Workload Change: The 70 Percent of Your Business DevOps Forgot

Organizations that have successfully integrated workload automation (WLA) into their software development lifecycle have seen substantial benefits. So why is WLA, also referred to as job scheduling or batching processing, largely missing from the DevOps discussion? Adding WLA early in the development process ensures that the benefits of DevOps accrue for all applications, including your batch services. This paper explores the benefits in greater detail and explores possible ways to remedy the situation.
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Integração de Big Data em Processos Comerciais e Sistemas Empresariais

No artigo, “Integração de Big Data em Processos Comerciais e Sistemas Empresariais” você aprenderá a como agregar valor máximo a sua empresa junto com Big Data. Tópicos discutidos são:

• Como garantir que seus projetos de Big Data conduzirão os valores definidos do seu negócio claramente

• Os desafios operacionais que cada iniciativa de Big Data deve abordar

• A importância da utilização de uma abordagem empresarial para processos batch em Hadoop

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Integration von Big Data in Geschäftsprozesse und Unternehmenssysteme

Integrieren Sie Ihrer Big Data Initiativen in Ihre Unternehmensweiten Geschäftsprozesse. Gerne machen wir Sie damit vertraut, wie sie mit Control-M für Hadoop die Anwendungsentwicklung beschleunigen und die Unternehmensintegration vereinfachen können.

Besprochene Themen schließen folgende Punkte ein:

• Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass Sie aus ihren Big Data Initiativen den gewünschten Mehrwert erhalten.

• Wie können Sie mit Ihren Big Data initiativen sich den administrativen Herausforderungen & Bedürfnissen stellen und mögliche Konfrontationen erfolgreich meistern.

• Wie können Sie mit einem Enterprise Scheduler für Hadoop, weitere Automationsinseln vermeiden.

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Intégration du Big Data aux processus métiers et aux systèmes d’entreprise

“Intégration du Big Data dans les processus métiers et le système d’information de l’entreprise“

Vous pourrez découvrir comme créer un maximum de valeur avec une bonne approche du Big Data pour votre entreprise.

Les sujets évoqués sont :

• Comment s’assurer que votre projet Big Data vous apportera toute la valeur souhaitée pour votre activité

• Que chacun de vos projets Big Data réponde à vos challenges métiers

• L’importance d’avoir une bonne approche des processus de batchs pour Hadoop

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Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital

This paper, "Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital Service Delivery," describes how a workload automation solution can eliminate the manual processes developers now use to define batch workflows and communicate them to schedulers.By extending the use of workload automation to developers, organizations can implement applications faster, slash costs, and increase service quality.
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Integrate Big Data into Business Processes and Enterprise Systems

In the paper, “Integrate Big Data into Your Business Processes and Enterprise Systems” you’ll learn how to drive maximum value with an enterprise approach to Big Data. Topics discussed include:

• How to ensure that your Big Data projects will drive clearly defined business value

• The operational challenges each Big Data initiative must address

• The importance of using an enterprise approach for Hadoop batch processing

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Common Pitfalls in Implementing Application Performance Management

On an ever-increasing basis, the typical organization’s core business processes rely on a combination of applications and the supporting IT infrastructure. In most cases, when a core business process is not performing well, the company loses revenue and the perceived value of the IT organization is diminished. An application performance management system can help, but is has to be the right solution. The goal of this white paper is to describe seven common pitfalls that IT organizations need to be aware of and to avoid when implementing application performance management solutions.
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Turning APM into an IT Detective

In CIO’s annual report commissioned by CA Technologies, which analyzes the survey results conducted with their LinkedIn group of IT leaders, CIO discovers how IT organizations’ current APM strategies have changed over the past year, confidence levels in their ability to meet end user expectations, and how IT leaders are seeking the best ways to bridge gap between the promise of APM and its reality today.

Read the report, “Turning APM into an IT detective” here and learn more about what IT leaders feel they need to do to get APM right and why many may be shying away from making APM investments.

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The Value of Analytics

Is your application performance data growing out of control? With the increasingly complex, dynamic, and interconnected applications, analysts and administrators need application performance management (APM) tools with advanced analytics capabilities. Principled Technologies, a technology assessment firm, reports in this white paper commissioned by CA Technologies, that advanced analytics is a key functionality in the modern APM tool to better support IT in delivering the quality of service that mission-critical applications demand.
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Ovum Decision Criteria Matrix

CA Technologies is positioned as a leader in the Ovum Decision Matrix: Selecting an Application Performance Management Solution, 2014–15. This report on APM evaluates ten of the leading APM solutions in the market and compares them side by side. Ovum notes CA APM’s long history as an enterprise grade solution, and that its latest release “ensures CA APM's place as a leading APM solution.” Download this free report to learn more.
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APM Essentials: Navigating the maze of EUE Solutions

Application ecosystems have become more complex and the value of Application Performance Management (APM) has shifted from the application to the transaction. The transaction is no longer confined by the application and can traverse multiple composite applications before being displayed on the user’s device. For this reason, transaction monitoring has become user-centric and more sophisticated.

This white paper by leading analyst firm EMA, offers clarity to these discussions, giving readers additional insight and a starting point for selecting the solution that best meets their needs.

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Why Everyone Needs to Own Customer Experience in the Application Economy

The viability of your brand largely rests on the quality of your customers’ experience with your applications—often the most important experiences they’ll have when doing business with you. Successful CIOs and technology leaders will know how to deliver the application experience users expect by taking ownership of the application experience, obtaining key performance information needed to share—or democratize—that data with all relevant teams and business leaders. These technology leaders recognize that great performance is driven when all teams understand what they need to know to act.
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Application and Service Delivery Handbook

Dr. Jim Metzler, Webtorials Distinguished Research Fellow, has released the initial installment of the 2014 edition of his Application and Service Delivery Handbook, featuring detailed research and analysis. In this first of four installments, he lays the groundwork to ensure that the applications and services that an enterprise uses: can be effectively managed; exhibit acceptable performance; incorporate appropriate levels of security; and are cost effective. This year's handbook also focuses on three key second generation challenges including mobility and BYOD, virtualization, and cloud computing. 
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VMware vSphere Backups: What are you Missing?

Backups used to be easy. Just check the time stamp or the archive bit. If it changed, then back up the file.

Suddenly virtualization became popular, as did server applications. The unstructured data inside files and folders found itself sharing the datacenter with all manner of applications and databases. Virtual machines (VMs) joined physical machines as the method of delivering IT services.

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Data Deduplication in Windows Server 2012 R2 in Depth

Data deduplication has been around for years and comes in many forms. Most people think about expensive storage arrays when they talk about deduplication but that is certainly not the only type of data deduplication technology.

This white paper examines the data deduplication technology embedded in Windows Server 2012 R2 and the benefits it can bring to your environment. The discussion includes how it works and the possible scenarios for using Windows Server 2012 R2 data deduplication.

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