APM als IT-Detektiv

Das Interessante am Application Performance Management (APM) ist heutzutage, dass es nicht mehr nur um Anwendungen geht. Die APM-Leistungsmerkmale, die Benutzer sich wünschen, die aber nur wenige Anbieter auch liefern, ermöglichen eine Überwachung des gesamten Unternehmens, vom Netzwerk bis zum Rechenzentrum, außerdem Cloud-Bereitstellungen, mobile Umgebungen und alles andere, das den IT-Betrieb beeinflussen könnte.
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Warum die Customer Experience für jeden in der Application Economy so wichtig ist

Heute sind die meisten Interaktionen digital. Daher stellen die Erfahrungen, die Sie Ihren Kunden mit Ihren Anwendungen ermöglichen, häufig die wichtigsten Erfahrungen dar, die Ihre Kunden im Rahmen geschäftlicher Aktivitäten mit Ihnen machen. Die Entwicklungsfähigkeit Ihrer Marke hängt stark von der Qualität der Erfahrungen mit Ihren Anwendungen ab – ob auf PCs, Notebooks, Tablets, Telefonen oder bald auch auf Wearables. CIOs und Führungskräfte müssen also wissen, wie sie die von Benutzern erwarteten Anwendungserfahrungen bieten können.
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Agile Operations und die drei Wege

In nahezu jedem Gespräch über DevOps geht es um die Transformation von Development-Teams, die der Übergang vom sequenziellen Design von Wasserfallmethoden zum iterativen, agilen Ansatz von Scrum-Methoden mit sich bringt. Und das ist auch kein Wunder, denn sie ist drastisch, spannend und liefert beeindruckende Ergebnisse. Was hingegen genauso drastisch ist, aber weniger oft erwähnt wird, ist der Wechsel, den IT-Operations-Teams aushandeln müssen. Im Zusammenhang mit der uns bekannten vorhersagbaren Stabilität kann die Andeutung, dass eine wachsende Reihe von als „Agile Operations“ bezeichneten Praktiken existiert, irreführend scheinen. Das aber nur, bis man berücksichtigt, wie Cloud-Computing, Microservices, containerisierte Anwendungen und Ähnliches die Definition von Infrastruktur grundlegend verändern. Diese neue, agile Infrastruktur und die mit ihr verbundenen Konzepte wie zum Beispiel geplante Ausfälle bewirken – oder erfordern gar – die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Development und Operations.
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The Total Economic Impact Of CA Unified Infrastructure Management

CA commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying CA Unified Infrastructure Management (CA UIM). The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of CA UIM on their organizations.
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The Chief Digital Officer’s Guide to Digital Transformation

Today, digital is everywhere—cloud, mobile, social and the Internet of Things are changing the way we all work and play. This rapidly evolving digital world is also redefining the relationship between your business and your customers, who now expect a convenient, interactive experience from their preferred brands. Security is also a concern. Risk is rising, as both the enterprise and its customers exchange a growing amount of sensitive data.
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API Management—Enabling Digital Healthcare Transformation

It’s clear: the healthcare industry is in need of change. And today, the system is undergoing a critical transformation as it shifts from a volume-based to a value-based delivery model. Gone are the days of simply treating illness. Now, the focus is on managing the episode of care, containing the costs of delivery, optimizing services and improving patient outcomes.
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Out-dated Technology, Can’t Adapt to Changes in Environment

Call us cynical but if you ask us, whomever it was that said, “a change is as good as a rest”, they clearly never worked in IT.

Don’t get us wrong. We know better than anyone that truly successful businesses embrace the future. That they move forward and adapt in order to thrive. We know that change is indeed a good thing - but is it easy?

Change within a business can come in a variety of forms and this whitepaper can show you the way.

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The WLAN Buyers Guide 2016

Today, you are dealing with laptops, smartphones, and tablets, for corporate, guest, and BYOD access, but soon, as IoT ascends to become more than a buzz term, organizations will find a rapidly increasing number of systems and sensors that require network connectivity.

This guide has been designed to arm you with the knowledge and skills required to navigate through the marketing hype and determine what is actually the appropriate solution for your organization through 2016 and beyond. This document will provide you with enough information and key questions to take to every vendor to ensure that you really are getting a solution that is tailored to your own needs.

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Evaluator Group: Investing Strategically in All Flash Arrays

For customers looking to implement flash for primary data center storge, NetApp's All Flash FAS systems offer some significant advantages over competiitve offerings. Customer can deploy All Flash FAS arrays for specific applications now and later extend them to private and hybrid cloud-based applications as enterprise IT's longer term strategy dictates. Read this technology insight paper on investing strategically in all flash arrays.
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How to Make Oracle Databases Faster and More Efficient with Pure Storage

Data (and database management systems, like Oracle) have never been more critical for competitive advantage. All modern IT initiatives – cloud, real time analytics, internet of things – intrinsically need to leverage more data, more quickly. All-flash storage is a next generation infrastructure technology that has the potential to unlock a new level of employee productivity and accelerate your business by reducing the amount of time spent waiting for databases and applications.
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Migliorare la customer experience nel mondo mobile

Tablet, telefoni, orologi: ci affidiamo a loro e alle applicazioni e ai servizi che offrono. Nella nuova economia delle applicazioni, questi device hanno cambiato il nostro modo di vivere, lavorare e divertirci. Pensate appositamente per i device mobile, queste app si sono affermate come potentissimi generatori di ricavi. Nel 2014, le vendite di app hanno raggiunto i 30 miliardi di dollari e si prevede che, entro il 2017, il valore combinato di app a pagamento, acquisti di beni e servizi tramite app e pubblicità arriverà a 151 miliardi di dollari negli Stati Uniti.
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Perchè Agile Operations è fondamentale per la Digital Transformation

In passato, quando gli ambienti aziendali erano meno instabili e complessi di oggi, le operations IT si occupavano esclusivamente della stabilità. Con l'avvento dell'economia delle applicazioni, ogni azienda ha iniziato a produrre software e la pressione competitiva alla rapida innovazione e all'iterazione delle applicazioni sono aumentate in maniera esponenziale.
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Le agile operations e le tre vie

Praticamente ogni discussione DevOps andrà a evidenziare la trasformazione subita dai team di sviluppo nel corso della loro evoluzione dalla progettazione sequenziale di metodi a cascata all'adozione dell'approccio iterativo e agile caratteristico dei metodi Scrum. Non c'è da meravigliarsi, dato che si tratta di un processo significativo, quasi emozionante e che offre risultati impressionanti. A venire citata meno spesso, pur essendo altrettanto rilevante, è invece la transizione affrontata dai team di operations IT. In un contesto tradizionalmente noto per la sua stabilità e prevedibilità, potrebbe sembrare improprio suggerire che esista un insieme crescente di pratiche note come "agile operations". Almeno finché non si considera come il cloud computing, i microservizi, le applicazioni in container e simili stiano cambiando la stessa definizione di infrastruttura. Questa nuova infrastruttura agile, e i concetti a essa associati, come l'insuccesso pianificato, agevolano, se non proprio richiedono, la collaborazione tra dev e ops.
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