Patterns for Cloud Computing

This IBM® Redbooks® Solution Guide explains the business and technical value of emerging patterns of expertise in cloud computing, with specific applicability to IBM PureApplication™ System, IBM Workload Deployer, IBM SmartCloud® Orchestrator, and IBM SmartCloud Application Services. It explains how patterns help companies use the different cloud environments that IBM offers.
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Thinking outside the data warehouse

The IBM portfolio combines data warehousing, business analytics and information management software, hardware and solutions. Businesses can use IBM technologies to increase agility, boost performance, lower TCO, maximize value of data assets and make better decisions, faster.
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The Big Data Zoo—Taming the Beasts

Big data is probably the single most important trend in information usage for both business and IT in the past decade. It is changing the way companies make decisions, do business, succeed or fail. Using information and insights intelligently to anticipate and profit from change.
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Multi-Mode Notebooks & the Next Wave of End User Computing

With the rapid adoption of tablets, smart phones, touch interfaces and "always on" connectivity, the last few years have seen tremendous changes in the way users interact with information. Users no longer simply rely on notebooks to create critical business information on local computers, they use them to create, consume, research, collaborate and communicate in a 24 hour a day, globally connected business environment.
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15 Steps to Reducing Security Risks In Enterprise Mobility

This checklist will help you identify the key steps to take to minimize the potential for security breaches and loss of data associated with mobile devices. Although every enterprise is unique, these 15 points will provide you with a strong foundation for assessing your current mobile security plans and identifying aspects that may need more attention.

Sponsored by Lenovo and Intel

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Determining Enterprise Readiness to Support Employee Owned Devices

The use of employee-owned devices (EODs) within the enterprise has exploded in just two short years. In a number of cases, the use has preceded the implementation of processes and structures to fully support them. As a result, organizations must quickly catch up. Enterprises need a cohesive plan that addresses each of the key elements of supporting EODs. This checklist looks at the most important elements that will help you determine your current level of readiness to support this mega-trend, while spelling out the key processes, approaches and best practices needed to enable it.

Sponsored by Lenovo and Intel

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The IBM Big Data Platform

IBM is unique in having developed an enterprise class big data platform that allows you to address the full spectrum of big data business challenges. The real benefit of the platform is leverage - the ability to start with one capability and easily adds on another. Read this whitepaper to learn about the platform, its core capabilities and how they will be beneficial to an organization.
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The top five ways to get started with big data

Despite the increased focus on big data over the past few years, most organizations are still talking about what big data is rather than focusing on what problems big data can address. Through conducting surveys, studying analyst findings, talking with more than 300 customers and prospects and implementing hundreds of big data solutions, IBM has identified the top five high-value use cases that can be your first step into big data:

Big data exploration
Enhanced 360-degree view of the customer
Security/intelligence extension
Operations analysis
Data warehouse augmentation
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Three must haves for maximizing SAP analytic performance

Opportunities for growth and innovation hinge on your ability to quickly access and analyze business critical information. This e-book highlights how you can maximize performance in your SAP environment, including the 3 must haves:

Analytic accelerators to deliver faster insights
Rapid ROI and lower TCO
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Considerations for maximizing analytics performance

Philip Howard of Bloor Research compares performance capabilities of the leading business intelligence platforms. Companies studied in this comparison are IBM® (Cognos, DB2 with BLU Acceleration), SAP (BusinessObjects, HANA), Oracle (Business Intelligence, Exadata) and Microsoft (Business Intelligence, SQL Server). His conclusion: "DB2® with BLU Acceleration should not only provide better performance in the first place, but also provide consistent performance, with a corresponding requirement for less hardware and less cost."
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