10 Ways Skill & Technology Patterns Can Complete Your IT Strategy

It's no secret today's IT workforce is resource constrained. Doing more with less is a mantra. In addition, IT is now expected to on-board new skills and technologies quickly. Technology professionals must be able to ship new apps and products at a breakneck pace. Using yesterday's IT strategies won't cut it anymore. Today's IT needs to be re-structured away from large teams and rigid IT stacks to a more adaptable, solutions approach. In particular, IT needs flexible and predictable patterns of expertise. By patterns, we mean recurring and repeatable solutions to standard business problems. These patterns can speed time to delivery and enable IT to move more quickly and with greater agility.
This IT Manager's Journal (ITMJ) makes the decisive business case for a patterns-based approach to IT. The paper lays out ten ways patterns can reduce time to action and create more efficiencies. Topics covered include Business Process Management (BPM), Databases and Database as a Service (Daas), IT patterns, patterns-based IT strategy, and much more. Download this exclusive ITMJ today and learn how your IT department can successfully implement a patterns-based approach today.
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Go Beyond APM with Real-Time IT Operations Analytics

Operations teams stand at the intersection of IT and the business. As a result, business success increasingly depends on how quickly IT Operations teams resolve problems and respond to new demands. This white paper details how IT operations teams can harness the wealth of wire data already flowing through their environment for real-time operational intelligence. With correlated, cross-tier visibility only available through wire data, IT teams can answer the question, "What is happening in my environment right now?"
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Determining Enterprise Readiness to Support Employee Owned Devices

The use of employee-owned devices (EODs) within the enterprise has exploded in just two short years. In a number of cases, the use has preceded the implementation of processes and structures to fully support them. As a result, organizations must quickly catch up. Enterprises need a cohesive plan that addresses each of the key elements of supporting EODs. This checklist looks at the most important elements that will help you determine your current level of readiness to support this mega-trend, while spelling out the key processes, approaches and best practices needed to enable it.

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10 Ways Wire Data Can Help You Conquer IT Complexity

The need for IT business intelligence is well-known, but equally important is the need for IT operational intelligence. That is, the ability to see and know everything that is happening in your IT environment right now, at any moment. That is a very tall order considering that today's IT environments have unprecedented levels of scale, complexity, and dynamism.

Wire data is an incredible source of operational intelligence. It is the record of everything that is happening in your IT environment in real time, and provides an unmatched, in-depth view into the performance, availability, and security of your environment, including issues that you otherwise might not know about.

Download this white paper to read 10 ways wire data can help conquer IT complexity.
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SaaS, Social Media, and the Need for New Metrics to Measure IT Service Management SaaS Providers

It has been said that you can't manage what you can’t measure, and you must measure what really matters. New service delivery models for IT service management, such as software as a service (SaaS), as well as emerging communications channels for support that include social media, will require some changes to the way you traditionally measure the effectiveness of your services. That's why you should reexamine your service metrics as you begin to rely more heavily on SaaS, social media, and a more services-oriented approach to IT delivery.
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The Future of IT: A Customer First Approach

IT is embracing this new world of consumerized technology with a focus on its own employees as internal customers. Explore how customer-first policies can make use of social, mobile and cloud technologies to give workers the freedom and flexibility they desire to drive company productivity. Please download the white paper for more information.
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Cloud benefits for the IT Service Management Market

Analysts predict that soon, half of all new IT service desk tools will be adopted as cloud-based services. While shifting to an on-demand model can be a complex decision that requires organizations to carefully assess the potential impact on business operations, a growing number of companies are clearly finding the move worthwhile.

This paper explores the reasons for the rapid growth of cloud-based IT service management (ITSM) solutions and the benefits they offer for enterprises.

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Connecting the clouds: Best Practices for Integrating IT Service Management

With software as a service (SaaS) you are integrating an external service, hosted by an external party, with your internal systems. The SaaS integration is a matter of connecting the clouds and well-articulated interfaces defining the data that is traveling back and forth. With the right integration strategy SaaS integration can be simple, straightforward, and easy. Moreover, it can position your IT organization to effectively leverage SaaS and migrate from one SaaS solution to another to avoid vendor lock-in. Read this informative white paper to understand the things to consider when developing your integration strategy.
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The Perfect Combo: ITIL, ITSM and Social Media

What happens when you take best practices for IT service management (ITSM), add technology to support those practices, and then throw social media into the mix? BMC explores how best-in-class organizations are leveraging these to drive user satisfaction and organizational success. Download the white paper now.
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Customer Experience Strategy: Meeting Expectations and Changing Dynamics in Service

In this Whitepaper the diverse sets of consumer and business attitudes toward customer support are analysed, with an emphasis on social media and Mobile Device technology. This Whitepaper presents compelling evidence regarding the impact Customer Experience can have on business performance outcomes. This Whitepaper concludes by examining the critical issues that have been raised by the data, analyses the findings and presents a number of ideas that will help organisations minimise the challenges and risks that may occur when implementing a Customer Experience Strategy.
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Remove IT Constraints with Clustered, Scale-out Storage

IT teams are working harder than ever in the face of massive data growth, complex operations, and time and budget constraints. Access this white paper to discover an operating system that addresses the limitations of traditional approaches to IT, removing IT constraints and allowing you to respond to business demands more readily.
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Happy Users, Happier IT: A Dream World Becomes Reality

Connected people are accustomed to convenience and simplicity when they use technology. To stay productive at work, they demand faster, easier access to IT services, wherever they are. BMC Software meets the changing demands of service delivery with a new approach to IT self-service. MyIT gives users everything they need - all from one simple, intuitive app. A world can exist where users help themselves and you spend more time on strategic IT initiatives. Try MyIT today!
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What Does Friction Between Business and IT Cost your Organization?

"Exploring Business and IT Friction: Myths and Realities", outlines key issues that cause friction between business users and IT, such as:

- Gaps in customer satisfaction and the perceived value of services

- Inadequate IT support, which decreases productivity and revenue

- Lack of communication and ownership in how business users and IT work together to identify service levels and technology needs

See what 900 business and IT professionals had to say and get recommendations for change.

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