Boost Productivity with Self Service for Middleware

Middleware continues to play a significant role in the interconnectivity of applications across the enterprise. Find out how BMC Middleware Administration is used to increase productivity and meet user requests. This session will provide insight into how to provide stakeholders with role-based self-service access to WebSphere MQ.
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Have Outages Got You Down?

Join industry experts to learn how you can improve service resolution. In this session with industry experts, you will find out how to quickly and easily increase the collaboration between your service desk and operations organization.
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Delivering on the Promise of Predictive Control

The core business value of BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management’s (BPPM) predictive analytics is advanced risk mitigation, enabling enterprises to anticipate and remedy issues before they disturb essential processes. Using BPPM, you will avoid the costly erosion of business that comes from suboptimal performance and availability, and position your service delivery to win in today’s marketplace.
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Prioritize Capacity Planning with BMC Capacity Optimization

Current trends underscore the requirement for truly global and adaptable capability for optimizing capacity across domains with full insight into business service outcomes. Learn why EMA has put BMC in the lead as the vendor with the fullest breadth and depth of its capacity optimization capabilities.
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The Keys to Securing Data in a Collaborative Workplace

Losing data is costly. According to the Ponemon Institute, the average data breach costs US organizations an estimated $200 per record, or $5.4 million total per breach. And apparently these breaches are equally likely to be from criminal attack as from employee or contractor negligence. It makes sense then that surveys point to data loss via unsecured file sync and share solutions as one of IT’s biggest concerns. IT professionals have spent years learning how to protect their organizations from hackers, but how do you ward off both external and internal threats when employees are seeking ways to collaborate more and more?
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Intelligent Compliance – Establishing Trust in the Datacenter

With the average cost of a data breach reaching $3.5 million, the pressure is intense to maintain the security and compliance of your data center. It only takes one breach and the cost to your organization can spiral out of control.

In this whitepaper, you will discover how your organization may be at risk and how you can protect your data center from costly and highly visible breaches. Through the Intelligent Compliance process, you will learn how you can:

• Automate the discovery process for your infrastructure

• Continuously assess risk and compliance

• Proactively prevent problems from recurring

• Cost-effectively automate remediation, including exceptions

Read the whitepaper today to take the stress out of security and compliance – and put the trust back into your data center.

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Taking the Leap to Virtualization: Security and Backup Considerations in the Virtual Environment

Many mid-market companies have invested significant time and resources to secure and back up their servers, client computers, data, and overall network infrastructure in what was the traditional client-server setup. Now, what were considered emerging technologies just a few years ago, cloud computing and virtualization have arrived on the scene, bringing both significant benefits and new challenges. Find out more about this transition to get the most out of your virtual environment.
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Info-Tech Vendor Landscape: Virtual Backup Software

This independent report from Info-Tech evaluates and scores 14 companies in the Virtual Machine Backup market. It can help you understand what's new in the virtual backup market, evaluate virtual backup vendors and products for your needs and determine which products are most appropriate for your organization. Find out why Symantec was named a “Champion” in virtual backup software.
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Symantec Cybercrime Survival Guide

A common way for criminals to attack people is via websites, unfortunately this includes legitimate sites that have been hacked or compromised in some way. This puts your visitors and your reputation on the line, so every website owner needs to understand the risks posed by cybercrime and how to prevent it.
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Mitigate Risk and Accelerate Time to Value

Making your IT organization more elastic and efficient is hard. Doing it while staying in compliance with regulations is even harder. Download this white paper to learn how your IT organization can accelerate business, introduce new services, and reach new markets, all while staying in compliance.
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IDC Report: Optimize IT and Business Gains

Data is increasingly critical to driving business. This IDC Whitepaper outlines how CIOs can understand what the "total cost of data" is across their entire organization and how Delphix can assist them in managing the data that drives the business forward.
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Forrester research: The total economic impact of IBM Integration Bus

Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying IBM Integration Bus. The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of the Integration Bus on their organizations and compare that impact with other existing alternatives. To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with an Integration Bus implementation, Forrester interviewed an existing enterprise customer with multiple years of experience using IBM WebSphere Message Broker, an earlier version of IBM Integration Bus. Download this study now to review the key findings.
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The A-Game: Playing to Win in State and Local Government

From governance issues to unique technology challenges, state and local agencies are using emerging technologies to create winning services and policies. Discover new tools and techniques for leveraging IT innovations and strategies to create winning results. This Center for Digital Government technology playbook for government agencies on choosing the right technology for government modernization.
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Gartner Paper “Enterprise Bandwidth Needs Through 2017”

New trends impact networking costs, which can already represent a significant portion of IT spending. Mobile devices and cloud computing as well as video viewing may drive network requirements to new and unseen levels. This report from Gartner forecasts changes to enterprise network capacity over the next five years by evaluating the impact of cloud, mobile, video and BYOD using a range of scenarios. This research will help network planners to understand the challenges and measure which kind of evolution is best practice.
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Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital Service Delivery

This paper, "Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital Service Delivery," describes how a workload automation solution can eliminate the manual processes developers now use to define batch workflows and communicate them to schedulers. By extending the use of workload automation to developers, organizations can implement applications faster, slash costs, and increase service quality.
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