Don’t Overlook Email When Planning for GDPR Compliance

Email security is essential in preparing for the GDPR deadline. The GDPR emphasizes the principle of accountability and the need for organizations to demonstrate they have taken reasonable measures to protect personal data.

This white paper explores how to improve email and cloud security to meet strict compliance regulations.


  • GDPR challenges for email
  • How to mitigate risks and ensuring email resiliency
  • An effective email and cloud security platform

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Cyber Resilience Preparedness. Expert Insight, Tips and Guidance

Navigating a turbulent cybersecurity climate can be hard – especially as threats like Petya and WannaCry continue to cripple organizations. Business disruption, downtime, technical failure and data loss are all real risk factors that can’t be ignored.

The power of preparedness is in your hands. Get expert insight, tips and guidance from industry thought leaders on how to build a cyber resilience plan for email in this e-book.

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Mimecast Catches Threats That Other Email Security Systems Miss

Not all email security systems perform the same. Lots of false negatives get let through. That’s what Mimecast found in its new email security risk assessment (ESRA), an inspection of incumbent email security systems to uncover the number, type and severity of threats getting into organizations.

Download our report of ESRA tests to see the threats that Mimecast catches and other email security systems miss.

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SAP Licensing Quick Guide

This article will describe the basic SAP licensing model, its difficulties, and how SAP customers typically handle the issue of licensing. In order to keep it simple, we will not include a discussion of “engines” (e.g., payroll, etc.), which are additional components that are charged separately, on top of the basic licensing fees.

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Understanding The SAP Contract

This how to guide is designed for you to gain greater insight to your SAP contract and provides you with a simpler explanation on some keys sections. When companies purchase software from SAP, they are required to sign a contract as they would with any other software vendor. This contract defines a lot of issues like what the exact software is that they’re buying and what exactly is included in the purchase. For our purposes, the contract is also what defines the licensing structure. As this is a practical document about SAP license optimization and not a legal-oriented document, we will only highlight the most important topics for our perspective, which is to understand the relevant contract parts for future negotiations.

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Control GRC and SoD: It’s Your Duty

Companies of all kinds and sizes are focusing more and more on finding the most adequate GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) and SoD (Segregations of Duties) solutions. Why? Failure to comply with GRC and SoD requirements can affect a business severely. SoD basically means ensuring that more than one person is required for completing a task within an organization. Today, companies understand the critical role SoD plays. Specifically, when dealing with finance and sensitive information, SoD has become a key factor for gaining control and confidence in a business environment, as well as in assisting companies to successfully pass audit inspections. By complying with SoD rules an organization reduces the likelihood of fraud, significantly.
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Granting The Right Authorizations to Your Users

Hypothetical situation - say you’re the authorization manager – either a SAP authorization manager or a general authorization manager and you need to grant authorizations to users. Now this isnt really your actual job but it was delegated to you by someone who said, "Hey, you can grant authorizations to users, it’s really not that complicated". In fact, it is really quite simple; technically it is just to add the right authorization to the user. Now, say someone is filling out paperwork requesting the authorization for MM01 (to create materials) – you would search for one authorization role that includes this activity (out of 50 possible options) and grant it. That’s it, right? Good job?!
No, not really. Let me show you the correct way to grant authorizations.

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Preparing For SAP Audits

This How To Guide is a bit different than most document you have seen in the past, because we feel there isn’t anything better than hearing from actual customers. This is a collection of select tips, tricks, and advice that have been gathered from our customers who continuously pass one licensing audit after the next, and are well prepared at all times. These customers are continuously checking their licensing status and constantly optimizing it according to changes that occur at their companies.

SAP audits can be time-consuming and a drain on your resources. If you are not prepared, you can spend weeks combing through the data. Once you have completed all the data mining and prepare your report, do you know what risks you have or have identified risks you didn’t know existed? If you follow these tips from our actual customers, you will be one step closer in preparation for your next audit.

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5 Little-Known Facts About SAP Licensing

Although they are spending millions of dollars, many SAP customers do not really know what licenses they actually have, what licenses they really need, and what they don’t.

SAP is one of the most expensive software systems in the market, yet many organizations still treat their SAP licensing like a black box; they see it in terms of input and output without any knowledge of how it works. We were shocked to find some customers that felt that their SAP licensing was an invincible force that they were powerless against.

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GRC Compliance: Offense or Defense?

When it comes to handling GRC conflicts, is it better to use an alerting tool or a simulation tool? They both manage conflicts, but one is predictive and the other happens after the fact. Well, there is no one solution; the key is to use them in combination to promise a peaceful process and clean GRC audit report.

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What Every SAP Security Manager Should Know

If you’re in the SAP Security field you should know that with a complex application like SAP, it is really not sufficient to only secure the communication and only prevent people from logging in from external IPs. The “big money” lies in the data: an employee who commits fraud or sells sensitive customer data to the outside can generate a huge financial loss for the company, not to mention possible law suits and negative impact from bad PR.

Using ProfileTailor Dynamics for SAP Security you can:

  • Monitor user activity and pinpoint suspicious and sensitive actions
  • Get alerts about irregular activity that could potentially lead to fraud
  • Prevent risks before they happen by identifying unused sensitive authorizations and eliminating them
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Driving campaigns with data science

By employing data science, sales teams can make predictions that are accurate enough to reach out to the right customers with the right messaging. To achieve this, you need two things: access to data that shows what your customers are doing across all channels, and the right methodology to analyze that data and deliver actionable recommendations.
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Marketing effectiveness – are there too many cooks in your kitchen?

Staying on top of all the moving pieces that accompany marketing, planning, and management can be extremely challenging—especially if you lack clear line-of-sight to staff, budgets, priorities, or time lines. Learn how you can overcome this hurdle, and provide the real-time information needed for planning and executing effective marketing programs.
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