Guida pratica all’adozione di DevOps
Ormai ovunque, le aziende guardano con interesse a ciò che inizialmente era considerato solo un termine alla moda, potenzialmente superabile in tempi brevi da altre novità.
Ormai ovunque, le aziende guardano con interesse a ciò che inizialmente era considerato solo un termine alla moda, potenzialmente superabile in tempi brevi da altre novità.
Das ist viel Geld, und Unternehmen wie die MUFG Union Bank, Nordstrom und Swisscom sorgen dafür, dass sie dank geeigneter Softwareanwendungen und -services in dieser neuen Realität ganz vorn dabei sind. Kunden über diese wachsenden Channels zu erreichen und ihre Erwartungen mit beeindruckenden Experiences zu erfüllen, wird für jedes erfolgreiche Unternehmen zur alltäglichen Praxis werden.
This is driving businesses everywhere to take a second look at what they may have initially thought was just a buzzword – here one day and gone the next.
Now everyone is starting to wonder, “Can we adopt a DevOps method ourselves? And will it work for us?”
This Executive Brief describes how the efficient collaboration between the development and IT operations teams can bring high-quality applications to market as quickly as possible.
The CA Application Delivery suite helps organizations achieve collaborative DevOps through innovative technology tools used to:
Accelerate application development by removing constraints with CA LISA® Service Virtualization. Expedite release time with CA LISA® Release Automation. Improve application testing and quality with CA LISA® Pathfinder.