Top ten criteria for selecting a managed services provider

When you're faced with growing expectations to create business value with limited resources, where can you turn? Increasingly, IT organizations are looking to trusted IT service providers like IBM to help reduce cost, manage complexity, maintain leading-edge skills and adopt technology innovation. Read the white paper to find out how managed services and cloud computing can help you deliver on the transformation agenda your business requires. Plus get guidance on the top 10 criteria to consider when selecting an external partner.
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PureFlex Systems running Red Hat Enterprise Solutions

The IBM PureFlex System-a completely integrated hardware and software solution-optimized with Red Hat Enterprise Linux can improve business responsiveness, making it easier to take advantage of the power of open standards while driving efficiency with integrated management.
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Development and Test on Amazon Web Services

An easy way to get started using Amazon Web Services is by deploying development and test workloads. This solution briefing outlines some of the challenges that customers face with these workloads, and how AWS can help address them. In addition, it provides an overview of AWS, highlights some key services for these scenarios and provides links so that you can obtain more information about any service that you are interested in.
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Amazon Web Services: Overview

Managing the unique and groundbreaking changes in both technology and business over the past decade has created an ongoing IT infrastructure challenge for many senior technology executives. Indeed, over the past ten years, the typical business application architecture has evolved from a desktop-centric installation, then to client/server solutions, and now to loosely coupled web services and service-oriented architectures (SOA). Each evolutionary step has built on the previous one while adding new challenges, dimensions, and opportunities for IT departments and their business partners.
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Amazon Web Services: Security Processes

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a scalable cloud computing platform with high availability and dependability, offering the flexibility to enable customers to build a wide range of applications. Helping to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our customers' systems and data is of the utmost importance to AWS, as is maintaining customer trust and confidence. This document is intended to answer questions such as, "How does AWS help me protect my data?" Specifically, AWS physical and operational security processes are described for network and server infrastructure under AWS's management, as well as service-specific security implementations.
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Managing Storage in Virtualized and Cloud Environments

Unparalleled growth. It's hard to find two words that better describe what's happening today in the world of digital storage and virtualization. In an industry report on storage growth released in December, research firm IDC predicted the amount of storage deployed will more than double every two years, reaching over 40,000 Exabytes by the end of the decade. Growth is just one part of the puzzle. Major changes for storage deployment are taking place today and perhaps the most prominent of which is the move to the cloud. What are the latest technology trends having impact on this dynamic marketplace? This whitepaper will give insight in a number of areas, including; A contextual look at the evolution and history of virtualized storage in the enterprise; A breakdown of current market forces and trends impacting the industry; Details and overview of major offerings and solutions from the top vendors in virtualized storage today.
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How Cisco’s UCS Compares to Flex System

Two years ago Clabby Analytics wrote a report that evaluated Cisco's Unified Computing System (UCS) and revealed shortcomings in the UCS design, stating that Cisco blade environments are "good enough" computing environment. Since then Cisco made improvements to their system design, but the blade market didn't stand still waiting for them to catch up as IBM announced a new system design: The IBM Flex System. Continue on to this new assessment from Clabby Analytics that compares Cisco's UCS blade server offering to IBM Flex System's in a soup-to-nuts evaluation. Also find out how these two major players compare to the competitors in the blade marketplace.
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Creating an Enterprise-Wide Cloud Strategy

Discover why a holistic strategy for cloud adoption should be a top priority for the enterprise today; provides guidance from NetApp's own experience on how to determine which workloads are best suited for migration to private, public, and hybrid clouds: and offers best practices about prioritizing workloads for transition to the cloud.
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SOA Design Principles for Dummies

What you may call basic SOA or IT - centric SOA applies SOA principles to the flexible integration of an enterprise IT portfolio. But controlling interactions through well-defined services and interfaces certainly applies to mobile, social, cloud, and Big Data solutions as well. SOA is simply good design for IT integration and for the business solutions of an ever-more-connected and ever-more-distributed world. This book is a guide to applying the design principles of SOA to the business problems of today.
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