451 Research: Accelerating the Adoption of Multi-Cloud Strategy

The adoption of public, private and hybrid cloud is rapidly expanding, especially within enterprises. As IT evolves from productivity enhancer to transformative business differentiator, and as organizations embrace new models of IT consumption, the role of enterprise IT departments is changing. Forward-looking IT groups are becoming internal service brokers to their organizations and they are adopting a multi-cloud approach to enable an IT-as-a-service model.
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Evaluator Group: Investing Strategically in All Flash Arrays

For customers looking to implement flash for primary data center storge, NetApp's All Flash FAS systems offer some significant advantages over competiitve offerings. Customer can deploy All Flash FAS arrays for specific applications now and later extend them to private and hybrid cloud-based applications as enterprise IT's longer term strategy dictates. Read this technology insight paper on investing strategically in all flash arrays.
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Differentiating Between Personal and Enterprise Unified Communications

It used to be the case that enterprise communications systems provided more features than the communications people used in their personal lives. Think of voicemail, call forwarding, recording, and multiple lines vs. the single POTS line you had at home (we know, we’re dating ourselves). But now, in the Internet era, the tables seem to be turning, with the rate of innovation in personal communications far outstripping what is happening in the enterprise.
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Top 10 Trends for 2016: Business Intelligence

2015 was a year of significant change in the world of Business Intelligence. More organizations opened up data to their employees. And more people came to see data as an important tool to get their work done. Norms about Business Intelligence are evolving, and as they do, leading to wholesale cultural change at some workplaces. This change is driven not only by fast-moving technology, but also by new techniques to get value from data.
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Visual Analysis Best Practices

You made a visualization! Congratulations: you are part of a small but growing group that’s taking advantage of the power of visualization. However, bringing your visualizations from “good” to “great” takes time, patience and attention to detail. Luckily, we have compiled a short but important list of techniques to get you started. Happy visualizing!
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APM als IT-Detektiv

Das Interessante am Application Performance Management (APM) ist heutzutage, dass es nicht mehr nur um Anwendungen geht. Die APM-Leistungsmerkmale, die Benutzer sich wünschen, die aber nur wenige Anbieter auch liefern, ermöglichen eine Überwachung des gesamten Unternehmens, vom Netzwerk bis zum Rechenzentrum, außerdem Cloud-Bereitstellungen, mobile Umgebungen und alles andere, das den IT-Betrieb beeinflussen könnte.
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Warum die Customer Experience für jeden in der Application Economy so wichtig ist

Heute sind die meisten Interaktionen digital. Daher stellen die Erfahrungen, die Sie Ihren Kunden mit Ihren Anwendungen ermöglichen, häufig die wichtigsten Erfahrungen dar, die Ihre Kunden im Rahmen geschäftlicher Aktivitäten mit Ihnen machen. Die Entwicklungsfähigkeit Ihrer Marke hängt stark von der Qualität der Erfahrungen mit Ihren Anwendungen ab – ob auf PCs, Notebooks, Tablets, Telefonen oder bald auch auf Wearables. CIOs und Führungskräfte müssen also wissen, wie sie die von Benutzern erwarteten Anwendungserfahrungen bieten können.
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Agile Operations und die drei Wege

In nahezu jedem Gespräch über DevOps geht es um die Transformation von Development-Teams, die der Übergang vom sequenziellen Design von Wasserfallmethoden zum iterativen, agilen Ansatz von Scrum-Methoden mit sich bringt. Und das ist auch kein Wunder, denn sie ist drastisch, spannend und liefert beeindruckende Ergebnisse. Was hingegen genauso drastisch ist, aber weniger oft erwähnt wird, ist der Wechsel, den IT-Operations-Teams aushandeln müssen. Im Zusammenhang mit der uns bekannten vorhersagbaren Stabilität kann die Andeutung, dass eine wachsende Reihe von als „Agile Operations“ bezeichneten Praktiken existiert, irreführend scheinen. Das aber nur, bis man berücksichtigt, wie Cloud-Computing, Microservices, containerisierte Anwendungen und Ähnliches die Definition von Infrastruktur grundlegend verändern. Diese neue, agile Infrastruktur und die mit ihr verbundenen Konzepte wie zum Beispiel geplante Ausfälle bewirken – oder erfordern gar – die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Development und Operations.
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Compared to A Typical MNO, Truphone Offers Quality and Cost

Compared to a typical MNO, Truphone offers international users benefits in terms of quality and cost.

When roaming, subscribers generally face increased cost and diminished functionality of service compared to the standards they receive domestically. Truphone’s solution enables it to offer unique selling points over traditional MNOs for customers when roaming, focusing on quality improvements and lower costs.

This independent assessment of the structure and benefits of the Truphone network includes:

Comparison of Truphone and a typical MNO

- Subscribers may have up to eight phone numbers per SIM

- Network design offers the potential of higher calling quality and data transfer rates

- Domestic level of customer service extended around the world

- Proactive network monitoring as opposed to fault fixing

- SMS and call recording in over 160 countries

- Significant cost reduction across Truphone World

Download now to explore how Truphone can help maintain the profitability and productivity of their users when traveling abroad.

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5 Ways to Get Top Mobile App Developer Talent for Your Open APIs

In 2007, Apple launched the iPhone, effectively the first smartphone. With its touch-screen interface and ability to run lightweight apps, the iPhone revolutionized the mobile phone market. The arrival of the iPad tablet in 2010 increased the potential of mobile apps significantly, simply by offering a larger touch-screen.

In the wake of the iPhone and iPad has come a deluge of mobile devices, with Google’s Android operating system emerging as a serious competitor to Apple’s iOS technology. In addition to smartphones and tablets, the app paradigm is increasingly being used to enhance and connect all types of devices – from TVs to gaming systems to vehicles to utilities meters and beyond.

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Secure Mobile Access for Enterprise Employees

Mobile technology is revolutionizing the corporate IT landscape. Enterprises want to leverage mobile to maximize employee productivity, efficiency and availability. Meanwhile, employees are already taking the initiative by using their own personal mobile devices for business purposes. For enterprises, the benefits of enterprise mobility and the reality of the “bring-your-own-device” (BYOD) movement are becoming impossible to ignore.
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A Winning API Strategy: Developing Secure Mobile Apps with a UX that Delights Customers

Today, the UX of an app has come to embody the characteristics of a product or service that are important to the individual. It’s the recognized feeling one receives when interacting with the app, how pervasive the app becomes throughout one’s life and the lasting memory the individual has after connecting with the business.

But a good UX, while ideally delivering enduring business results, must overcome obstacles to be successful. For instance, not every app type has the same user experience. Web apps, while easier to maintain and extend to the mobile device, don’t always render well across different devices ultimately driving organizations to develop new native mobile apps in order to deliver the optimal user experience expected. But native apps possess their own challenges with security being a primary concern.

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API Management—Enabling Digital Healthcare Transformation

It’s clear: the healthcare industry is in need of change. And today, the system is undergoing a critical transformation as it shifts from a volume-based to a value-based delivery model. Gone are the days of simply treating illness. Now, the focus is on managing the episode of care, containing the costs of delivery, optimizing services and improving patient outcomes.
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