Become a high-growth manufacturer

High-growth companies are powered by people who understand what it takes to get set for growth—individuals with the vision and drive to take their business to the next level. We call these people the Grow Getters.

Grow Getters know what growth looks like for their business and how to achieve it. They invest where it counts and have an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that gives them the essential visibility and agility needed to act for growth.

Discover the 10 characteristics that set the Grow Getters apart from their competitors…

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Five Steps for Uncovering Data at Risk for GDPR

Enacted in April 2016, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been called the most important change in data privacy regulation in decades. Now, it’s sweeping regulations are being enforced by the EU.

GDPR introduces a fundamental change in the relationship between businesses of all sizes and personal data regarding EU citizens that is collected and stored regardless of where your business – or data- is maintained. And, GDPR isn’t just an IT problem. It impacts risk, privacy, security and compliance teams, all of whom may be audited.

Want to get started with GDPR assessment? IBM Security Guardium Analyzer is a purpose-built, SaaS-based tool that can help with all of the above. Available in the IBM Cloud, Guardium Analyzer scans your data – on-premises or cloud– and its next generation classification engine delivers efficient scans that produces a visual guide prioritizing which data might be at risk. Guardium Analyzer shows you the potential vulnerabilities tied to the databases scanned as well as which sensitive data that you need to protect and begin the remediation process.

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Five Steps for Uncovering Data at Risk for GDPR

Enacted in April 2016, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been called the most important change in data privacy regulation in decades. Now, it’s sweeping regulations are being enforced by the EU.

GDPR introduces a fundamental change in the relationship between businesses of all sizes and personal data regarding EU citizens that is collected and stored regardless of where your business – or data- is maintained. And, GDPR isn’t just an IT problem. It impacts risk, privacy, security and compliance teams, all of whom may be audited.

Want to get started with GDPR assessment? IBM Security Guardium Analyzer is a purpose-built, SaaS-based tool that can help with all of the above. Available in the IBM Cloud, Guardium Analyzer scans your data – on-premises or cloud– and its next generation classification engine delivers efficient scans that produces a visual guide prioritizing which data might be at risk. Guardium Analyzer shows you the potential vulnerabilities tied to the databases scanned as well as which sensitive data that you need to protect and begin the remediation process.

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Live Webinar! Going Evergreen: How a Subscription to Innovation Delivers Unbeatable Storage

Join us on June 14th, 2018 at 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)!

Buying storage once and upgrading it as needed, all without disruption or rebuying TBs you already own, may sound like a dream. But Pure Storage's Evergreen™ Storage has been delivering this reality to customers for years. In this live webinar, you’ll learn how a cloud-like approach to on-premises storage enables organizations to subscribe to a storage experience that keeps getting better with age. Pure Storage Product Marketing Manager, Kevin Rickson, will guide you through the basics of Pure's Evergreen Subscriptions, what's new, and how Evergreen can save any organization 30% and more over traditional storage.

Click to register for our live webinar on June 14th and obtain a bonus IDC white paper on why Evergreen Storage is changing the rules for how customers buy and modernize their storage.

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GDPR Impact Series 2018

2018 sees the long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enter into enforcement starting May 25th. It is a once-in-a-lifetime change to the legal basis on which individuals share their data with organizations.

Research company DataIQ recently examined how consumers expect their data to be used and whether they intend to exercise their new rights, as well as into what organizations intend to do to bring their data-driven practices into line with the Regulations. Download the report now to:

  • Understand the consumer perspective on data collection, consent, context, and control
  • Learn key strategies for the business/marketer’s processes, top opportunities, and challenges in adjusting to the new Regulation
  • Identify any mis-alignments between the two sides’ views of the data exchange and their root causes

Whether you view data as the new oil or as the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution, its relevance in today’s world is hard to deny. By laying the groundwork now, businesses will be able to embrace the opportunities presented by GDPR, and this research takes us one step closer to a more comprehensive understanding of how to truly put the customer and their expectations at the center of everything a brand does.

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Why the Universal Data Hub?

Today’s business leaders are faced with an increasingly fractured vendor landscape leading to operational inefficiency, siloed teams, loss of consumer trust and legal risk and, worst of all, a disjointed customer experience. In a market where companies largely differentiate and scale on customer experience, this makes data strategy a vital component of organizational health.

Download our Universal Data Hub white paper to learn:

  • The 4 Core Problems Created by the MarTech Explosion – The gaps between marketing technologies and the data they leverage, left unaddressed, spread throughout an organization
  • What is a Universal Data Hub? And What are Its Key Tenets? – What it is and what should you look for when considering a centralized platform for your digital marketing stack
  • Functionality Checklist for a Universal Approach to Data – The key functionalities you need to consider and evaluate when implementing a universal data strategy

The data foundation you establish will not only allow for more effective and lucrative marketing now, but is a critical step to delivering on the value of all data sources in the future that are exploding with the advent of mobile, IoT, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Companies that take a universal approach to data will immediately fill organizational and customer experience gaps, while laying the data infrastructure critical to competing in the future. Download our white paper today to get started.

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Customer Data Platforms: How They Work, What They Solve & Why Everyone Needs To Use One

Today’s customers have been trained by Amazon, Netflix, Spotify and many others to expect personalized experiences and have little tolerance for firms that do it poorly. Quality data is needed to fuel the technologies that power personalization, but assembling that quality data can be hard.

Enter the Customer Data Platform (CDP). As defined by the Customer Data Platform Institute, a CDP is a marketer-managed system that builds a unified and persistent customer database that is accessible to other systems. While they are promising to be faster, easier, cheaper and more flexible than previous solutions – even the most savviest of martech professionals aren’t fully understanding their benefits, capabilities and integration abilities.

View this report today to learn the:

  • 3 main functions of a CDP
  • 8 advantages of using a CDP to assemble customer data
  • 8 common questions about CDPs and their answers
  • Key ways to select and budget for a CDP and more!

Download a copy of the CDP Institute’s report, “Customer Data Platforms: How They Work, What They Solve & Why Everyone Needs to Use One” today.

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GDPR Impact Series 2018

2018 sees the long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enter into enforcement starting May 25th. It is a once-in-a-lifetime change to the legal basis on which individuals share their data with organizations.

Research company DataIQ recently examined how consumers expect their data to be used and whether they intend to exercise their new rights, as well as into what organizations intend to do to bring their data-driven practices into line with the Regulations. Download the report now to:

  • Understand the consumer perspective on data collection, consent, context, and control
  • Learn key strategies for the business/marketer’s processes, top opportunities, and challenges in adjusting to the new Regulation
  • Identify any mis-alignments between the two sides’ views of the data exchange and their root causes

Whether you view data as the new oil or as the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution, its relevance in today’s world is hard to deny. By laying the groundwork now, businesses will be able to embrace the opportunities presented by GDPR, and this research takes us one step closer to a more comprehensive understanding of how to truly put the customer and their expectations at the center of everything a brand does.

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Why the Universal Data Hub?

Today’s business leaders are faced with an increasingly fractured vendor landscape leading to operational inefficiency, siloed teams, loss of consumer trust and legal risk and, worst of all, a disjointed customer experience. In a market where companies largely differentiate and scale on customer experience, this makes data strategy a vital component of organizational health.

Download our Universal Data Hub white paper to learn:

  • The 4 Core Problems Created by the MarTech Explosion – The gaps between marketing technologies and the data they leverage, left unaddressed, spread throughout an organization
  • What is a Universal Data Hub? And What are Its Key Tenets? – What it is and what should you look for when considering a centralized platform for your digital marketing stack
  • Functionality Checklist for a Universal Approach to Data – The key functionalities you need to consider and evaluate when implementing a universal data strategy

The data foundation you establish will not only allow for more effective and lucrative marketing now, but is a critical step to delivering on the value of all data sources in the future that are exploding with the advent of mobile, IoT, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Companies that take a universal approach to data will immediately fill organizational and customer experience gaps, while laying the data infrastructure critical to competing in the future. Download our white paper today to get started.

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9 Hyperion Myths That Are Making You Less Effective

The tools in Oracle's Hyperion suite of software products for enterprise performance management (EPM) and business intelligence (BI) are among the most powerful and effective applications available to corporate environments. However, it's also true that with the great power of Hyperion comes great responsibility -- which many organizations struggle with.

EPM systems like Hyperion are mission-critical, but they can be complicated and mercurial to manage. If you're a Hyperion administrator, manager or even a finance director, you're almost certainly well familiar with crashes, bugs, and performance issues, and you know that they can delay reporting and take hours or even days to fix.

This white paper has aimed to bust some of the biggest myths surrounding Oracle Hyperion performance management. When you have the right tools at your disposal, the idea that Hyperion performance management is difficult, time-consuming and expensive isn’t just incorrect, it’s holding your business back.

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Cut Costs and Improve ROI: Turn Hyperion EPM Pain into Business Gain

These days, data is one of an organization's most valuable currencies. Of course, the more companies come to rely on accurate, up-to-date data, the more painful it becomes when they start to have problems with data analysis and reporting. These pain points can come in many forms, including missing and inaccurate data, late reports, and overlooked insights.

In far too many cases, these challenges are a result of problems with the Oracle Hyperion enterprise performance management (EPM) software suite. Although Hyperion has incredible advantages, it can also suck up valuable time and effort. As a result, even the most well-intentioned companies are distracted from focusing on their core revenue-generating business initiatives.

The good news is that organizations don't have to live with chronic Hyperion pain. By joining forces with a skilled partner who has extensive knowledge of and experience with Oracle applications, and the resources to provide a complete view of the inner workings of the Hyperion engine, companies can cut costs, become more efficient, and liberate their employees to work on higher-level core activities.

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Webcast: Splunk at Scale

As Big Data Analytics become mainstream, an increasing problem Splunk users see is how to scale infrastructure to handle exponential data growth and query workload. GTRI, the most credentialed Splunk partner globally, has teamed with flash storage pioneer Pure Storage to deliver a recipe for scaling Splunk infrastructure. Attendees will learn: - How to scale Splunk infrastructure without adding infrastructure management - When to make the move from direct-attached storage to all-flash SAN infrastructure - Why customers are saying “there is no cold data in analytics"


  • Scott DeMoss, Solution Architect, GTRI
  • Somu Rajarathinam, Solution Architect, Pure Storage
  • Radha Mangha, Solution Architect, Pure Storage
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Navigating the Complexity of Big Data Transformation

Big data is here and taking enterprises by storm. Companies across industries recognize that drawing insights from the myriad sources of data is a critical imperative to win, serve, and retain customers. Unfortunately, access to data does not immediately equal access to insights. Bridging that gap requires large-scale technology and process changes, including modernization of legacy systems and the adoption of platforms that connect data storage systems to systems of insight.

In February 2017, Rackspace and Intel commissioned Forrester Consulting to examine how organizations are working to derive business value from big data. The research supporting this paper explores the impact of cloud adoption and the modernization of legacy architectures, databases, and applications as enterprise organizations work to become more agile.

For this research, Forrester conducted a quantitative online survey across 314 senior corporate managers, IT managers, and senior data analytics leaders involved in big data decisions and strategies from the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and the Nordic Region. In addition, we conducted six in-depth, qualitative interviews.

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Navigating the Complexity of Big Data Transformation

Big data is here and taking enterprises by storm. Companies across industries recognize that drawing insights from the myriad sources of data is a critical imperative to win, serve, and retain customers. Unfortunately, access to data does not immediately equal access to insights. Bridging that gap requires large-scale technology and process changes, including modernization of legacy systems and the adoption of platforms that connect data storage systems to systems of insight.

In February 2017, Rackspace and Intel commissioned Forrester Consulting to examine how organizations are working to derive business value from big data. The research supporting this paper explores the impact of cloud adoption and the modernization of legacy architectures, databases, and applications as enterprise organizations work to become more agile.

For this research, Forrester conducted a quantitative online survey across 314 senior corporate managers, IT managers, and senior data analytics leaders involved in big data decisions and strategies from the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and the Nordic Region. In addition, we conducted six in-depth, qualitative interviews.

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Navigating the Complexity of Big Data Transformation

Big data is here and taking enterprises by storm. Companies across industries recognize that drawing insights from the myriad sources of data is a critical imperative to win, serve, and retain customers. Unfortunately, access to data does not immediately equal access to insights. Bridging that gap requires large-scale technology and process changes, including modernization of legacy systems and the adoption of platforms that connect data storage systems to systems of insight.

In February 2017, Rackspace and Intel commissioned Forrester Consulting to examine how organizations are working to derive business value from big data. The research supporting this paper explores the impact of cloud adoption and the modernization of legacy architectures, databases, and applications as enterprise organizations work to become more agile.

For this research, Forrester conducted a quantitative online survey across 314 senior corporate managers, IT managers, and senior data analytics leaders involved in big data decisions and strategies from the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and the Nordic Region. In addition, we conducted six in-depth, qualitative interviews.

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