All-flash Availability for the Always-On Enterprise

Together, Pure® Storage and Veeam enable the Always-On Enterprise™ to meet service level agreements (SLAs) for ALL applications and data.

The Pure Storage data platform powers virtualization by allowing administrators to consolidate workloads without sacrificing performance and to achieve 100% virtualization with confidence. Pure Storage enables scale from hundreds to thousands of VMs without disruption, and is completely managed inside vCenter.

Pure Storage FlashArray provides fast and reliable block storage for your production data, as well as local snapshots for rapid restore. FlashBlade™, a highly dense all-flash data platform designed for big data and concurrent workloads, enables you to store large data sets in a small data center footprint and restore them rapidly.

Veeam Software leverages virtual machine capabilities, Pure Storage snapshots, image based backups and cloud technologies that enable the Always-On Enterprise to achieve recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs), of <15 minutes for All applications and data. Veeam simplifies IT operational management, mitigates risk and dramatically reduces capital and operational costs.

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Veeam® and Pure Storage® Integrated Deployment Guide

In this deployment guide, we guide you through the installation of the Veeam and Pure Storage integrated solution. Starting with Veeam Backup & Replication™ 9.5 update 3, new integrated features are available for Pure Storage systems by installing the Pure Storage Plugin. The integration features are:

  • Backup from Storage Snapshots
  • Veeam® Explorer™ for Storage Snapshots
  • Veeam® DataLabs™ for Storage Snapshots

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2018 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis

The Black Duck by Synopsys Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) report provides an in-depth look at the state of open source security, license compliance, and code-quality risk in commercial software. Each year, the Black Duck OnDemand audit services group conducts open source audits on thousands of applications for its customers—primarily in conjunction with merger and acquisition transactions. This year’s analysis was done by the Synopsys Center for Open Source Research & Innovation (COSRI) and examines findings from the anonymized data of over 1,100 commercial codebases audited in 2017. Industries represented in the report include the automotive, big data (predominantly artificial intelligence and business intelligence), cyber security, enterprise software, financial services, healthcare, Internet of Things (IoT), manufacturing, and mobile app markets.

The OSSRA report includes insights and recommendations intended to help organizations and security, risk, legal, development, and M&A teams better understand the open source security and license risk landscape as they strive to improve their application risk management processes.

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TCO Report – NAS File Tiering

Every organization is under pressure to meet the exponential growth in demand for file storage capacity. Surveys show, however, that 60% or more of data on Tier 1 storage is either dormant or rarely used. Organizations can now achieve significant savings by moving that inactive content to a secondary storage tier.

While the concept of storage tiering is well known, it has not been widely adopted in the past due to various limitations. New storage technologies now overcome those limitations, making tiering an attractive option to reclaim capacity on Tier 1 storage systems and reduce backup costs and time requirements — often resulting in overall file storage cost savings of 50%.

Of particular note, new solutions now enable these savings with zero impact on user data access.

In this paper, we compare the total cost of ownership (TCO) of traditional NAS to the TCO of traditional NAS augmented by file tiering with Cloudian object storage.

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TCO Report – Tape vs. Object Storage

We are living in an age of explosive data growth. IDC projects that the digital universe is growing 50% a year, doubling in size every 2 years. In media and entertainment, the growth is even faster as capacity-intensive formats such as 4K, 8K, and 360/VR gain traction. Fortunately, new trends in data storage are making it easier to stay ahead of the curve.

Historically, many studios and broadcasters have relied on LTO tape as the most economical option for long-term media archiving and backup — but that is beginning to change. The increasing costs of maintaining and expanding aging tape libraries are prompting many businesses to explore other options. At the same, the costs of more modern and flexible solutions like object storage now make them a cost-effective alternative to LTO tape.

In this paper, we will examine how object storage stacks up against LTO tape for media archives and backup. In addition to a detailed total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis covering both capital and operational expenses, this paper will look at the opportunity costs of not leveraging the real-time data access of object storage to monetize existing data.

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TCO Report – Cloudian HyperFile

A new class of storage promises to revolutionize file data management with scalability, simplicity and cost benefits that together represent a step function improvement from traditional NAS.

With unstructured data growth rates exceeding 50% per year, the need for such a solution is clear. Files have become more numerous, much larger and they’re being retained and accessed over longer periods of time. For 30 years now, Network Attached Storage (NAS) has been the go-to technology for file storage, but the changing nature of data is straining the ability of NAS to scale, deliver adequate performance, and do so economically.

Cloudian HyperFile offers a new approach that addresses both the scalability and cost concerns. It is the first to combine traditional NAS features with a limitlessly scalable, fully modular storage environment that reduces CAPEX costs by 2/3 while simplifying management and eliminating storage silos.

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How to choose the right CRM (Bonus Сhecklist Included)

These days a CRM isn’t just a luxury — it forms the cornerstone of your entire workflow, helping (or hindering) the effectiveness of your sales process.

That’s why choosing the right customer relationship management solution can feel like a huge undertaking. You’ve got to think about whether the functionality fits the way you work, how to get your team on board and if it’s a worthwhile investment of time and money. Pair that with the fact that there are literally hundreds of CRMs to choose from, and shopping for a CRM can be downright overwhelming.

But don’t put it off. The sooner you find a CRM, the sooner you can start enjoying the perks of a more systematized and transparent sales process. If you follow the tips below, you’ll find that searching for the right CRM can not only be painless, but even enjoyable.

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A Manufacturer’s Guide to Growing Profitably

This eBook and research identify five key factors that growing manufacturers believe contributed to their business growth last year, and five risks that manufacturers believe may prevent or weaken growth in the following year.

Even if you do your best to try to plan for future growth, there will be surprises along the way . This eBook highlights the importance of being able to plan accurately for growth, and suggests areas of your business that you can critique to assess your ability to effectively plan for growth . It also identifies the risk factors and consequences that manufacturers who don’t plan for growth leave themselves open to .

The eBook concludes that, whether addressing risk factors or embracing growth factors, it’s their IT systems that will make or break manufacturers’ growth ambitions . With the right IT in place, they’ll be able to make better and faster decisions, helping them provide better and faster service to customers even as they grow, increasing their agility and their profitability .

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Cloud ERP for Job Shops and Manufacturers

In the face of growing competition and a challenging business climate, many job shops and manufacturers are looking for ways to reduce costs, streamline operations, and improve the bottom line. Implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is a proven solution for running a business efficiently and effectively. Yet, a large percentage of manufacturers have held back from implementing an ERP system due to high initial costs, long implementation times, and competing demands for time and resources.

This paper describes how the Software as a Service (SaaS) model (more commonly known as ‘the cloud’) delivers financial, implementation, and operational benefits to job shops and manufacturers. It also details cloud deployed Epicor ERP meets the needs of job shops and manufacturers. Job shops and manufacturers can leverage Epicor ERP—and cloud technology to ‘punch above their weight’—increasing effectiveness.

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Become a high-growth manufacturer

High-growth companies are powered by people who understand what it takes to get set for growth—individuals with the vision and drive to take their business to the next level. We call these people the Grow Getters.

Grow Getters know what growth looks like for their business and how to achieve it. They invest where it counts and have an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that gives them the essential visibility and agility needed to act for growth.

Discover the 10 characteristics that set the Grow Getters apart from their competitors…

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6 Ways Your CRM Is Failing You

The modern customer expects a lot — a response within the hour, a personalized buying journey and an account manager who anticipates their wants and needs. It’s no wonder that the demand for customer relationship management tools is growing every year. It gives businesses that competitive edge of getting in there first and really wowing your leads while they’re hot. Nevertheless, a lot of CRMs don’t deliver the dazzling ROI you’re expecting and working with them becomes tedious.

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Cloud IQ Cloud Based Analytics and Machine Learning

Manage storage from anywhere and see the future of cloud-based storage management & analytics in this demo-filled session.

Download this webcast from Dell EMC and Intel® to learn more.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Delivering Governed Self-Service BI Across the Enterprise

The purpose of this document is to provide Pyramid Analytics customers with an actionable, high-level framework, guidance and tips to successfully deliver governed self-service BI across the enterprise. Although ad-hoc reporting tools have come a long way the past few years, most of the tools in the market today have significant governance gaps.

Self-service BI governance involves a partnership between business and IT leaders on how to best empower everyone to make data-driven decisions efficiently and responsibly. Analytics guides interactions, informs decisions, drives processes and ensures better outcomes. In balancing organization and individual needs, a collaborative initiative considers various user perspectives and reporting use cases. Since everyone must participate, governance requires an organizational reporting culture change.

In summary, effective self-service BI governance processes are essential to ensure users are viewing high-quality, relevant data for decision-making. They also help users understand standards for creating and sharing reports responsibly.

Pyramid Analytics provides organizations with an intuitive administrative framework to publish and share content. Administrators can configure role-based access using group security profiles and track lineage and versioning at the storyboard level to gain complete telemetry on how users are consuming content.

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Improve Self-Service Analytics Credibility with Data Quality

Data is at the heart of every organization.

In the journey to become more data-driven in decision making, we are seeing unprecedented democratization of data and adoption of self-service analytics. Rigid data collection and reporting processes of the past have given way to rapid gathering of raw, unstructured and crowdsourced data. As a result of that change, there are inevitable trade-offs with data quality.

Self-service visual analytics solutions often quickly expose data quality issues that you may not even realize exist. Unfortunately, inaccurate data undermines the powerful value of self-service analytics. If people don't trust your reports, they won’t use them. Since self-service analytics credibility, adoption and success hinges on accurate data, data quality should be given more attention as you implement these solutions.

Every organization today depends on data to understand its customers and employees, design new products, reach target markets, and plan for the future. Accurate, complete, and up-to-date information is essential if you want to optimize your decision making, avoid constantly playing catch-up and maintain your competitive advantage.

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The Enduring Value of Narrative Reporting

While they throw numerous cross-department teams at the problem or embark on yet another technology initiative, year after year organizations continuously labor through the reporting process, delivering bland, formulaic reports that provide little decision-making value.

Many business intelligence (BI) solutions in the marketplace today—the very tools designed to interrogate data and produce meaningful insights—are only making things worse.

Meanwhile, emergent self-service BI tools promise to empower end users and improve speed to insight. While they can produce attractive data visualizations in dashboard style reports, they haven’t made it any easier to produce the professional, narrative-style reports that many business leaders require.

In this paper, we explore these in greater detail, discuss why many BI solutions fall short, and explain how Pyramid Analytics excels in each of these key areas.

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