From Dev to Ops: An Introduction

This introduction to DevOps whitepaper will give you the breakdown of what exactly DevOps is, why it’s a necessary approach and how to collaborate across the lifecycle. It will also discuss the 7 Habits of Highly Effective (DevOps) People to give you the insights from other teams and help you start to build your own DevOps framework.
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Flash-Beschleunigung und Cloud-Fähigkeit: Neue Storage-Anforderungen für Enterprise-Applikationen

Der Einsatz von Flash Storage im Datacenter ist vielversprechend: hervorragende Performance, verbesserte Zuverlässigkeit, Kosteneffizienz und erstklassiges Datenmanagement. Mit unserer Expertise und unseren Innovationen unterstützen wir Sie bei der Implementierung von Flash Storage, um eine optimale Performance Ihrer Applikationen zu erreichen. In diesem Whitepaper erläutern wir unterschiedliche Ansätze bei der Implementierung von Flash. Außerdem möchten wir Ihnen zeigen, warum Sie dadurch Ihre Entscheidungsfindung erleichtern, Ihren Kunden bessere Services bieten und Wettbewerbsvorteile erzielen können.
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3 Reasons Why the Future of Storage is Open Source and Cloud

Analysts predict massive growth in software defined storage in the coming year— and with solid reasoning. The capacity to pool storage across different arrays and applications is the latest wave in virtualization and is expected to have the same impact on the cost and upgrade cycle for storage as it has had on servers.
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Product Spotlight: Expanding the Spectrum of Software Defined Storage

A good starting point for deploying SDS is cold storage. Shipments of capacity-optimized HDD storage systems will increase five-fold from 2012 to 2016. Demand for cold storage systems is driven by the growth of unstructured data such as mobile messages, surveillance video, and medical records.

Consequently, reducing the cost of cold storage is a high priority for storage architects. SDS is an excellent solution for addressing the rising cost of cold storage. And unlike transaction-intensive storage which is mission-critical, cold storage is not frequently accessed and a less risky environment for deploying new technology.
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Identifying the Right Solution for Your Business

The biggest challenges around cloud adoption aren't the technologies involved but rather involve finding the people that can effectively leverage those technologies to provide the best outcome for an organization. Learn how to implement a cheaper and faster cloud by understanding:
  • The challenges of a hybrid, managed and DIY cloud
  • How cloud providers are better at detecting attacks
  • DIY versus managed hosted clouds
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Today’s youth is the first generation to define itself by technology, rather than by pivotal political or economic events. These young people are comfortable with every aspect of technology and our book “The App Generation: How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World,” uncovered new insights into the influence of technology on young people’s identities and the way they see the world.
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La prochaine génération à entrer dans la population active a grandi dans un monde largement influencé par les appareils mobiles.

Pour les jeunes d'aujourd'hui, l'expression "il y a une appli pour ça" n'est pas juste un slogan publicitaire accrocheur. C'est un truisme, une réponse à plus ou moins toutes les questions qu'ils se sont jamais posées et une approche à chaque tâche. Peut-on en dire autant de la façon de travailler actuelle ? Eh bien, pas vraiment. On n'est plus dans le "il se pourrait qu'il y ait une appli pour ça, mais il faut que vous demandiez au service informatique, et elle pourrait être bloquée, ou ne pas fonctionner sur votre téléphone, et...", bref, ce n'est pas encore aussi évident qu'on pourrait le croire.

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De hedendaagse jeugd is de eerste generatie die zijn identiteit ontleent aan technologie in plaats van aan cruciale politieke of economische gebeurtenissen. Deze jongeren voelen zich met elk technologisch aspect volledig op hun gemak en in ons boek "The App Generation: How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World", onthullen we nieuwe inzichten over de invloed van technologie op de identiteit van jongeren en de manier waarop zij de wereld zien.
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Hypervisor-based Replication

Virtualization of the data center has proven to be a true IT game-changer, providing increased flexibility and control in managing production workloads, as well as significantly streamlining the implementation and operational support. Organizations continue to expand their virtualization initiatives to private, public and hybrid cloud environments.

To more fully realize the benefits of virtualization and get the most out of their investments in the technology, organizations need to optimize all IT processes and activities for their virtual environment. This includes security, compliance, and Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BC/DR). Of the three, BC/DR is perhaps the most difficult because to date there have been no virtual-ready remote replication methods that organizations could adopt. That is all about to change.

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Cloud Continuity Platform — Enabling the Hybrid Cloud

Today’s IT demands an agile, flexible environment with the ability to have any application leverage any cloud with any hypervisor. For example, a production workload should be able to reside in a VMware based private cloud for performance, while leveraging Amazon for cost effective backup and a Hyper-V based managed service provider for high SLA disaster recovery. Enterprises want the capability to expand their available choices in terms of meeting the needs of the business. IT provides the robust foundation to ensure end-user productivity across disciplines, and they need to be able to react fast.
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BC/DR in the Cloud Era: Options and Challenges

In this paper, we will discuss the different types of Cloud BC/DR solutions and the challenges faced by both customers and Cloud Service Providers (CSP) prior to Zerto Virtual Replication (ZVR). Then we will discuss how ZVR addresses these challenges and improves upon many of the traditional solutions.

Zerto performed a similar exercise when creating Zerto Virtual Replication. We first assessed the state of the industry, and then developed a solution to not only meet, but also exceed the required capabilities of both the consumer and the provider for cloud-based disaster recovery.

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Deep Learning in the Real World

The International Data Corporation estimates that by 2020, 40 zettabytes of data will be generated every day. Compare that to the current 2.5 quintillion bytes per day and it's easy to understand why businesses need a smarter way to wrangle exponentially growing data. What if you could automatically consume and process data such as tweets, chats, emails and more and integrate them into your data applications? Deep learning makes it easier than ever before.
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API Mashup Guide

Amplify the power of one cognitive API by combining it with another. Check out this Mashup Guide for examples syndicated by Watson developers and engineers. Get inspired by these ideas to create your own mashup.
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The Rise of PhD APIs

APIs are no longer just a development tool. In this white paper from ProgrammableWeb, you can learn more about the rise of PhD APIs and how they harbor game-changing potential for organizations and business models.
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SAP HANA System Replication on SLES for SAP Applications

“SAP customers invest in SAP HANA” is the conclusion reached by a recent market study carried out by Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC). In Germany alone, half of the companies expect SAP HANA to become the dominant database platform in the SAP environment. In many cases, the “SAP Business Suite® powered by SAP HANA” scenario is already being discussed in concrete terms.

Naturally, SUSE is also accommodating this development by providing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications – the recommended and supported operating system for SAP HANA. In close collaboration with SAP and hardware partners, therefore, SUSE will provide two resource agents for customers to ensure the high availability of SAP HANA system replications.

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