Cost of Data Breach – Impact of Business Continuity Management

What truly affects the cost of a data breach? Ponemon Institute’s latest study of 350 organizations around the globe details both the cost and impact of data breaches, with breakdowns by industry and country. Read the 2015 report to learn:

- The 2 major factors that affect the financial consequences of a data breach
- How companies changed their operations and compliance following a data breach
- The most common cyber security governance challenges.

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Measure and Move Your Mobile App to Greatness

Delivering great apps rather than simply good apps offers significant, long-term benefits in customer loyalty and spend. With companies competing for customers’ precious mobile moments, the opportunity is ripe to meet and exceed customer expectations, and reap the financial rewards.
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The DevOps Field Guide Practical Tips to Find and Fix Common App Performance Problems

This field guide examines common, yet elusive application performance problems that reveal themselves only when you look at them from the right vantage point, and with tools that can capture all of the data, not just some of it.

This guide is based on the real-world experiences of Jon Hodgson, a Riverbed APM subject-matter expert who has helped hundreds of organizations worldwide optimize their mission-critical applications.
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The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM UrbanCode

IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct their Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study that examines and quantifies potential return on investment (ROI) for IBM UrbanCode Deploy within an enterprise DevOps environment. The study determined that a composite organization, based on the customers interviewed, experienced an ROI of 482%! Read the Forrester Consulting study and see how IBM UrbanCode brings deployment velocity while reducing release costs.

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM DB2 With BLU Acceleration

Learn about the cost savings and business benefits of DB2 with BLU Acceleration. In a commissioned study, Forrester Consulting evaluated the total economic impact of BLU Acceleration in-memory technology at a financial services client. Download now for detailed results based on interviews and subsequent financial analysis and research.

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In-Memory Databases Put the Action in Actionable Insights

In order to derive business value from Big Data, practitioners must have the means to quickly (as in sub-milliseconds) analyze data, derive actionable insights from that analysis, and execute the recommended actions. While Hadoop is ideal for storing and processing large volumes of data affordably, it is less suited to this type of real-time operational analytics, or Inline Analytics. For these types of workloads, a different style of computing is required. The answer is in-memory databases.
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Follow the Money: Big Data ROI and Inline Analytics

Wikibon conducted in-depth interviews with organizations that had achieved Big Data success and high rates of returns. These interviews determined an important generality: that Big Data winners focused on operationalizing and automating their Big Data projects. They used Inline Analytics to drive algorithms that directly connected to and facilitated automatic change in the operational systems-of-record. These algorithms were usually developed and supported by data tables derived using Deep Data Analytics from Big Data Hadoop systems and/or data warehouses. Instead of focusing on enlightening the few with pretty historical graphs, successful players focused on changing the operational systems for everybody and managed the feedback and improvement process from the company as a whole.
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Affordable, Scalable, Reliable OLTP in a Cloud and Big Data World: IBM DB2 pureScale

This white paper discusses the concept of shared data scale-out clusters, as well as how they deliver continuous availability and why they are important for delivering scalable transaction processing support. It also contrasts this approach, taken in a relational database context, with clustering approaches employed by NoSQL databases and Hadoop applications, showing the importance It goes on to discuss the specific advantages offered by IBM's DB2 pureScale, which is designed to deliver the power of server scale-out architecture, enabling enterprises to affordably develop and manage transactional databases that can meet the requirements of a cloud-based world with rapid transaction data growth, in an affordable manner.

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Data science methodology: Best practices for successful implementations

Often, data scientists construct a model to predict outcomes or discover underlying patterns, with the goal of gaining insights. The flow of IBM's data science methodology ensures that as data scientists learn more about the data and the modeling, they can return to a previous stage to make adjustments, iterate quickly and provide continuous value to the organization.
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Unified Monitoring

In the past few years, the enterprise computing landscape has changed dramatically. Virtualization, outsourcing, SaaS and cloud computing are creating fundamental changes, and ushering in an era in which enterprises distribute increasingly critical IT assets and applications across multiple service providers. These changes are rendering legacy monitoring tools, which have their roots in the computing environments of a decade or more ago, virtually useless. This paper explores today’s computing trends and their monitoring implications in detail. In addition, it reveals how CA Unified Infrastructure Management (CA UIM, formerly CA Nimsoft Monitor) uniquely addresses the monitoring realities of today’s and tomorrow’s enterprises—whether they rely on internal platforms, external service providers or a combination of both.
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APM als IT-Detektiv

Das Interessante am Application Performance Management (APM) ist heutzutage, dass es nicht mehr nur um Anwendungen geht. Die APM-Leistungsmerkmale, die Benutzer sich wünschen, die aber nur wenige Anbieter auch liefern, ermöglichen eine Überwachung des gesamten Unternehmens, vom Netzwerk bis zum Rechenzentrum, außerdem Cloud-Bereitstellungen, mobile Umgebungen und alles andere, das den IT-Betrieb beeinflussen könnte.
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Warum die Customer Experience für jeden in der Application Economy so wichtig ist

Heute sind die meisten Interaktionen digital. Daher stellen die Erfahrungen, die Sie Ihren Kunden mit Ihren Anwendungen ermöglichen, häufig die wichtigsten Erfahrungen dar, die Ihre Kunden im Rahmen geschäftlicher Aktivitäten mit Ihnen machen. Die Entwicklungsfähigkeit Ihrer Marke hängt stark von der Qualität der Erfahrungen mit Ihren Anwendungen ab – ob auf PCs, Notebooks, Tablets, Telefonen oder bald auch auf Wearables. CIOs und Führungskräfte müssen also wissen, wie sie die von Benutzern erwarteten Anwendungserfahrungen bieten können.
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Agile Operations und die drei Wege

In nahezu jedem Gespräch über DevOps geht es um die Transformation von Development-Teams, die der Übergang vom sequenziellen Design von Wasserfallmethoden zum iterativen, agilen Ansatz von Scrum-Methoden mit sich bringt. Und das ist auch kein Wunder, denn sie ist drastisch, spannend und liefert beeindruckende Ergebnisse. Was hingegen genauso drastisch ist, aber weniger oft erwähnt wird, ist der Wechsel, den IT-Operations-Teams aushandeln müssen. Im Zusammenhang mit der uns bekannten vorhersagbaren Stabilität kann die Andeutung, dass eine wachsende Reihe von als „Agile Operations“ bezeichneten Praktiken existiert, irreführend scheinen. Das aber nur, bis man berücksichtigt, wie Cloud-Computing, Microservices, containerisierte Anwendungen und Ähnliches die Definition von Infrastruktur grundlegend verändern. Diese neue, agile Infrastruktur und die mit ihr verbundenen Konzepte wie zum Beispiel geplante Ausfälle bewirken – oder erfordern gar – die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Development und Operations.
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The Total Economic Impact Of CA Unified Infrastructure Management

CA commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying CA Unified Infrastructure Management (CA UIM). The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of CA UIM on their organizations.
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