Desktop Virtualization: First Standardization – Then Virtualization

The advantages of desktop virtualization are obvious. The required standardized IT environment can be more easily maintained, more flexibly provided, and more effectively secured. Contrary to widespread opinion, the costs of a HVD infrastructure are not lower than those of a fat-client landscape. This white paper discusses how desktop virtualization impacts hardware costs, licensing costs, and operating costs, and demonstrates how consistent desktop management can be used to improve processes and save money - both in the case of fat clients and virtualized desktops.
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F5 Security Forum 2012

F5 is coming to your area to talk about what our customers are doing around security. Attend the F5 Security Forum 2012 for an in-depth discussion on how adaptive security services can protect your enterprise. Join us to learn how you can bring together network, application, data, and user-access under a single security strategy that moves IT forward. Register today!
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Advanced Persistent Threat: Is Your Organization Protected?

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are among the most hotly debated topics in IT security. Are APTs a legitimate threat? How are IT managers and executives preparing for the risk of APTs? Or are they ignoring them? Learn what your IT professional peers think about APTs and how they are working to reduce the risks these new kinds of attacks pose.
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IPv6 Shadow Networks are Here Today

Many enterprises are planning to transition their working environments to IPv6 over the next two to ten years. But long transition horizons should not fool IT organizations into thinking that all IPv6 issues can be deferred to the future. End points – PCs and Macs as well as smartphones and tablets – are enabled with IPv6 today. Carriers provide IPv6 services, and moderately modern routers and switches are IPv6-ready. These facts raise a key issue: you may very well have IPv6 connectivity and traffic in your enterprise today. If it’s not in your network policy to allow that, you’re out of compliance. Confirm that your security infrastructure is properly enabled and configured.
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Securing end-user mobile devices in the enterprise

Mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, enable increasing numbers of employees to work "anywhere, anytime. "The security of enterprise data is a key concern, particularly on mobile devices that are easily lost or stolen. The security risk is further heightened by the proliferation of employee-owned mobile devices in many enterprises. Employees will almost always take the path of least resistance in leveraging mobile devices for business purposes, which may lead to unsafe computing practices. A clearly documented and enforceable mobile security policy is critical to reducing the risk of data loss.
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PODCAST: The critical challenge of Application Security

In this podcast you will hear how the IBM Rational AppScan software suite with a focus on AppScan Enterprise is used across an organization's software development lifecycle to increase visibility and control - helping address the critical challenge of application security.
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Integrating Security into Development, No Pain Required

Developers and security have traditionally been like oil and water. Developers need to meet deadlines and enable new lines of business while security professionals face the state of coding flaws and undiscovered vulnerabilities. Both groups know they should be working together, but it is still the exception rather than the norm.
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