Transforming Software Testing Through Automation

"Test your code as you write it.” That’s a common mantra heard in many development teams today. However, for too many, that practice remains a lofty goal as opposed to a business reality. They lack the appropriate metrics and processes to make and measure progress and often underestimate the effort required to manage the cultural change. In this paper you will learn how Coverity:

• Reduced the amount of time for hardening minor releases from 2 weeks to 3 days

• Reduced the number of manual testing days from 17 to 4

• Increased the number of automated tests from 0 to almost 3,500

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Fixing XSS

This guide exposes the most common remediations to use when developing a web application in order to fix XSS. Discover the 13 common locations where dynamic data can appear in a web page.
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PCI Compliance Starts at the Source

As compliance and software security become more intertwined, software security is being driven by compliance needs. This paper outlines the PCI DSS requirements around application security and how they can be effectively addressed with Coverity Development Testing to realize time, resource and process efficiencies.
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The Great Security Divide

How do you get your development team to collaborate with you to achieve more secure software? Learn some of the common pitfalls to avoid as you work on building a long term, more strategic relationship with development.
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The Great Security Divide

How do you get your development team to collaborate with you to achieve more secure software? Learn some of the common pitfalls to avoid as you work on building a long term, more strategic relationship with development.
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PCI Compliance Starts at the Source

As compliance and software security become more intertwined, software security is being driven by compliance needs. This paper outlines the PCI DSS requirements around application security and how they can be effectively addressed with Coverity Development Testing to realize time, resource and process efficiencies.
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Fixing XSS

This guide exposes the most common remediations to use when developing a web application in order to fix XSS. Discover the 13 common locations where dynamic data can appear in a web page.
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Future Risks: Be Prepared

Special Report on Mitigation Strategies for Advanced Threats.

Cybersecurity is not a numbers game. When it only takes a single breach to inflict serious damage on your business, defending against the majority of attacks isn’t enough.

Kaspersky Lab recommends focusing on prevention and mitigation of advanced threats. Our Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) wants to help with that effort.
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Rethinking Security: Fighting Known, Unknown, and Advanced Threats

Cyberattacks can be the downfall of an organization’s reputation. News headlines are filled with stories of major corporate data breaches across all industries. Hopefully, your organization has been spared this type of unwanted media attention.

To effectively navigate the increasingly sophisticated and complex threat landscape and keep your organization out of these kinds of news stories, you need a multi-layered, comprehensive IT security approach for detection, protection, and remediation of today’s cyberattacks.
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Infographic: WAFS vs. Traditional File Replication Tools

Efficiently transmitting mission critical modeling and design files between multiple teams in worldwide offices is instrumental to today's architecture, construction and engineering professionals. But as projects span across a smarter set of secure exchange tools are required to bridge the gap.
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The Accidental Trojan Horse

Today’s workforce expects instant access to information, and the ability to send and receive data at the press of a button. When corporate technology and tools are too difficult and cumbersome to use, employees will find a workaround.

Most often, that workaround is a consumer-grade file-sharing tool that they are used to using at home, such as personal email, consumer file-sharing sites, portable storage devices, and cloud storage services, all of which present unique and significant security and compliance risks to organizations.

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Distributing Confidential Documents

Workspaces is the answer! Workspaces is a feature of EFT that allows employees to invite people inside and outside of their network to share folders and their content without IT losing governance, visibility, or control.

• Employees are given a tool that fulfills their online file sharing needs that they have become used to, in a way that conforms to corporate policy.

• IT staff can deny access to cloud-based file sharing services within their organization without interrupting workflow.

• IT staff retain the ability to delegate permissions, add/delete users, and manage shared folders.

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Secure the Transfer of Sensitive Emails

The media frequently publishes stories about data breaches in which usernames, passwords, and email addresses are stolen. Rarely do they mention the fact that if your username, password, and email address are stolen, the criminals also have access to your email content. Even without a data breach, when an email is transferred to a server outside of your control, the owner of that server can view the email content.
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