Securing Microsoft Exchange 2010 with Symantec™ SSL Certificates

There are many reasons why now is the right time to make the move to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, including a host of administration and security improvements. However, as with Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010 requires SSL certificates to ensure the security of all connections to the email server. This guide from Symantec™ will help you take the guesswork out of implementing SSL for Exchange 2010, making it easier than ever to get the SSL certificate you need for a successful and secure Exchange implementation, and to take advantage of powerful capabilities such as Subject Alternative Names (SANs).
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Beginner’s Guide to SSL Certificates

Whether you are an individual or a company, you should approach online security in the same way that you would approach physical security for your home or business. Not only does it make you feel safer but it also protects people who visit your home, place of business, or website. It is important to understand the potential risks and then make sure you are fully protected against them. In the fast-paced world of technology, it is not always easy to stay abreast of the latest advancements. For this reason it is wise to partner with a reputable Internet security company.
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Simplify SSL Certificate Management Across the Enterprise

The need for SSL certificates has moved well beyond the “Buy” page to core functions of the enterprise. SSL certificates are used to protect remote employee and partner communications via webmail, chat and IM. Browser-to-server communications for cloud-based services require SSL certificates when used to display customer account information, business partner transactions and for employee productivity tools. Finally, SSL certificates are used to secure server-to server communications for applications and data exchange.
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The Heartbleed Bug: How To Protect Your Business with Symantec

On April 7, 2014, a team of security researchers announced the discovery of a critical vulnerability found in certain versions of the widely used Open SSL cryptographic software library. This bug would become known as “Heartbleed,” and its arrival exposed a serious vulnerability in OpenSSL, allowing attackers to access and read the memory of web servers running vulnerable versions of the library.
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IDC Technology Spotlight

Web-based systems are essential tools for running business processes and delivering services to customers. However, phishing and online fraud undermine customer confidence. In addition, Web security remains a top concern because of constantly evolving threats. Strong authentication and authorization technologies are crucial to help companies reduce the risk of unauthorized information access, protect privacy, and increase trust.
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The Hidden Real Time Computing Foundation That is Disrupting the World

By now, it’s evident that the speed of business is heading inexorably toward “real time,” and that means that industry by industry, a specialized infrastructure is emerging to support disruptive forms of business that has the net effect of driving higher yields for an entire ecosystem. Most of this happens quietly in the background, but without latency-reducing direct interconnections, the recent transformations of financial trading and online advertising would have been impossible. Since many more industries will follow finance and advertising, it is imperative for leaders to understand how to make an industry operate in real time.
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5 Ways to Build Trust with Customers

With consumers facing a steady stream of news reports about corporate data breaches, major retailers hacked for credit card information, nation-state-sponsored cyber attacks, and the Heartbleed Bug vulnerability in OpenSSl it is understandable if they are hesitant about online commerce. Fortunately, businesses have an opportunity to build trust with potential customer's privacy concerns and implementing controls to protect customer data.
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The New Normal of DevOps

Society is racing forward at breakneck speed. At the same time, the world is becoming more complicated and relationships between companies and their customers are no longer linear, but complex. Coping with these changes is a corporate culture issue for many companies, an issue that will need to be addressed if companies and government organizations want to keep up. For big, established organizations, the road ahead won’t be easy.
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TechInsights Report: What Smart Businesses Know About DevOps

Now more than ever DevOps, a process which helps foster collaboration between the teams that create and test applications with those that maintain them in production environments, is poised for widespread adoption across IT organizations worldwide. New research commissioned by CA Technologies and conducted between May and July 2013 by Vanson Bourne shows many organizations are achieving significant and measurable benefits from DevOps—anywhere from between 17% to 23% improvement in key business metrics such as revenue, time-to-market and new customer acquisition.
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New Strategies to Manage IT Automation Complexity

Is your IT Automation strategy saving you money or becoming more complex and costly? Watch this on-demand webinar and see how the right unified IT Automation strategy can pay for itself and deliver more business value. Learn how to reduce costs, transform compliance and configuration processes and eliminate manual tasks.
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Delivering Workload Automation for the App Developer

These are exciting times for enterprise application developers, as companies challenge them to build solutions that better exploit mobile devices, cloud infrastructures, sensor networks, big data, and APIs for widely used services such as Facebook and Gmail. Application development, however, isn't all intellectual exhilaration. It has its pain points, too, such as the toil that goes into creating and modifying batch workload jobs. This paper explores how app developers can use automation to deal with batch application workflows.
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Workload Change: The 70 Percent of Your Business DevOps Forgot

Organizations that have successfully integrated workload automation (WLA) into their software development lifecycle have seen substantial benefits. So why is WLA, also referred to as job scheduling or batching processing, largely missing from the DevOps discussion? Adding WLA early in the development process ensures that the benefits of DevOps accrue for all applications, including your batch services.  This paper explores the benefits in greater detail and explores possible ways to remedy the situation. 
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Workload Automation: Accelerating Digital Services Delivery

Now, application developers and IT operations can streamline the development and management of batch services. They’ll no longer have to deal with manual processes for defining batch jobs and workflows, or traverse multiple, disparate scheduling tools. How? With the right workload automation. Download this white paper to learn how a well-architected workload automation solution can help you:

• Shrink application development time and cost
• Deliver higher quality digital services
• Increase IT’s agility to meet the demands of the business

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Video: ACES Power Customer Reference (VNXe)

Watch ACES Executive Director of Network Services Brandon Robinson discuss why this energy management company decided to support Oracle and Microsoft on EMC VNXe3200 with VMware. By using fully automated storage tiering (FAST) and virtualization, ACES increased performance and transformed how IT provided service to its customers.
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Enterprise Features, Entry Level Simplicity

The need for advanced IT capabilities isn’t limited to big companies. Competent IT is an important philosophy these days, and organizations of all sizes are coming to depend on the functional capability, good economic value, and the competitive advantage that technology can provide. EMC’s new VNXe provides functional capabilities typically found in larger, enterprise-class arrays, but for an entry-level price.
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