The Business Context of of Aligning IT with the Organization

This paper provides a general business overview for organizations that are seeking advice on how to align IT within the organization. In a dynamic and globalized economy, where IT has its own agenda, interesting business and marketplace factors have emerged thanks to C-level studies, unraveling how both CIOs and CEOs are now targeting similar objectives. Never before have organizations found themselves in a more instrumented, integrated, and intelligent world as today, where challenges must have extraordinary solutions.
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DataStax Enterprise Reference Architecture

This white paper outlines reference architectures for deploying Apache Cassandra™ and DataStax Enterprise (DSE) within an organization and establishes a starting point for users contemplating hardware choices to host DataStax solutions. This paper also provides guidance for system architects and system administrators during the planning stages of development, test and production environments, whether in-house or at a private or public data center. It explores common scenarios and configuration options for various deployments.
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DataStax Enterprise – Powered by Apache Cassandra™

DataStax Enterprise (DSE), built on Apache Cassandra™, delivers what modern businesses need to compete in today’s high-speed, always-on data economy. Within-memory computing capabilities, enterprise-level security, fast and powerful built-in analytics and enterprise search, visual management, and expert support, DataStax Enterprise is the best database choice for online applications that require fast performance with no downtime.
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Smarter quality management: The fast track to competitive advantage

Organizations creating software are grappling not only with today’s tough economic climate, but also with increased complexity in their processes and supply chains. Many factors serve to complicate software delivery, but competition lies at the heart of this complexity. Effective quality management creates opportunities to deliver key business benefits, such as improved market share, higher customer satisfaction, and increased brand equity. But top quality in the completed product cannot serve as the single guiding principle by which products are produced and delivered. Time to market is also key; costs and risk factors must also be part of the balancing act. Get these things wrong, and you may face un-sustainable costs, missed windows of opportunity, un happy customers, even a massive recall or the complete failure of a system at a critical moment. Get these things right, and you can achieve a positive operational return on investment from efficiencies gained in development activities.
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Deployment Automation Basics

Discover the benefits of deployment automation and how to maximize your automation investments!

IT organizations have been finding it increasingly difficult to deploy more quickly without adding more people and incurring additional risks. Only until recently have there been more viable automated deployment options to offer an alternative to the slow and error prone process of manual deployment.

Read the paper to learn about:
  • The limitations of manual deployment, namely its inconsistency, lack of visibility, and proneness to error
  • The benefits of deployment of automation
  • The base set of features that an automated system should provide
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Rational Application Portfolio Management ROI Tool

CIOs and IT Executives are being asked to "do more with less". With a complex and poorly understood application portfolio at hand a large percentage of IT funds are consumed, it leaves these CIOs and IT Executives challenged to find the funds needed for creating real value in form of innovation and enabling new business opportunities. Organizations spend too much (up to 90%) of funds on maintaining and operating an expanding application portfolio.
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Intelligent Transportation Systems ekit

The IBM Rational Intelligent Transportation Systems solution addresses the challenges with complex projects for the planning, development, deployment and lifecycle management of transportation software. Learn more by reviewing the ekit resources.
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Hybrid IT – A Low-Risk Path from On-Premise to ITaaS

IT as a Service (ITaaS) will transform future IT operations and service delivery. In the interim, Hybrid IT offers a rational, gradual approach in which some services move to SaaS while others remain on-premise. This white paper provides a strategy to move part or all of your ITSM suite to the cloud as a stepping stone to ITaaS.
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A Practical Guide to Understand and Benefit from the Consumerization of IT

Consumerization of IT forces enterprises to rethink their approach to IT service delivery. What does consumerization really mean and why does it matter? Understand the basics to accurately identify the practical implications and benefits for your organization. This guide explores the realities of IT Consumerization to define challenges and opportunities. Learn best practices and get actionable recommendations.
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Making the Move to a Cloud-Based IT Service Management (ITSM) Platform

Today's mature cloud-based ITSM solutions can give you the flexibility and agility you need - without sacrificing security, stability or performance. In this THINKstrategies, Inc. white paper, you'll learn why businesses are moving to cloud-based ITSM and the advantages they've achieved. Explore how this innovative approach to IT management might be right for your organization.
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