Building Application Security Into Production Container Environments

Organizations are leveraging containers on a massive scale to rapidly package and deliver software applications. But because it is difficult for organizations to see the components and dependencies in all their container images, the security risks associated with containerized software delivery have become a critical topic in DevOps.

This puts the spotlight on operations teams to find security vulnerabilities in production environments without sacrificing the efficiency of containers.

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Amadeus innovates customer service with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Amadeus is a leading provider of innovative technology solutions for the global travel industry. To meet changing customer demand, the €4 billion company needed a new computing platform that was highly available, flexible, and tolerant to infrastructure fluctuations. Amadeus chose Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform® as the foundation for its new application infrastructure. When the project is complete, Amadeus expects the cloud solution to decrease system latency for better customer service, increase platform availability, streamline operations through automation, and reduce time to market for new services.
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The path to cloud-native applications

For the majority of organizations, digital business means pivoting to a culture of organizational agility, where the rapid pace of demand can only be satisfied by faster and more flexible development and delivery models. As most organizations do not have the luxury of completely rebuilding their technology foundation or immediately adopting new practices and mindsets, they are embracing gradual yet fundamental shifts in culture, processes, and technology to support greater velocity and agility. Learn 8 steps to guide your journey to cloud-native application development, including Red Hat® customer success stories.
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Agile integration: A blueprint for enterprise architecture

As applications and services become more central to business strategy, and as distributed methodologies like agile and DevOps change the way teams operate, it is critical for IT leaders to find a way to integrate their backend systems, legacy systems, and teams in an agile, adaptable way. This e-book details an architecture called agile integration, consisting of three technology pillars—distributed integration, containers, and APIs—to deliver flexibility, scalability, and reusability.
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TCO Report – NAS File Tiering

Every organization is under pressure to meet the exponential growth in demand for file storage capacity. Surveys show, however, that 60% or more of data on Tier 1 storage is either dormant or rarely used. Organizations can now achieve significant savings by moving that inactive content to a secondary storage tier.

While the concept of storage tiering is well known, it has not been widely adopted in the past due to various limitations. New storage technologies now overcome those limitations, making tiering an attractive option to reclaim capacity on Tier 1 storage systems and reduce backup costs and time requirements — often resulting in overall file storage cost savings of 50%.

Of particular note, new solutions now enable these savings with zero impact on user data access.

In this paper, we compare the total cost of ownership (TCO) of traditional NAS to the TCO of traditional NAS augmented by file tiering with Cloudian object storage.

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TCO Report – Tape vs. Object Storage

We are living in an age of explosive data growth. IDC projects that the digital universe is growing 50% a year, doubling in size every 2 years. In media and entertainment, the growth is even faster as capacity-intensive formats such as 4K, 8K, and 360/VR gain traction. Fortunately, new trends in data storage are making it easier to stay ahead of the curve.

Historically, many studios and broadcasters have relied on LTO tape as the most economical option for long-term media archiving and backup — but that is beginning to change. The increasing costs of maintaining and expanding aging tape libraries are prompting many businesses to explore other options. At the same, the costs of more modern and flexible solutions like object storage now make them a cost-effective alternative to LTO tape.

In this paper, we will examine how object storage stacks up against LTO tape for media archives and backup. In addition to a detailed total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis covering both capital and operational expenses, this paper will look at the opportunity costs of not leveraging the real-time data access of object storage to monetize existing data.

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TCO Report – Cloudian HyperFile

A new class of storage promises to revolutionize file data management with scalability, simplicity and cost benefits that together represent a step function improvement from traditional NAS.

With unstructured data growth rates exceeding 50% per year, the need for such a solution is clear. Files have become more numerous, much larger and they’re being retained and accessed over longer periods of time. For 30 years now, Network Attached Storage (NAS) has been the go-to technology for file storage, but the changing nature of data is straining the ability of NAS to scale, deliver adequate performance, and do so economically.

Cloudian HyperFile offers a new approach that addresses both the scalability and cost concerns. It is the first to combine traditional NAS features with a limitlessly scalable, fully modular storage environment that reduces CAPEX costs by 2/3 while simplifying management and eliminating storage silos.

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How to choose the right CRM (Bonus Сhecklist Included)

These days a CRM isn’t just a luxury — it forms the cornerstone of your entire workflow, helping (or hindering) the effectiveness of your sales process.

That’s why choosing the right customer relationship management solution can feel like a huge undertaking. You’ve got to think about whether the functionality fits the way you work, how to get your team on board and if it’s a worthwhile investment of time and money. Pair that with the fact that there are literally hundreds of CRMs to choose from, and shopping for a CRM can be downright overwhelming.

But don’t put it off. The sooner you find a CRM, the sooner you can start enjoying the perks of a more systematized and transparent sales process. If you follow the tips below, you’ll find that searching for the right CRM can not only be painless, but even enjoyable.

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Cloud ERP for Job Shops and Manufacturers

In the face of growing competition and a challenging business climate, many job shops and manufacturers are looking for ways to reduce costs, streamline operations, and improve the bottom line. Implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is a proven solution for running a business efficiently and effectively. Yet, a large percentage of manufacturers have held back from implementing an ERP system due to high initial costs, long implementation times, and competing demands for time and resources.

This paper describes how the Software as a Service (SaaS) model (more commonly known as ‘the cloud’) delivers financial, implementation, and operational benefits to job shops and manufacturers. It also details cloud deployed Epicor ERP meets the needs of job shops and manufacturers. Job shops and manufacturers can leverage Epicor ERP—and cloud technology to ‘punch above their weight’—increasing effectiveness.

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Become a high-growth manufacturer

High-growth companies are powered by people who understand what it takes to get set for growth—individuals with the vision and drive to take their business to the next level. We call these people the Grow Getters.

Grow Getters know what growth looks like for their business and how to achieve it. They invest where it counts and have an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that gives them the essential visibility and agility needed to act for growth.

Discover the 10 characteristics that set the Grow Getters apart from their competitors…

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Teleretinal imaging enables detection of diabetic retinopathy in primary care settings

Change is required to eradicate diabetic retinopathy as a leading cause of severe vision loss and blindness. Teleretinal imaging in primary healthcare settings provides an option to improve early detection of diabetic retinopathy in patients living with diabetes.

  • With early detection, 95% of vision loss can be prevented.1
  • Achieve 90% compliance with diabetic retinal exams in one year.2
  • Improve value-based quality measures and population health management
  • Preventive intervention is key, as diabetic retinopathy is often asymptomatic; many patients are not even aware of their condition until it is advanced. Early detection in primary care settings helps to ensure vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy is identified early enough to prevent blindness.

    Download the whitepaper “The new front line for preserving vision in diabetic patients”.

    Featured Expert: Stephen G. Schwartz, MD, MBA, Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

    1 National Eye Institute, Facts About Diabetic Eye Disease.

    2 Mansberger SL, Gleitsmann K, Gardiner S, Sheppler C, Demirel S, Wooten K, Becker TM; Comparing the Effectiveness of Telemedicine and Traditional Surveillance in Providing Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Examinations: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Telemedicine and e-Health. December 2013, 19(12): 942-948. doi:10.1089/tmj.2012.0313.

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Imagining Apps for the Event-Driven World

PubNub set out in 2009 to develop a Data Stream Network (DSN) for developers to build realtime apps as easily as building a web page, without worrying about security, reliability, or scalability. The PubNub DSN provides global cloud infrastructure and key building blocks for realtime interactivity, and lets developers focus on customer innovation.

Download this whitepaper to find out more about the five emerging app features that PubNub can help you implement into your apps!

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Contrast Assess

Contrast Assess transforms an organization’s ability to secure software by making applications self-protecting.

This whitepaper will cover how Contrast Assess’ unique Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) architecture makes software capable of assessing itself continuously for vulnerabilities, while providing the highest accuracy, efficiency, and coverage.

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Vienna Scientific Cluster’s The Immersion Supercomputer: Extreme Efficiency, Needs No Water

The Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), created to satisfy the demand for High Performance Computing (HPC) of a consortium of five Austrian universities, released a competitive tender to build the most powerful supercomputer in Austria. However, this was not your regular competitive bid process where systems that meet the minimum requirement compete purely on the bid price. The VSC took a long-term perspective towards cost and performance, they defined very specific targets and tests that reflected the long-term cost of the system. GRC came together with ClusterVision, Intel, and Supermicro to create a custom solution that came out well on top of the competition.

This paper will explore how GRC’s technology helped dramatically reduce the upfront cost and energy consumption of the system. Thereby allowing reallocation of capital towards more computing power

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Doing More with Less: Cooling Computers with Oil Pays Of

A consequence of doing useful work with computers is the production of heat. Every watt of energy that goes into a computer is converted to a watt of heat that needs to be removed, or else the computer will melt, burst into ames, or meet some other undesirable end. Most computer systems in data centers are cooled with air conditioning, while some high-performance systems use contained liquid cooling systems where cooling uid is typically piped into a cold plate or some other heat exchanger. Immersion cooling works by directly immersing IT equipment into a bath of cooling uid. The National Security Agency’s Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) acquired and installed an oil-immersion cooling system in 2012 and has evaluated its pros and cons. Cooling computer equipment by using oil immersion can substantially reduce cooling costs; in fact, this method has the potential to cut in half the construction costs of future data centers.

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