How To BenchMark And Improve Employee Communications

This might not have been the case ten years ago, but today, every company needs to have an internal communications department in place, regardless of its size, structure, or operating sector.

Analyzing the need for such a department while putting an emphasis on the importance of delivering effective employee communications, but also state the significance of implementing benchmarks for the measurement of the success of internal communications efforts is mandatory for all businesses. In comprehensively going through those aspects and the characteristics of employee communications, its main focus, major challenges, and how communications teams should operate, this white paper will present what those benchmarks are and how to set them in order to improve employee communications and achieve all company goals.

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Simple, Effective & Flexible Marketing

The average American spends over 4 hours per day staring at their smart phone screen and text messaging is responsible for ¼ of that time. There simply is no other channel that can cut through the clutter and reach all demographics like SMS marketing.

  • Text messaging is the most used form of communication today.
  • User friendly platform.
  • Resources for navigating compliance.
  • Enterprise throughput via Microsoft cloud based technology.

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How To Make Text Message Marketing Work For Your Business

We are living in an age in which communication channels are always open, bombarding us with notifications and messages either from your families, friends, employers, or the brands we engage with.

Therefore, sometimes we might end up disabling notifications or filtering the messages we are getting via an internet channel in the search of tranquility. It is in these times that text messages prove their real value. They are broadcasted in real time, providing a clean, elegant, and effective mean of getting in touch with someone. When it comes to the relationship and communication between businesses and customers, text message marketing is an excellent tool, as it relies upon the prior agreement of the customer and the real-time engagement of the business. This white paper will address and analyze text message marketing and provide an understanding of its benefits but also of best practices to have in mind for a better implementation and achieving of all goals.

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Don’t Overlook Your Email Archiving Systems

"Today, business users need on-the-go access to all their critical data, which includes emails, documents and attachments. For IT administrators, striking the balance between productivity for users and compliance needs for the organization is necessary.

A September 2017 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting shows 92% of business users believe easily finding emails and related documents using search functions is important or critical to the ability to do their job.

Download the study to discover more of Forrester Consulting’s important findings on the email archiving needs of modern business users—and how you can meet them."

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Don’t Overlook Your Email Archiving Systems

"Today, business users need on-the-go access to all their critical data, which includes emails, documents and attachments. For IT administrators, striking the balance between productivity for users and compliance needs for the organization is necessary.

A September 2017 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting shows 92% of business users believe easily finding emails and related documents using search functions is important or critical to the ability to do their job.

Download the study to discover more of Forrester Consulting’s important findings on the email archiving needs of modern business users—and how you can meet them."

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Canon Case Study

Learn How Canon USA Uses Fujitsu GLOVIA® OM to Scale its Business

Dennis Amorosano, SVP and GM at Canon Information & Imaging Solutions, shares how Fujitsu GLOVIA® OM, fully customizable order management solution, enabled Canon USA to more effectively drive the sale of software and subscriptions through hundreds of channel partners.

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GLOVIA® OM Order and Inventory Management App

Learn How Your Team/Channel Partners Can Access Vital Information Seamlessly On the Go

Fujitsu GLOVIA® OM Order and Inventory Management App offers a robust solution for companies and their channel partners to place orders, manage inventory and fulfillment while on the go. Working seamlessly between online and offline mode, GLOVIA OM Order and Inventory Management App can dramatically improve productivity, accuracy and customer experience for any company.

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Finding the ROI in Digital Transformation

OSIsoft commissioned Navigant Research to analyze its PI System through interviews with customers, market data, and analyst insights into the market. This analysis does not represent an endorsement of the PI System but rather a review of key findings and case studies from the user perspective. Findings from the interviews show compelling evidence for positive returns on investment (ROIs) from a PI System deployment. However, a critical element Navigant Research’s analysis uncovered the need to select the appropriate use case for the system.

This white paper contains Navigant Research’s view of key trends within the digital transformation market, case studies from PI System customers, and Navigant Research’s recommendations for industrial customers considering digital transformation platforms.

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IDG Survey Highlights the Challenges in Operational Data Analytics Projects

This Market Pulse report from IDG, shows that companies in the industrial sector expect to gain significant value from analyzing their operational data, but only if they can overcome a series of obstacles around handling data and forging connections among business units.

OSIsoft, who commissioned the research around this report, is the most widely deployed solution for capturing data from sensors and smart devices across manufacturing, energy, utilities, pharma, life sciences, transportation and facility management. OSIsoft’s software turns vast data streams into rich, real-time actionable insights.

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Watch NOW: Demo on Fujitsu GLOVIA OM

Fujitsu GLOVIA OM is a fully customizable order management solution to integrate all your business processes, from sales to fulfillment, with unmatched transparency and efficiency. All without ripping and replacing legacy systems. See what GLOVIA OM can do for your business!

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Learn How Canon USA Uses Fujitsu GLOVIA® OM

Salesforce's Andrew Gothelf traveled to Melville, NY, to the campus of Canon USA, to speak with Dennis Amorosano, SVP and GM at Canon Information & Imaging Solutions, to learn how his team uses Fujitsu GLOVIA OM to enable order and subscription management for it and hundreds of channel partners.

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3 Signs That Your Inventory Management System is Stifling Your Growth

Every expanding business encounters productivity bottlenecks that stunt its growth in the short-term and can potentially lead to financial problems and eventual failure. One of such bottlenecks is an inventory management system that fails to meet the company’s growing demands. Throughout my career, I’ve seen it many times and learned to recognize the signs which indicate that it’s time to do something about it.

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Mobile Is The Achilles Heel Of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a rising priority for business leaders: in fact, 89 percent of global executives believe that digital will disrupt their business in the next 12 months, according to Forrester Research.

Here’s a truth that most pundits agree on: digital transformation is not easy but it’s vital for competitiveness, not to mention innovation. In fact, for many organizations, they are often building the digital transformation plane as they are flying it.

Here’s another truth: successful digital transformation today requires bold, next-level mobile innovation. Technology changes fast, but mobile apps change faster, making digital transformation not only challenging, but immediate. In fact, according to Gartner, market demand for mobile app development services will grow at least five times faster than organizations’ capacity to deliver them.

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DropSource Professional Services

With enterprise market demand for mobile app development services growing at least five times faster than internal IT organizations' capacity to deliver them, it's time to shift your perspective and start being bold in your choice of solutions to take control of Digital Transformation.

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