Everything You Need to Know for An Effective P2P Process

There’s no efficient procurement without a thought-out procure-to-pay process. P2P is a complex process that requires careful planning and continuous management. Successful companies invest in long-term P2P strategies and scout for experienced professionals in the area.

A procure to pay process ensures that all purchases are justified and authorized, received goods and services are of the required quality and quantity, and payments are made on time. P2P has a direct impact on the company’s bottom line, and getting a grip of it helps to procure efficiently and predictably.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the P2P process: what it actually is, challenges worth noticing, and tips to streamline the process.

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Procurement Automation 101

Download our free Procurement Automation Guide to learn everything you need for successful software implementation:

  • Comparative table to select the best solution tailored to your specific needs.
  • Framework for mapping and analyzing the implementation process.
  • Free business case template to prove the value of procurement software to stakeholders.

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Don’t Let Employment Background Checks Slow Down Your Hiring Process

We understand that the interview process can be time consuming and stressful — full of emails, calls, interviews and more. But once you’ve landed on the perfect candidate, you shouldn’t let inefficient software and outdated background check processes slow you down.

Employment Background checks don’t need to throw a wrench in your hiring process. And they shouldn’t break the bank. That’s why we make sure our services are cost-effective and affordable.

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Employer Combines Requests to Expedite Screening

Searching for talent to fill important job openings costs a company an investment of valuable time and money. EZ Screen Solutions gives you the best return by making hiring more affordable with faster, more effective background searches that deliver the information you need.

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Make The Most Informed Decisions When Filling Company Positions

Finding the right talent can be a time-consuming and expensive process, especially when it comes to background checks for applicants. Waiting on results can delay your process and result in lost resources when you can least afford them. EZ Screen Solutions offers a better way. We provide a wide array of search parameters, and we never overlook the fine details. We deliver faster, more affordable results for job placement.

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Easy, Accurate, Reliable

When your company has important positions to fill, you need applicant screening results that are thorough, accurate, and fast. EZ Screen Solutions streamlines your process by providing all three. We help you narrow down your search to get the best candidates on the job in no time.

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Background Checks Made Easy

EZ Screen Solutions is an organization of experienced, passionate experts. We eat, sleep, and breathe software solutions built to maximize efficiency when it comes to the employment background process. We take our clients and their needs very seriously.

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Lower Your Hiring Costs

EZ Screen Solutions delivers a more efficient background check solution for businesses looking to hire. It’s as simple as that. With a thorough check that meets your requirements—and reduces the time to hire—you’re able to cut your costs.

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CMW Platform Demo

CMW Lab software is the first choice on your transition from error-prone Excel-based activities to a system oriented approach.

CMW Platform automates your work processes without coding, boosts team productivity and transforms your business. This video walks you through the platform and gives you an idea of its key features.

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Specialized Manufacturing Digitalization in CMW Platform

A specialized manufacturing company wanted to digitize 7 different warehouse locations around the world, as well as the procurement process connected to them. Owing to the rapid business growth during the COVID pandemics (×8 times more projects than before) the company needed a fully custom solution that corresponded to the manufacturing requirements and was flexible enough to let business analysts make changes on-the-run. All warehouses, equipment and logistic routes converted to the digital platform would have marked the beginning of the company's digital ecosystem. For these purposes company has chosen CMW Platform.


  • Replace an Excel-based approach at a large manufacturing.
  • Support the rapid business expansion with process automation: from 2 projects in 2009 to 16 simultaneous projects in 2023.
  • Decrease additional costs connected with manual warehouse control and procurement.
  • Create a fully customizable digital ecosystem flexible enough for scaling.

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Real Estate Business Expansion with CMW Platform

Business administration team responsible for real estate legal documents addressed to CMW Lab for lease agreements tracking and approval process automation.


  • Track and speed up the approval process.
  • Deliver legal notifications to the tenants linked to their leases dates and terms timely.
  • Optimize the lease parsing process to reduce managers’ workload.
  • Having a 285+ employees across US and globe, to track their performance and help them to succeed.

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Independent Or SharePoint: What’s The Best Intranet Solution?

Are you seeking the perfect modern intranet, but unsure which solution will best meet your organization’s evolving needs? Perhaps you’re in a tug-of-war with stakeholders over whether to replace an unloved SharePoint site with an independent platform that’s pioneering the AI tools you’re reading about?

In this webinar, we explore:

  • How the intranet landscape looks for 2024 and beyond.
  • Separating “must have” from “nice to have” in your requirements list.
  • The benefits and limitations of using Microsoft SharePoint as an intranet.
  • The pros and cons of out-of-the box intranets.
  • Future intranet trends that will change your digital workplace.

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5 Étapes Pour Réussir Votre Projet GMAO

Réussir l’implémentation de votre projet de GMAO représente un enjeu crucial pour poursuivre votre transformation numérique et rester dans la course vis-à-vis de vos concurrents.

Un déploiement de GMAO mal préparé ou insuffisamment accompagné peut se solder par un échec ou un abandon : mauvaise organisation, mauvaise préparation, ou personnel pas ou peu impliqué... Les raisons de la non-atteinte des objectifs sont souvent assez similaires.

Pas de panique ! Ces risques ne doivent pas vous effrayer pour autant, bien au contraire : en avoir conscience va vous aider à mettre en place les différentes étapes pour mettre votre projet GMAO sur la bonne voie.

Twimm vous propose un guide complet avec les 5 étapes clés pour digitaliser votre entreprise à l’aide dʼun logiciel GMAO simplement et efficacement.

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Maintenance Préventive Immobilière : Comment Gagner En Efficacité Grâce À La GMAO?

L’activité de maintenance préventive est le coeur de métier des entreprises prestataires de service. Piloter efficacement tous les process liés à cette activité de maintenance est un enjeu stratégique pour leur rentabilité, leur compétitivité et donc leur pérennité à moyen et long terme.

C’est ce que permet l’adoption d’un logiciel de GMAO (Gestion de la Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur).

En effet, lorsqu’elles utilisent une GMAO, les entreprises accroissent leur performance, en améliorant leur efficacité et leur qualité de service.

Grâce à cette approche, il est possible de renforcer le service de maintenance et de réduire parallèlement les coûts.

La maintenance préventive ne concerne pas seulement la prévention des pannes ou les interruptions de service mais elle doit également être considérée comme une stratégie de gestion des dépenses de maintenance.

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Industrial Ergonomics Software Checklist

When ergonomics is done right, you can expect to see improved employee well-being and enhanced business performance along with the following positive outcomes:

  • Reduced musculoskeletal disorder risk.
  • Fewer first aid cases and modified duty cases.
  • Reduced employee turnover.
  • Reduced employee absenteeism.
  • Better manufacturing performance.
  • Higher product quality.
  • Better stock performance and corporate social responsibility.
  • Better corporate credit rating.

But how do you choose the right software? Use this checklist to make sure you’re selecting software with all the appropriate elements for building a consistent, data-driven ergonomics process.

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