Why Everyone Needs to Own Customer Experience in the Application Economy

The viability of your brand largely rests on the quality of your customers’ experience with your applications—often the most important experiences they’ll have when doing business with you. Successful CIOs and technology leaders will know how to deliver the application experience users expect by taking ownership of the application experience, obtaining key performance information needed to share—or democratize—that data with all relevant teams and business leaders. These technology leaders recognize that great performance is driven when all teams understand what they need to know to act.
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How to Decide Between BMC and ServiceNow for ITSSM and Beyond

Gartner clients often ask for a comparison of BMC and ServiceNow as viable strategic partners in the ITSSM tool space. Both vendors provide strong ITSSM offerings and benefit from excellent global brand recognition, but the similarities end there. Outside of ITSSM, BMC and ServiceNow are two different companies with two different strategic road maps. Choosing between BMC and ServiceNow requires IT organizations to determine how value will be gained beyond the use of their ITSSM offerings.
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Magic Quadrant for IT Service Support Management Tools

To better support the business, I&O managers often turn to IT service support management (ITSSM) tools. ITSSM tools enable IT operations organizations, specifically infrastructure and operations (I&O) managers, to better support the production environment. ITSSM tools automate the tasks and workflows associated with the management and delivery of quality IT services to the business. The vendors in this Magic Quadrant offer integrated products that address functionality from a combined perspective of people, processes and tooling. BMC was rated as a leader by Gartner in the Magic Quadrant.
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Moving Beyond the Costs and Risks of IT Friction

In a first-of-its-kind study, IDC has docu­mented the costs of business risks cre­ated when business and IT teams fail to communicate effectively. Hear how enterprises are addressing the friction associated with IT needs and the gaps and opportunities that exist between business needs and IT service delivery models.
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VMware vSphere Backups: What are you Missing?

Backups used to be easy. Just check the time stamp or the archive bit. If it changed, then back up the file.

Suddenly virtualization became popular, as did server applications. The unstructured data inside files and folders found itself sharing the datacenter with all manner of applications and databases. Virtual machines (VMs) joined physical machines as the method of delivering IT services.

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Estandarice para aumentar la esta bilidad, fia bilidad y eficiencia por menos

Como socio estratégico de su negocio, debe responder a las crecientes demandas de la empresa. Por desgracia, se enfrenta a varios retos. Su complejo entorno de TI es costoso de gestionar y tiene un alto riesgo de tiempo de inactividad. Es probable que la mayoría de sus recursos y presupuesto vaya destinada a mantener la estabilidad, la seguridad y la fiabilidad de sus sistemas de TI. Posiblemente en su organización faltan los procesos necesarios para gestionar con total garantía los problemas de soporte, las transiciones de TI y la implantación de nuevas aplicaciones. Necesita proteger su entorno de TI de las crecientes amenazas de seguridad. Y todo esto con un presupuesto cada vez más reducido. ¿Qué recursos se pueden redirigir a ofrecer una ventaja competitiva con una base de TI totalmente estable?
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Contención de costes y aumento de la eficiencia operativa

Como socio estratégico de su negocio, debe dar respuesta a la creciente demanda de los responsables de la línea de negocio en cuanto a nuevas funciones y capacidades avanzadas sin salirse de un limitado presupuesto de TI. ¿Qué se puede hacer para cumplir estas expectativas y agregar valor a la empresa conteniendo los costes, aumentando la eficiencia operativa y en resumen, haciendo más con menos?
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Massimi risultati di sta bilità, affida bilità ed efficienza con il minimo sforzo grazie alla standardizzazione

I partner strategici delle aziende devono fronteggiare esigenze aziendali in continua crescita. Purtroppo, le problematiche non sono poche. Un ambiente IT complesso è particolarmente oneroso da gestire e prevede un rischio elevato di interruzione delle attività. La maggior parte delle risorse e del budget sarà molto probabilmente destinata alla stabilità, alla sicurezza e all'affidabilità dei sistemi IT. L'organizzazione potrebbe essere sprovvista de processi necessari per gestire in modo sicuro problemi di supporto, transizioni IT e nuove implementazioni di applicazioni. È necessario proteggere l'ambiente IT da un numero crescente di minacce alla sicurezza. E tutto questo a fronte di un budget limitato! Quali risorse è possibile reindirizzare per garantire un vantaggio competitivo, potendo contare maggiormente sulla stabilità dell'ambiente IT?
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Maîtriser les coûts et accroître l’efficacité opérationnelle

En tant que partenaire stratégique, vous subissez une pression de plus en plus forte de la part des responsables sectoriels, qui attendent de vous que vous développiez de nouvelles fonctionnalités et des capacités avancées tout en respectant un budget informatique limité. Que pourriez-vous faire pour répondre à ces attentes et apporter une valeur ajoutée à l'entreprise si vous étiez en mesure de maîtriser les coûts, d'accroître votre efficacité opérationnelle et d'en faire plus avec moins?
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Standardisierung zur Erh öhung der Sta bilit ät, Zuverl ässigkeit und Effizienz mit weniger Ressourcen

Durch eine Standardisierung auf Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® und Red Hat Satellite erhalten Sie die stabile und bewährte Unternehmensplattform, die vereinfachten und automatisierten Abläufe sowie die Sicherheit auf Militärniveau, die Sie benötigen, um die Betriebszeiten zu maximieren, die Managementkosten zu senken und schnell auf geschäftliche Anforderungen zu reagieren.
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Kostensenkung und Erhöhung der betrieblichen Effizienz

Als strategischer Partner in Ihrem Unternehmen stehen Sie steigenden Anforderungen seitens der Geschäftsbereichsleiter gegenüber. Dabei geht es um neue Funktionalitäten und erweiterte Kapazitäten, die Sie unter Beachtung eines beschränkten IT-Budgets bereitstellen müssen. Was können Sie tun, um diese Erwartungen zu erfüllen, einen Mehrwert für das Unternehmen zu schaffen und gleichzeitig die Kosten zu senken, die betriebliche Effizienz zu erhöhen sowie mit weniger Ressourcen mehr zu erreichen?
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The Total Economic Impact™ of PagerDuty

Every business today uses software to manage systems, deliver products, and empower employees to do their jobs. But software inevitably breaks, and when it does, businesses lose money – in the form of dissatisfied customers, missed SLAs or lost productivity. PagerDuty, an operations performance platform, solves this problem by helping operations engineers and developers more effectively manage and resolve incidents across a company’s global operations. Learn about how PagerDuty showed big savings for a global entertainment company with about 700 engineers over three years. In addition to annual cost savings of up to $938,000 and a net present value (NPV) of $1,640,000, the customer reduced MTTR for critical issues, increased customer retention due to improved system availability, and improved productivity for business end users and engineers. Download the September 2014 commissioned study, The Total Economic Impact™ of PagerDuty to learn more. The study was conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of PagerDuty.
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Is Your Middleware Sapping Performance?

Middleware systems play a critical role in delivering business data and are now an essential part of every IT environment. These tools keep data flowing, prevent problems, streamline, troubleshoot, guide administration and empower user self-service. Learn about BMC’s Middleware Management solution.
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Bridge the Gap between Network Ops and the Service Desk

Businesses can’t afford to let siloed approaches to incident management delay resolution and undermine IT productivity. BMC Intelligent Service Resolution bridges the gap between the service desk and network operations, and provides a unified, business-centric view across technologies, to help you resolve the right issues more quickly than ever.
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Deliver the Future of IT Operations Today

Enterprise IT operations teams are struggling to keep pace with the business as well as cope with new technology trends. And, end users are demanding improved quality of service and no longer tolerate outages and slow response times. Learn how to get increased business insight and a modern user experience.
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