Sponsor: CA Technology

Evolved Capacity Management

Effective capacity management has become a critical differentiator for IT organizations. Those that can’t effectively evolve their capacity management practice will continue to struggle with complexity and negligible insights into capacity sizing and the impact of changing demand and resulting service/application performance. However, those that gain advanced capacity management capabilities will be able to more effectively right-size investments, support key IT projects, and align resources with business objectives. This paper offers a practical look at capacity management, outlining the six key steps IT organizations can take to realize capacity management that delivers maximum value.
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Optimizing Capacity to Meet Business and IT Demands

Escalating competitive pressures, tight budgets and scarce capital resources are working in concert to intensify the importance of true alignment between IT and the organization it supports. But many of today’s enterprises are noticing a decided gap between what the business demands of IT and the realities of what IT can deliver.
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Facebook Uses CA Technologies as the Foundation for its Broad DCIM Platform

Facebook is aiming to bring together data from IT, facilities and application development operations to facilitate workflow management and automation for greater operational efficiency of its datacenters. To that end, the company is developing an atypically extensive datacenter management software platform, which it has begun to deploy in some of its facilities. Facebook's datacenter infrastructure management (DCIM) system is 'hybrid' in that it includes both homegrown and commercial components.
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Efficiency, Optimization and Predictive Reliability

IT organizations are increasingly being called upon to cost-effectively deliver reliable support for the entire catalog of business services, or risk outsourcing to a managed service provider. Previously, capacity planners and IT architects would use historical trends to predict capacity requirements and simply over-provision to account for any peaks caused by seasonality, error, or extraneous influences like mergers & acquisitions. Over-provisioning, combined with poor lifecycle management of new resources provisioned in the data center, has led to capacity utilization and inefficiency issues. While historical data is great for understanding past issues and current state of the environment, the performance of servers, hosts and clusters is not linear; at some level of saturation, the performance of that infrastructure will quickly start to degrade.
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Get the Whole Picture: Why Most Organizations Miss User Response Monitoring and What to do About It

"End user response. To borrow a phrase, it’s where the rubber meets the road. You can be armed with vast amounts of performance metrics, but if you don’t know what users are actually experiencing, you don’t have the real performance picture. While this measure is critical, it is one many organizations fail to consistently capture. Why? This guide looks at the challenges of user response monitoring, and it shows how you can overcome these challenges and start to get a real handle on your infrastructure performance and how it impacts your users’ experience."
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Unified IT Monitoring: A Necessity in the Application Economy

Today’s customer and employee profiles look very different than they did just a few years ago. These tech-enabled, highly connected buyers are using many different platforms to research, shop and work. They’re engaging brands in new ways—through social networks, as well as mobile and cloud-based applications. And with all their newfound capabilities, they’re expecting more from their business interactions.
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The Power and Payback of Unified IT Monitoring

This ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES® (EMA™) whitepaper examines why unified IT monitoring is an important enabling technology for both enterprises and management service providers, including both the organizational and strategic impacts as well as the business case surrounding it. It goes further to examine CA Nimsoft Monitor as an example of unified IT monitoring, and reviews three case studies where the solution has been deployed for active use in a unified manner.
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Sept conseils pour créer une entreprise imbattable Stratégie de mobilité

La mobilité d’entreprise va bien au-delà du principe BYOD (« Bring Your Own Device »), autrement dit, « apportez votre propre appareil ». Les organisations avant-gardistes adoptent des stratégies de mobilité qui concilient le besoin de connections transparentes pour les employés et les clients avec la nécessité d’offrir une infrastructure souple et sécurisée. Même si vous ne pouvez pas anticiper tout ce que la mobilité va apporter comme changement à votre métier dans 3, 5 ou 10 ans, vous pouvez dès aujourd’hui suivre 7 conseils pour développer une stratégie de mobilité à l’échelle de l’entreprise, afin d’accélérer la transformation et d’être prêt à relever les défis de demain. Téléchargez l’ebook.
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Smart Containerization

Découvrez dans ce livre blanc une technologie unique de gestion des caractéristiques de sécurité, de performances, de conformité et de support de tout type de périphérique, d’application, de contenu ou de courriel, qui préserve la qualité de l’expérience utilisateur mobile.
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Considérations clés en matière d’authentification pour votre stratégie mobile

Le besoin d’authentification mobile atteint sa masse critique. Comme la mobilité est de plus en plus souvent considérée comme le nouveau visage de l’engagement client, les entreprises répondent par une augmentation du nombre d’applications mobiles. Avec pour enjeu la fidélité des clients et pour contexte une concurrence toujours plus féroce, de plus en plus d’entreprises augmentent les budgets et les efforts consacrés au développement d’applications mobiles. Elles espèrent ainsi pouvoir non seulement améliorer leur capacité à impliquer les clients, mais également tirer parti d’un modèle métier moins onéreux. Découvrez dans ce guide les considérations clés en matière d’authentification pour votre stratégie mobile.
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Méthodes d’authentification avancée: logiciel versus matériel

Dans l’univers technologique d’aujourd’hui, personne ne peut se permettre de sous-estimer l’importance de l’authentification, principalement en raison du rôle central qu’elle joue et des nombreux systèmes qu’elle affecte. Internet en est un bel exemple : pratiquement toutes les actions qu’un utilisateur peut exécuter en ligne commencent par l’authentification. Parallèlement à cette tendance, les utilisateurs malveillants sont de plus en plus organisés et disposent, plus que jamais, de moyens d’attaque. Pourtant alors que des communautés entières s’investissent dans la création et la distribution d’outils offensifs sophistiqués, les organisations et leurs clients ont eux bien du mal à protéger la confidentialité des données et la vie privée des utilisateurs. Découvrez les méthodes d’authentification avancée dans ce guide.
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L’authentification forte : un must pour tous les utilisateurs

Les tendances actuelles du marché (adoption du Cloud, mobilité accrue, montée en puissance des réseaux sociaux et hausse des données partagées en ligne) rendent urgent l’établissement d’une authentification forte. Pour garantir la sécurité, un département informatique ne peut plus se contenter de mettre en place un réseau dans un périmètre bien défini, ni se fier uniquement à l’identification par nom d’utilisateur et mot de passe. Avec toujours plus d’utilisateurs, d’informations et de points d’entrée, les besoins en protection s’accentuent. La mise en ligne de données et d’applications stratégiques requiert une authentification forte pour chaque utilisateur afin de protéger et de faciliter les activités. Lisez ce guide.
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Common Pitfalls in Implementing Application Performance Management

On an ever-increasing basis, the typical organization’s core business processes rely on a combination of applications and the supporting IT infrastructure. In most cases, when a core business process is not performing well, the company loses revenue and the perceived value of the IT organization is diminished. An application performance management system can help, but is has to be the right solution. The goal of this white paper is to describe seven common pitfalls that IT organizations need to be aware of and to avoid when implementing application performance management solutions.
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Turning APM into an IT Detective

In CIO’s annual report commissioned by CA Technologies, which analyzes the survey results conducted with their LinkedIn group of IT leaders, CIO discovers how IT organizations’ current APM strategies have changed over the past year, confidence levels in their ability to meet end user expectations, and how IT leaders are seeking the best ways to bridge gap between the promise of APM and its reality today.

Read the report, “Turning APM into an IT detective” here and learn more about what IT leaders feel they need to do to get APM right and why many may be shying away from making APM investments.

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The Value of Analytics

Is your application performance data growing out of control? With the increasingly complex, dynamic, and interconnected applications, analysts and administrators need application performance management (APM) tools with advanced analytics capabilities. Principled Technologies, a technology assessment firm, reports in this white paper commissioned by CA Technologies, that advanced analytics is a key functionality in the modern APM tool to better support IT in delivering the quality of service that mission-critical applications demand.
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