Guida pratica all’adozione di DevOps

Nell'economia delle applicazioni, ogni business dipende dal software. Per questo motivo DevOps sta rapidamente diventando una delle materie di maggior valore per l'azienda. Si focalizza sul miglioramento della qualità e sull'accelerazione della delivery di nuove applicazioni sul mercato e per ottenere questi risultati integra in maniera serrata sviluppo e operations.

Ormai ovunque, le aziende guardano con interesse a ciò che inizialmente era considerato solo un termine alla moda, potenzialmente superabile in tempi brevi da altre novità.

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DevOps Perspecitves

Collaborando ogni giorno con membri effettivi di team di operations e sviluppo di applicazioni software a ogni livello, CA Technologies è ben consapevole che il "nuovo" termine DevOps deve essere chiarito, analizzato, esaminato.
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Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Transformation: Welche Technologien spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle?

Im Internet of Things (IoT) werden bis zum Jahr 2020 voraussichtlich 26 Milliarden Geräte installiert sein. Anbieter von IoT-Produkten und - Services werden steigende Umsätze erzielen, die 2020 die Marke von 300  Mrd.  USD überschreiten werden. Dabei wird durch Verkäufe an unterschiedliche Endmärkte ein globaler Mehrwert von 1,9 Billionen USD geschaffen werden.

Das ist viel Geld, und Unternehmen wie die MUFG Union Bank, Nordstrom und Swisscom sorgen dafür, dass sie dank geeigneter Softwareanwendungen und -services in dieser neuen Realität ganz vorn dabei sind. Kunden über diese wachsenden Channels zu erreichen und ihre Erwartungen mit beeindruckenden Experiences zu erfüllen, wird für jedes erfolgreiche Unternehmen zur alltäglichen Praxis werden.

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A Pragmatic Guide to Getting Started with DevOps

In the application economy, every business is a software business.This is why DevOps is quickly becoming one of the most valuable disciplines for your business. It’s focused on improving the quality and speed of delivering new apps to market. And it’s about tightly integrating development and operations in order to do so.

This is driving businesses everywhere to take a second look at what they may have initially thought was just a buzzword – here one day and gone the next.

Now everyone is starting to wonder, “Can we adopt a DevOps method ourselves? And will it work for us?”

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Application Self-Protection: It’s Time For a New Kind of Defense

With security breaches targeting the application layer more and more, security teams have begun to shift their focus (and budgets) to address this new challenge. However, limited resources and the dynamic nature of these attacks means that the application security strategy is constantly evolving. IT organizations are tasked with choosing the right tools for every aspect of a layered defense. This paper, including research data from Gartner, will provide insight into the threat landscape as well as the solutions that best address this ever changing landscape.
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Virtual Backup Strategies: Using Storage Snapshots for Backups

Effective data protection is a mandatory element in the modern IT environment. Historically, backup strategies were confined to the last few chapters in an administrator’s manual and treated like an afterthought. Now they sit firmly at the forefront of every CIO’s mind. The ability to continue business operations after a system failure and the need to fulfill stringent compliance requirements have made backup a necessity—not only for business continuity, but also for business survival. The question organizations need to ask about data protection is not whether to backup their data, but how to backup their data.
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Veeam Data Center Availability Report 2014

The Veeam Data Center Availability Report 2014 investigates the increasing demands organizations face to provide an ‘Always-On Business’, what actions they are taking to meet those demands, and how successful their actions are. Following on from previous Veeam Data Protection Reports, this report investigates whether existing solutions can provide the always-on availability that businesses demand in the 21st Century.
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Software-defined Storage sorgt für Datensicherheit

Der Begriff „Software-defined“ ist inzwischen auch in der Speicherwelt angekommen. Kaum ein großer Anbieter, der dieses Schlagwort nicht für die Beschreibung seiner Produkte nutzt. Doch was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Konzept, welche Vorteile entstehen Unternehmen durch dessen Umsetzung und wann lohnt es sich, über Software-defined Storage nachzudenken?
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Software-defined Storage löst Performanceprobleme

Doch worum geht es bei SDS eigentlich genau? Eine erste Orientierungshilfe leistet die Erklärung der Analysten von IDC, die unter softwaredefiniertem Storage „einen auf gängigen Ressourcen (x86-Hardware, Hypervisoren oder der Cloud) oder handelsüblicher Rechnerhardware installierten Stack an Storage-Software“ verstehen. Dieser legt das Fundament dafür, dass sich „bestehende Storage-Ressourcen bündeln, besser auslasten und eine servicebasierte Infrastruktur aufbauen lässt.“
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Dysfunction Junction: A Pragmatic Guide to Getting Started with DevOps

There has been growing buzz about DevOps. DevOps is a methodology that unites the often separate functions of software development (Dev) and production and operations (Ops) into a single, integrated, and continuous process. DevOps is about breaking down the barriers between Dev and Ops. It leverages people, processes, and technology to stimulate collaboration and innovation across the entire software development and release process.

Dev and Ops should always be part of an integrated process, but that’s not always as easy as it sounds. You may be stuck in what we call “Dysfunction Junction.” Read this eBooklet to learn about the pitfalls of DevOps, how you can avoid them, and how to get started on your DevOps journey.
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Modern, High Velocity Application Delivery

Today’s organizations are challenged to be the first to market with ‘The Next Big Thing’. They must innovate with new and unique services to satisfy customer demands and differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Software drives that innovation and has turned every organization into a software organization.

This Executive Brief describes how the efficient collaboration between the development and IT operations teams can bring high-quality applications to market as quickly as possible.

The CA Application Delivery suite helps organizations achieve collaborative DevOps through innovative technology tools used to:

Accelerate application development by removing constraints with CA LISA® Service Virtualization. Expedite release time with CA LISA® Release Automation. Improve application testing and quality with CA LISA® Pathfinder.

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DevOps: The Worst-Kept Secret to Winning in the Application Economy

The application economy is motivating leaders to make critical changes across IT and the business, one of the most significant being the adoption of DevOps. For enterprise IT organizations hoping to drive the technology strategy across the business and provide customers with higher-quality software, faster, DevOps—with its focus on collaboration across IT domains from development to delivery—is increasingly the answer.
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