Patterns for Cloud Computing

This checklist will help you identify the key steps to take to minimize the potential for security breaches and loss of data associated with mobile devices. Although every enterprise is unique, these 15 points will provide you with a strong foundation for assessing your current mobile security plans and identifying aspects that may need more attention.
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The use of employee-owned devices (EODs) within the enterprise has exploded in just two short years. In a number of cases, the use has preceded the implementation of processes and structures to fully support them. As a result, organizations must quickly catch up. Enterprises need a cohesive plan that addresses each of the key elements of supporting EODs. This checklist looks at the most important elements that will help you determine your current level of readiness to support this mega-trend, while spelling out the key processes, approaches and best practices needed to enable it.
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To communicate rapid changes regarding IT and mobile security best practices, we’ve sought out experts - both inside and outside Lenovo. Download this eBook and gain access to new information you can use to better secure your organization.
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