Common pitfalls behind Intranet project failures

If you are planning to modernize your company intranet, this guide is for you.

Having worked on numerous internal collaboration initiatives alongside our clients, we acquired a thorough understanding of what works and what does not in the particular context of an Intranet project. This short guide attempts to extract the most important of those lessons that we learnt for your benefit.

This guide is intentionally vendor agnostic: it will not help you choose a vendor but should help you build a successful intranet for your company regardless of your choice. It is also intentionally concise: we do not aim at being comprehensive, but rather attempt to focus on the most important and least known aspects of an intranet project.

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Webinar (ft. Forrester): Drive Business Performance by Improving Your Claims Communications

Just because you’re a regional insurer doesn’t mean that your customers have lower expectations of you when it comes to the claim experience. They expect the same kind of support and transparency from you that from your larger, well-resourced competitors deliver.

To achieve a great experience, claims professionals need to understand their customers better, how they navigate the claims journey, and the communications that will cost-effectively drive great claims experiences.

In this webinar, Forrester Research and Quadient will discuss:

  • Why insurers need to introduce the light of day into claims processes
  • The state of claim communication
  • How cloud communications can extend the customer relationship by making the claim process more transparent

Join our guest Ellen Carney, principal analyst serving ebusiness & channel strategy professionals at Forrester and Andi Dominguez, Product Marketing at Quadient, for a live webinar discussing the business impact of a great claims experience.

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Reimagining Digital Experience: Using the Cloud to Enhance Customer Communications

Customer communication management (CCM) solutions provide a powerful example of how use of advanced technology that incorporates cloud delivers capabilities that are needed today and also provides businesses that are looking to manage omnichannel requirements spanning electronic systems and high print volumes with the capacity to achieve – in the language of digital transformation – “enterprise-wide automation spanning multiple functions and modernizing of current processes & supporting infrastructure to achieve previously unattainable or unimaginable outcomes.

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Novarica Market Navigator: Document ECM/CCM Systems

This report is designed to provide an overview of the current solution provider marketplace for document management/enterprise content management (ECM) systems and document creation/customer communication management (CCM) solutions. It is also designed to assist both property/casualty and life/health/annuity insurers in drawing up their shortlists of potential providers based on vendor market position and offering details.

These reports do not render judgment, since the fit between a potential provider and an insurer will be determined by the specific situation and needs of that insurer. Novarica provides these types of advisory consultations to more than 100 insurer clients through its retained advisory services.

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Insurance and Customer Communications Management (CCM) – Give Consumers What They Want

For a long time, insurance companies were in the driver’s seat when it came to customer communications. Not anymore. A combination of rapidly expanding digital technology and changing demographics has transformed the interactive landscape and the customer engagement model.

Digital consumers are changing the rules of the game. The customer is now in control more than ever before, with numerous purchasing options, vast online research tools and multiple touch points. For many transactions, consumers increasingly prefer digital channels, which make content universally accessible by mixing media (graphics, text and video), tailoring messages (providing discounts, location or demographic information) and adding social connectivity (allowing communities or friends to build around themes and needs).

This paper will explore the significant shift in consumer communication expectations, the traditional hurdles that insurers face and how these can be overcome with a broad CCM vision based on practical, achievable business goals. The fact is that insurers have not kept pace with rapidly emerging customer needs. It is critical to be relevant and speak to the customer in their voice. If you can’t communicate with customers in the way they want, someone else will.

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Manage claims correspondence in the cloud

Quadient® Correspondence is a subscription-based SaaS solution that enables insurers to create, approve and deliver regulatory compliant, accurate and personalized claims correspondence to customers across print and digital channels, with no reliance upon IT.

Quadient Correspondence was designed and priced for insurers who want to further their transformation to digital, but don’t have the resources to invest in an end-to-end customer communications management (CCM) solution.

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Quadient® Inspire and Guidewire InsuranceSuite™

Many organizations have separate tools, teams and third parties dedicated to designing and creating content for mobile, web, and print communications. This results in duplication of efforts, inconsistency and compliance risk. Inspire enables you to create timely, contextual, personalized and accurate communications for all channels from one intuitive interface. This eliminates the need for multiple siloed teams, reduces risk and ensures a seamless customer experience.

Our technology is fully integrated with Guidewire InsuranceSuite™. It also integrates with your existing legacy IT systems and offers flexible implementation options including on premise, hybrid and cloud applications. Inspire makes it easy to leverage existing templates, archived content, and data from your core systems to create highly personalized, timely and accurate communications across all channels.

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Red Hat Cloud Strategy for Dummies

Cloud computing is proliferating and taking over the world of IT as we know it. Cloud computing also grows more complex and multi-faceted daily. Getting onto the cloud is easy. Getting it right is trickier. You can probably see why a carefully thought-out and detailed approach to cloud computing—a strategy, in other words—is so important. Learn more in this e-book
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Value of Training IDC Report

Red Hat recently commissioned a study with IDC to determine the business value of Red Hat® Training. IDC interviewed organizations using Red Hat technologies representing a variety of vertical industries. Red Hat Training was shown to improve IT operations and support business requirements and new technologies, with a 20% efficiency improvement in infrastructure management. Organizations that use Red Hat Training experience 71% less unplanned downtime and a three-year ROI of 389%.
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Principles of Container-Based App Design

There are a number of principles that containerized applications must comply with in order to become good cloud-native citizens. Adhering to these principles will help ensure that your applications are suitable for automation in cloud-native platforms such as Kubernetes. Read the whitepaper to learn more.
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Red hat Open Innovation Labs E-Book

Red Hat Open Innovation Labs is an immersive residency for modernizing application development. Developing applications can take years and cost millions, and security, compliance, and privacy requirements stall progress. IT teams are innovating faster and improving quality with DevOps. The approach is to make large-scale changes iteratively, instead of all at once—adjusting direction as you go. Learn how in this e-book about Red Hat Open Innovation Labs.
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Omni-Channel Customer Care: How to Deliver Context-Driven Experiences

Aberdeen research shows that technology tools are among the top factors influencing agents’ ability to meet and exceed customer expectations. Of the tools agents use, agent desktop is arguably the most important one. This report highlights the business value companies observe by optimizing the agent desktop. It’ll also illustrate the key activities and technologies contact centers use to empower agents and help them succeed in creating happy customers.

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Bringing Omnichannel to Microsoft Dynamics 365

Bridging the Gap between Customer Demand and Existing Technology

In the blink of an eye, the world of customer care has changed. Dialing a toll-free number to connect to a live contact center agent is rarely anyone’s first choice as consumers increasingly embrace digital alternatives. Reminiscent of the introductory sequence to the popular television show “The Big Bang Theory,” where the history of the world is shown in a 20 second sequence, customer care’s progress from the simple phone call to today’s omnichannel world has happened in less than a generation

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A New Frontier: Construction OS

In the 1980s, paper was the dominant medium of exchanging information–project teams specifically, would have to physically hand over reports or drawings or send them in the mail.

Technology advanced and we moved on to fax machines and, eventually, computers and the Internet where we could share information from our mobile devices and store data in the cloud.

But technology is NOW advancing faster than ever and the construction industry is ready.


Download our free eBook to find out exactly what an OS is, how it’s different than what you’ve been using, and how your business can use an OS to get ahead (by leaps and bounds) of the competition.

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Construction Software Buyers Guide

Choosing a construction software solution is an important decision. Not only is it a significant investment in terms of cost, time, and resources, the solution you choose will have an enormous impact on the daily activities of your construction teams. Therefore, it's vital to conduct the proper research and enter the process with the right information and questions in hand to help you select the best software for your teams.

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