are becoming available—from stand-alone tools like mobile credit card readers to fully integrated cloud- based solutions.

In this whitepaper, learn how Keap Payments can help you get paid quickly, save time and money, and reduce stress.

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Cyber Resilience ThinkTank: Transforming the SOC

When you think of a security operations center (SOC), what comes to mind? Is it an organized team of security analysts and engineers who detect, analyze, and respond to incidents, always working in lockstep with business managers to execute on the security strategy? Or, is it a few analysts who spend their days reactively responding to unprioritized security issues with a variety of point tools at their fingertips?

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Protecting the User: A Review of Mimecast’s Web Security Service

The Mimecast Web Security service helps keep organizations and employees safe on the web by blocking access to malicious sites, allowing the enforcement of acceptable web use policies and mitigating shadow IT risks through uncontrolled cloud app use.

Download this in-depth review by the SANS Institute to:

  • See how detailed reporting and dashboards provide visibility into all web requests
  • Learn more about the capabilities and policies available to control access to websites and cloud apps
  • Understand the value of the integration with Mimecast Secure Email Gateway with Targeted Threat Protection
  • Appreciate ease and speed of setup, configuration and ongoing management of the service

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Beyond the Perimeter: The Need for Pervasive Email Security

Many organizations are coming up short when protecting against modern email threats. A more comprehensive email security solution is needed, one that protects at the perimeter, inside the network and the organization, and beyond the perimeter. Mimecast's Email Security 3.0 strategy can help. Get the full report!

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Prevent Fraud And Phishing Attacks With DMARC

Despite the many security technologies and education in place, phishing and business email compromise remain two of the biggest threats for organizations everywhere. Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication protocol that verifies legitimate senders and prevents malicious emails or unverified sources from ever reaching the workforce’s inbox. In this report, you will learn what DMARC is, how it works, and how S&R leaders implement it today. Get the full report!

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Frost & Sullivan: The Security Challenge Beyond Your Perimeter

The accuracy and speed of response are critical when it comes to protecting your brand equity, digital trust in your brand, and your sensitive data during and after digital transformation initiatives. However, budget constraints also require a solution to be cost-effective. Leveraging a managed digital risk protection service is a best practice more enterprises are using to reduce attacks outside their network perimeter.

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How to help prevent increasingly rampant brand exploitation

Brands have been the unwitting victims of scams since time immemorial. Now, in the age of phishing, it’s worse than ever. Sophisticated brand exploitation lures have been used to kick off some of the world’s most devastating cyberattacks. Many organizations think they’re helpless to do anything about it. But with a combination of DMARC records, AI-based advanced brand protection systems, threat intelligence sharing and improved user awareness, brand owners can effectively combat even the most nefarious fraudsters.

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Danger within: email and security awareness training strategies for effective account takeover protection

Malicious actors use phishing, social engineering and brand impersonation techniques to steal login credentials and compromise email accounts, creating serious risks of data breach and financial fraud.

Meanwhile, the rapid growth of cloud services, notably collaboration suites Microsoft 365 and G Suite, is fundamentally changing the organizational attack surface, creating challenges for traditional defensive strategies.

This whitepaper explores the account takeover threat in detail and suggests a comprehensive email security strategy to address both the human and technical risk areas.

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