The Value of Connectivity

Everywhere you turn there’s another thought leader or business strategist talking about the importance of digital transformation. In an IT survey conducted by MuleSoft, more than two-thirds of IT decision makers (ITDMs) said they were undertaking digital transformation initiatives.

One of the key factors to achieving digital transformation is organizational agility. In this whitepaper we will discuss the measurable and quantifiable benchmarks to achieving greater agility and show how, by implementing an application network, companies in numerous industries were able to meet and, in many cases, exceed those benchmarks.

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Building a Digital Platform to Lead in the API Economy

The enterprise world is changing faster than ever. To compete, it is now necessary to do business at an almost unprecedented size and scale. In order to achieve this scale, winning companies are establishing digital platforms that extend their organizational boundaries. But what is the right way to build these platforms?

Read this whitepaper to discover:

  • Why establishing a digital platform is important for today's hyper-competitive business environment
  • How to build a digital platform by creating and integrating APIs
  • Case studies of how organizations built digital platforms and the successful outcomes they experienced
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The Top Six Microservices Patterns

For the last several years, microservices has been an important trend in IT architecture, and many architects and IT executives experience pressure to jump on microservices as the new hot thing. But there is a feeling that microservices must only be implemented in a certain way, or it is being done incorrectly.

This simply isn't so. This whitepaper discusses how microservices presents itself as a series of patterns, and outlines how organizations should select the microservices pattern that makes sense for their own business, goals, and culture.

Read this whitepaper to discover:

  • The top six microservices patterns and the advantages and disadvantages of each
  • Foundational best practices to make sure your microservices implementation is successful
  • How Anypoint Platform can help you implement a microservices architecture in a workable way
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First, Break IT

The business of IT has changed dramatically. The emergence of an always-on, always-connected world means that old business models are being disrupted, consumers are demanding more, and the world is smaller and more connected than ever before. The traditional IT operating model is fracturing under the digital demands of their customers, partners and employees. Companies can try to become digital by trying to do things the old way, but they will fall behind, and will face increasing competition.

In this ebook you'll learn:

  • How digital transformation is affecting your business
  • How to harness the digital revolution to your company's advantage
  • Real-world case studies of CIOs and senior IT execs who created a roadmap to increased agility, speed, and innovation
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APIs and DevOps – Great Alone, Better Together

Every enterprise recognizes the need to change the way they work to deal with today’s hypercompetitive business environment. That’s why DevOps has become so important to enterprise IT; a DevOps model increases reliability and minimizes disruption, with the added side benefit of increasing speed.

But that isn’t enough. DevOps must be balanced with a focus on asset consumption and reuse to make sure the organization is extracting maximum value out of all the newly built assets. And that’s where an API strategy comes in.

Download this whitepaper to discover:

  • The right way to create a DevOps model in your organization
  • How to use an API strategy called API-led connectivity to complement and enhance a DevOps model
  • How Anypoint Platform can help your organization get the most out of adopting DevOps
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Closing the IT Delivery Gap

IT decision makers told us in the 2017 Connectivity Benchmark Report that they were finding it harder than ever to achieve their digital transformation goals. There is a delivery gap between what the business is asking IT teams to deliver and what can actually be accomplished. How can this IT delivery gap be closed?

Read this whitepaper to find out:

  • Why the IT delivery gap will only get worse
  • What to do to close the IT delivery gap
  • Case studies of organizations that made their IT teams more productive and scale faster
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Business Process Management (BPM)

Using an API strategy as a foundation for BPM

Business Process Management is an important part of continuous improvement and business transformation, but many organizations struggle with implementing it effectively. Learn how a holistic API strategy, API-led connectivity, can help your organization implement BPM with ease.

This whitepaper will cover:

  • An overview of Business Process Management
  • A new way of thinking about implementing BPM with APIs
  • A walkthrough of a use case on how an organization uses API-led connectivity to successfully implement BPM
  • Best practices to adopt BPM with Anypoint Platform
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Accelerating Government IT Innovation

Evolving citizen and constituent expectations have created the imperative for government to digitally transform. Delivering on these expectations grows more challenging by the year, as the proliferation of modern technologies (e.g. SaaS, mobile, IoT) forces IT teams to rethink how to best deliver projects to their constituents and deliver on their mission.

Microservices have emerged as a means through which government IT teams can increase project delivery speed without compromising on security. This whitepaper discusses the role microservices can play in government, and how API-led connectivity helps agencies to more effectively and securely implement a microservices architecture.

Readers will learn:

  • How agencies have increased IT agility with reusable microservices
  • Why government IT teams must move beyond point-to-point integration
  • How microservices enable secure data sharing within and across agencies
  • How API-led connectivity supports microservices adoption in government
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API-led Connectivity for Government

Today, government IT teams are expected to deliver more services with fewer resources. Consequently, many agencies have prioritized legacy modernization, interoperability, and shared service models as a means towards increasing IT delivery capacity. We propose that successful execution of these initiatives within the confines of a strictly managed budget requires a new approach to integration, one centered around APIs.

Our recommended approach, API-led connectivity, builds on the principles of re-use first outlined by SOA, while avoiding many of the pitfalls that limited the success of heavyweight SOA implementations.

In this whitepaper, you will learn:

  • What forces drive digital transformation in federal government, and what role integration plays in supporting digital transformation
  • How a civilian federal agency leveraged APIs to modernize legacy systems and accelerate the speed of integration
  • How to build out an API-led architecture within a government agency to accelerate project delivery through promotion of re-use
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Building the Connected Retail Experience

“Today’s shoppers expect more than a transactional relationship with retailers; they want a seamless and personalized journey that reflects the context of how they shop across devices and channels. The key to success lies in connecting in-store software with online systems so retailers can provide an uninterrupted experience wherever customers shop.” - Ross Mason, Founder of MuleSoft

Driving digital transformation in retail requires connectivity across an ever-increasing number of applications, data and devices. Because of this, connectivity has emerged as a bottleneck that slows the development of new applications and the adoption of new technologies to meet customer demands.

In response, leading retail and CPG companies have adopted API-led connectivity, which eliminates this connectivity bottleneck and enables a 2-5x faster IT project delivery across the value chain.

Download this eBook to learn:

  • How leading retailers like Buffalo Wild Wings, TAL Apparel and PetSmart are leveraging API-led connectivity to accelerate IT project delivery speed
  • How APIs can be used to address the unique business and IT challenges faced by retailers
  • How MuleSoft’s out-of-the-box API designs, implementations, and connectors can accelerate the adoption of API-led connectivity
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The Future of Digital Retail

The world of retail is changing dramatically. Retailers used to have anonymous, transactional relationships with their customers; but now both retailers and customers want a deeper relationship. The retailers that win today are the ones that use technology to build those personal customer experiences and transform their digital retail experience. However, it isn’t always easy to implement new solutions with existing systems.

Read this eBook to discover:

  • Why existing approaches are not sufficient for the pace of digital transformation that retail demands
  • How to drive technology change in your organization, creating a greater capability to innovate and transforming the digital retail experience for your customers
  • How to adopt an API-led approach to integration that packages underlying connectivity and orchestration services as easily discoverable and reusable building blocks
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Open Banking (PSD2) and the Future of Financial Services

The future of financial services is under pressure from profound digital disruption. Across the globe, there are forces, both regulatory and customer-led, that open up the market to new entrants and disrupt what customers are buying — and how. The advent of Open Banking is one major influence, with Open APIs paving the way for third-party developers to build applications and services independently.

This whitepaper outlines the challenges facing financial services firms and how a new approach to enterprise integration — API-led connectivity — can help banks and financial services firms not only survive, but thrive in an increasingly competitive future.

Download this whitepaper to learn:

  • What financial services firms should do about Open Banking, based on the experiences of the impact of PSD2 in Europe
  • How an API strategy could define the future of financial services
  • How a global bank successfully completed a digital transformation initiative
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Value Chain Disruption in Insurance

83% of insurance CEOs say they are “concerned” about the speed of technological change in the marketplace. This need for speed within the insurance market is creating a need for an "insurance as a platform" model in order to integrate systems and partners. An integration platform will be the key to delighting customers, launching new and richer products, partnering with third parties such as InsurTech, and ultimately growing revenue.

Read this whitepaper to understand:

  • How packaging your insurance organization as a series of discrete capabilities will achieve revenue growth
  • Why adopting an API-led approach to connectivity will quickly achieve this ‘insurance as a platform’ model
  • How you can get started on an insurance integration platform today
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Managing and Leveraging Digital Identity in Financial Services

Download our whitepaper to help identify the challenges faced by customer-facing financial services organizations in managing identities in the digital era. Then, delve deeper to consider how technology can help address these challenges and, in doing so, familiarize with opportunities to streamline service delivery and improve the customer experience.

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Forrester TEI Study: The ROI of Incident Notification

xMatters commissioned Forrester Research to conduct a study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying its communication platform.

Check out the report to see how a Fortune 500 Communication Company:

  • Achieved a 261% ROI
  • Experienced $753,280 in net present value benefits over 3 years
  • Reduced MTTR by 91% for tier 1 incidents
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