Guidelines for Choosing a Business Intelligence Vendor

Implementing a Business Intelligence (BI) solution leads to dramatic operational improvements and benefits that far outweigh the investments in time, money, and personnel necessary to select, deploy, and maintain such an application. Unfortunately, far too many BI deployments fail to reach their anticipated potential, and prove to be a disappointment to both management and users. In this paper, we depict a series of the most common BI obstacles, and illustrate how to avoid many of these pitfalls.
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Beat the 3 “Vs” with Real-Time, In-Memory Technology

Companies today are struggling with how to deal the 3 "Vs" of their data. They must manage and use vastly larger volumes of data. They must incorporate a greater variety of data types such as that produced by social media and smart devices. And they must handle the velocity of today's data gathering, processing and analyzing fast-changing data in real time. In-memory technology has increasingly become the way to address the challenges of data's 3Vs and achieve business success.

A recent survey by Slashdot Media asked more than 500 IT and business managers four key questions concerning real-time, in-memory technology to support business analytics/intelligence objectives.

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Big Data and Business Intelligence: Organizations Hunt Actionable Insights to Improve Business Ops

In the past few years Big Data has grown quickly, from fringe topic to a top concern of CIOs and business leaders. No surprise; organizations of all sizes are drowning in ever-growing pools of data, desperate to put it to good use.

To better understand the challenges, opportunities and practices related to Big Data, Slashdot Media recently conducted a survey of 500 IT and business leaders, with a special focus on the role of business intelligence (BI) and business analytics (BA).

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Why IBM Operational Decision Management?

By using IBM Operational Decision Management (IBM ODM) software for implementing decision logic, you can realize a major advancement in bridging the gap between business people and IT. The solution provides capabilities for the line-of-business to define policies in a form that is both understandable by the non-technical user and deployable to the systems that use them to automate decisions, facilitating clear communication between the policy managers defining the requirements and the developers implementing the business system solution.
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Register Now!! Learn how to get big results from your big data

Register now for "Business Analytics in the Era of Big Data" free-to-attend virtual event by IBM on June 11. Discover how the latest in IBM Analytics solutions can empower you to:
  • Spend less time organizing data and more time extracting real meaning
  • Improve decision-making in your job function
  • Drive fact-based actions for better business results
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Learn how to get big results from your big data

Register now for "Business Analytics in the Era of Big Data" free-to-attend virtual event by IBM on June 11. Discover how the latest in IBM Analytics solutions can empower you to:
  • Spend less time organizing data and more time extracting real meaning
  • Improve decision-making in your job function
  • Drive fact-based actions for better business results
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Business Intelligence: A Guide For Midsize Companies

You've heard the term "business intelligence" and know that large companies are using it to obtain a competitive advantage. But right now, your company's primary analysis tool is a spreadsheet. Isn't it time your analysis capabilities graduated from spreadsheets to more powerful tools as well? This paper from SAP offers guidance on how business intelligence can give your company a competitive edge.
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Improving Performance by Making the Future More Visible

In this report, Ventana Research identifies attitudes toward and utilization of predictive analytics. The research was designed to investigate practices and needs of individuals and organizations and the potential benefits from improving their existing processes, information, and systems.
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Reaping the Benefits of Next Generation Dashboards

The need for timely and succinct business intelligence (BI) continues to grow as executives demand critical information to seize opportunities faster than competitors and to address potential problems in the making. This white paper explores how organizations are looking to the next generation of BI dashboards solve these challenges.
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Improve Performance, Availability and Affordability in the Era of Big Data

Organizations around the world continue to see massive data growth in OLTP, analytics and data warehousing systems. At the same time, business users require new applications to be deployed faster and cheaper, have high availability, and provide excellent performance. Can your IT ecosystem continue to excel while embracing this growth and meeting user needs? Learn how to overcome today's data management challenges with innovative database software designed for the new era of big data.
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The Risks of Using Spreadsheets for Statistical Analysis

Spreadsheets are widely used for statistical analysis; and while they are incredibly useful tools, they are useful only to a certain point. When used for a task they're not designed to perform, or for a task at or beyond the limit of their capabilities, spreadsheets can actually be dangerous. This paper presents some points you should consider if you use, or plan to use, a spreadsheet to perform statistical analysis. It also describes an alternative that in many cases will be more suitable.
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Five Limitations of Spreadsheet Analysis

If you're looking for an alternative to using spreadsheets, take a few minutes to check out our game, The Limitations of Spreadsheet Analysis. You will find out how easy it is to carry out your analytical tasks with IBM SPSS Statistics...and have fun doing it!
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