Flatfile For Data Onboarding – Webinar

B2B software can't move forward without customer data. Getting that data into a software product, however, is critical for customers to understand the true value of an application.

A reliable, intuitive data onboarding solution helps companies deliver an exceptional customer experience when it matters most – minutes after signing up for a product. This ensures that customer data is imported quickly, without errors, allowing the customer to see the true value of what they signed up for.

Flatfile is leading innovation in data onboarding, with two B2B products that solve this critical pain-point for companies with machine-learning, intuitive UX experiences, and an unmatched drive to automate data onboarding – without sacrificing data quality, and security.

Interested in how Flatfile can help your company?

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Adding Anomaly Detection to Your Secure Access Strategy

Security analytics are a double-edged sword: while the information they provide can be vital to identify potential issues or anomalies before they become problems, the quantity of data collected and alerts generated can overwhelm even the most experienced security team. By processing all of the telemetry collected during an access attempt and setting a baseline, Duo understands whether a login is normal or deviates from established patterns. This helps administrators efficiently focus on the most likely risks and remediate them. How can we best filter the noise of routine authentications and highlight anomalous logins that may require attention? Join Cisco’s Ted Kietzman to explore anomaly detection and secure access.

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Boosting user efficiency and productivity in the work-from-home economy with Microsoft Dynamics

The average company has over 300 mission-critical apps to support. With most employees now working from home, CRM applications must adapt to users, not the reverse. WalkMe running on Microsoft Dynamics 365 can create a user-friendly CRM environment to help build a more efficient and productive workforce.

In the webinar The Economic Impact of Digital Adoption, Microsoft and WalkMe will partner to bring experts who will discuss how to unveil the power of digital adoption across Dynamics 365 and its economic impact on your business. Watch the webinar NOW to explore:

  • Accelerating onboarding and adoption of Dynamics 365
  • Seeing and understanding usage, bottlenecks, and user productivity with Dynamics 365 adoption
  • Streamlining change management and automating best practices
  • The business impact of digital adoption and reaching up to 368% ROI


  • Amir Farhi, Chief Business Development Officer, WalkMe
  • Zach Cohen, North America Partner Manager, WalkMe
  • Jim Kvoriak, Enterprise Sales Engineer Team Lead, WalkMe

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Vulnerability Remediation Orchestration in Action

Vulnerability management programs exist first and foremost to drive desired business outcomes, and second to reduce business risk. But vulnerability management must be done right, and go beyond traditional expectations, to have the desired effect on the business.

Join Vulcan Cyber CEO, Yaniv Bar-Dayan, as he outlines the maturity model for vulnerability remediation designed to move security and IT operations teams from reactive to data-driven, and from orchestrated to transformed. Then Yaniv will provide a live demonstration of the Vulcan Cyber vulnerability remediation orchestration platform in action.

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Take control of your open source supply chain with Tidelift catalogs

The phrase “software supply chain” is making unlikely front-page headlines thanks to the breach impacting SolarWinds and its customers around the world. Meanwhile, open source continues to become a larger and larger part of application development, with our research showing that 92% of applications contain open source components.

So for organizations now seeing software supply chain health as a key imperative, tackling open source software supply chain health is more critical than ever.

During this short, 30-minute webinar our product team demonstrates how you can use the Tidelift Subscription as the heart of an effective open source supply chain management strategy.

In this webinar:

  • We'll show you how to design a comprehensive strategy for managing open source usage across the organization.
  • We’ll demonstrate Tidelift custom catalogs, including the ability to create, track, and manage catalogs of open source components and the policies that govern them across the organization.
  • We'll explore how Tidelift-managed catalogs can give your organization a head start on building a paved path of approved components for development teams to use, similar to how the larges.


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Turn Process Pains Into Business Gains

Industry pundits from Forrester will cover the state of enterprise processes today— whether they are broken, manual, paper-based, or simply in need of modernization and automation in each episode. Watching on-demand, you’ll hear best practices and success stories from leading organizations who are doing it right.

Executives from Emerson, Seacoast Bank, and Coca-Cola Beverages Florida will share their organization’s winning automation playbooks for improving the way people work and accelerating digital transformation. Learn how to turn your organization’s process pains into impactful business gains by leveraging Nintex’s easy-to-use and powerful software solutions for visual process mapping, workflow automation, robotic process automation, and more.

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Nintex Webinar: Workflow Wonders

Find out how Amazon has achieved an 800% ROI leveraging Nintex Workflow and Forms to support project management across the organization.

According to Amazon’s Senior Program Manager Dave Berrier, “Nintex is the Amazon way.” In fact, every year, the company executes millions of Nintex workflows to support Amazon Projects, the tool Amazon employees rely on for project management. During this session, Dave will share how Amazon has transformed project management from manual and time-consuming spreadsheets and emails to trackable and automated workflows and forms to ensure consistency and drive productivity.

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Advanced APIs – How to Optimize Security, Maximize Resources, and Push Innovation

The traditional way of applying security countermeasures has always entailed shoring up infrastructure at one location or another and hoping that attackers will be frustrated or scared off.

To combat rising cyberthreats, you need the ability to safeguard users, applications, and infrastructure across your expanding network, end-to-end and top-to-bottom. But, managing the complexity and volume of disparate solutions that do not smoothly integrate becomes a time consuming and error-prone task, as threats across your network grow and may remain undetected. Homegrown security deployments tend to slow down business operations and negatively impact productivity. Today’s enterprise hybrid networks require an agile approach network security policy management solution.

Join cybersecurity experts Tim Woods, Vice President of Technology Alliances at FireMon and Holger Schulze, CEO and Founder of Cybersecurity Insiders, to explore:

  • How an open platform closes security gaps
  • How to achieve 80% reduction in firewall and cloud security group misconfigurations
  • How an agile approach to Network Security Policy Management enables shared intelligence and automation

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Advanced APIs – How to Optimize Security, Maximize Resources, and Push Innovation

The traditional way of applying security countermeasures has always entailed shoring up infrastructure at one location or another and hoping that attackers will be frustrated or scared off.

To combat rising cyberthreats, you need the ability to safeguard users, applications, and infrastructure across your expanding network, end-to-end and top-to-bottom. But, managing the complexity and volume of disparate solutions that do not smoothly integrate becomes a time consuming and error-prone task, as threats across your network grow and may remain undetected. Homegrown security deployments tend to slow down business operations and negatively impact productivity. Today’s enterprise hybrid networks require an agile approach network security policy management solution.

Join cybersecurity experts Tim Woods, Vice President of Technology Alliances at FireMon and Holger Schulze, CEO and Founder of Cybersecurity Insiders, to explore:

  • How an open platform closes security gaps
  • How to achieve 80% reduction in firewall and cloud security group misconfigurations
  • How an agile approach to Network Security Policy Management enables shared intelligence and automation

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