IT Service Brokering for Dummies

Your business users want an easy to access, intuitive way to use the services IT provides. Discover how an IT service broker model can help you deliver a great experience for users and increase productivity for your business.

This ebook presents everything you need to know, including:

  • Trends and concepts redefining today’s IT
  • What to look for in an enterprise IT service brokering solution
  • Next-level methods for reducing costs and increasing productivity

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Hosted VoIP: What does that mean to my business?

Learn how with Hosted VoIP you can get the benefits of outsourcing the management of your phone system, which means you’ll need fewer resident experts to handle things. What’s more, Hosted VoIP expands communications and productivity by providing a range of advanced features and functionality. And it does so without straining your budget.

This guide provides answers and useful insights on how Hosted VoIP can impact business communications immediately––and for years to come––by providing more features and more flexibility, all for significantly lower costs than you might expect.
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Hosted VoIP: What does that mean to my business?

Learn how with Hosted VoIP you can get the benefits of outsourcing the management of your phone system, which means you’ll need fewer resident experts to handle things. What’s more, Hosted VoIP expands communications and productivity by providing a range of advanced features and functionality. And it does so without straining your budget.

This guide provides answers and useful insights on how Hosted VoIP can impact business communications immediately––and for years to come––by providing more features and more flexibility, all for significantly lower costs than you might expect.
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SAS®: A Comprehensive Platform for Big Data Governance, Data Management and Analytics

With the amount of information in the digital universe doubling every two years, big data governance issues will continue to inflate. This backdrop calls for organizations to ramp up efforts to establish a broad data governance program that formulates, monitors and enforces policies related to big data. Find out how a comprehensive platform from SAS supports multiple facets of big data governance, management and analytics in this white paper by Sunil Soares of Information Asset.
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The Future of Model Risk Management for Financial Services Firms

Banks have been using credit scoring models for decades, but since the financial crisis of 2008, regulators have formalized the discipline of model risk management (MRM), driving the need for more rigorous, enterprise-level model information management. Regulators now want to evaluate bank models to access their trustworthiness – not blindly accept the numbers they generate. This paper explores how next-generation MRM is integral to successfully running a financial services business – both for compliance and decision making purposes. Learn why decision makers today are judged not just on outcomes, but on the processes and decision support tools they use to realize them. And see why it’s absolutely critical that your firm be able to manage ever-growing numbers of models – what’s needed to do that effectively.
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Discovering the Business Value of Streaming Analytics

Many analytics and BI tools limit your ability to get insight in time to make a critical business decision. Once you detect a pattern, you have to work with a data scientist to choose data sets for more analysis, clean the data of noise, and code a query, all while the data becomes less and less relevant with passing time.

This resource explains streaming analytics and describes how it can enable real-time decision-making based on current evidence. Learn how you can resolve business problems more quickly and make data-driven decisions.
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Thirsting for Insight? Quench It With 5 Data Management for Analytics Best Practices

“Unpolluted” data is core to a successful business – particularly one that relies on analytics to survive. But preparing data for analytics is full of challenges. In fact, most data scientists spend 50 to 80 percent of their model development time simply preparing data. SAS adheres to five data management best practices that provide access to all types of raw data and let you cleanse, transform and shape it for any analytic purpose. As a result, you can gain deeper insights, embed that knowledge into models, share new discoveries and automate decision-making processes across your business.
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Crossing the IDMP Data Chasm

The IDMP data chasm is a comprehensive and demanding challenge – but it can be crossed with the right preparation, approach and solution. This white paper highlights eight IDMP challenges, and how they can be addressed with an IDMP data hub solution from SAS. As a trusted advisor, it includes the SAS recommendations on IDMP in an MDM context, and finally broadens the perspective by looking beyond the approach of solely adopting IDMP for compliance.
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Tendências de segurança de aplicativos

Hackers estão constantemente procurando por uma porta de entrada que possa ser explorada e permita a invasão dos sistemas e furto dos seus dados. Não os deixe encontrar estas portas no software que você desenvolve e implementa. As soluções para segurança de software de HPE Security Fortify permitem que você identifique e corrija vulnerabilidades em aplicações antes dos hackers. E você pode prover autoproteção para as aplicações em produção, de dentro para gora. Entenda as últimas tendências em segurança de software neste e-paper da UBM Tech.
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Linha do tempo dos ataques

Os ataques dos hackers começaram quase ao mesmo tempo em que a computacao. A linha temporal a seguir mostra como evoluímos as defesas digitais em resposta aos ataques e o efeito que tiveram no negócio do hacking. Destaca ainda os milestones que afetaram a forma com a qual usamos a tecnologia, e a forma como os hackers atacam.
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