Apostando por la tecnología de SandBoxing

En los equipos, el término «SandBoxing» se ha utilizado desde hace mucho tiempo para representar un entorno aislado y seguro en el que ejecutar código malintencionado de forma que los investigadores lo puedan analizar. Los appliances de seguridad de red aplican actualmente el mismo concepto para ejecutar e inspeccionar el tráfico de red, descubriendo el código malintencionado que anteriormente escapaba a las medidas de seguridad tradicionales.
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El marco de protección avanzada contra amenazas de Fortinet

Durante los años 2013 y 2014 se escribieron muchos titulares sobre grandes compañías y marcas principales, pero no por su asombrosa recuperación económica tras la recesión o por sus productos innovadores, sino por las fugas masivas de sus datos. A más de 100 millones de clientes les han robado información personal y/o de su tarjeta de crédito mediante uno de estos ataques extensos y audaces.
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Perché utilizzare sandbox per la protezione

I media sono pieni di notizie di organizzazioni violate con minacce avanzate persistenti (APT) e le sandbox vengono pubblicizzate come gli strumenti più hot del momento in fatto di protezione dalle APT. Perché? Perché è utile il sandboxing? Cosa ti offre una soluzione sandbox che non puoi avere dai livelli di sicurezza esistenti?
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Un tuffo nella sandbox

In informatica, il termine sandbox è stato a lungo utilizzato per indicare un ambiente isolato sicuro in cui eseguire codice dannoso a scopo di analisi. Lo stesso concetto si applica ora alle appliance di sicurezza di rete, per eseguire ed esaminare il traffico di rete identificando codice dannoso che sarebbe prima sfuggito alle tradizionali misure di sicurezza.
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Rzut oka na środowisko sandbox

W przypadku komputerów termin sandbox był stosowany od dawna jako nazwa bezpiecznego, odizolowanego środowiska, w którym złośliwy kod może być uruchamiany i poddawany analizom. Koncepcja ta znajduje obecnie zastosowanie w zabezpieczeniach sieciowych, umożliwiając transmisję i badanie ruchu sieciowego w celu wykrycia złośliwego kodu, który poprzednio prześliznąłby się przez tradycyjne zabezpieczenia.
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Fortinet: Infrastruktura Advanced Threat Protection

W latach 2013–2014 o znaczących markach i dużych firmach słyszeliśmy nie w kontekście sukcesów związanych z odzyskiwaniem równowagi po kryzysie gospodarczym czy premier innowacyjnych produktów, lecz z powodu wielokrotnych naruszeń bezpieczeństwa danych. Ponad 100 milionów klientów padło ofiarami kradzieży danych osobowych i/lub kart kredytowych podczas tylko jednego z tych zuchwałych i zakrojonych na szeroką skalę ataków.
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Bei der Bekämpfung moderner, komplexer Angriffe als Unternehmen handlungsfähig bleiben

Das Konzept moderner, hoch entwickelter Angriffe, auch Advanced Persistent Threats (APT oder komplexe persistente Bedrohungen) genannt, hat sich in den Sprachgebrauch und das kollektive Denken der IT eingebrannt. Beflügelt durch Nachrichten von ständig neuen Datendiebstählen bekommen komplexe, persistente Bedrohungen den Nimbus des Mythischen, werden aber dennoch größtenteils verkannt. Lange ging man davon aus, dass komplexe, persistente Bedrohungen für alle Datendiebstähle verantwortlich seien, auch dann, wenn nachfolgende Untersuchungen ergaben, dass eigentlich menschliches Versagen oder eine mangelhafte Netzwerkarchitektur das Eindringen ins Netzwerk ermöglicht haben.
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Head-First Into The Sandbox

In computers, the term sandboxing has long been used to represent a safe, isolated environment in which to run malicious code so researchers can analyze it. The same concept is now being applied by network security appliances to execute and inspect network traffic, uncovering malicious code that would previously slip past traditional security measures.
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Simple and Secure

This white paper explains why companies need secure enterprise file sync and share (EFSS) solutions, how users can work with them, and which capabilities an EFSS product should have. Last but not least, the white paper also looks at the extent to which Brainloop Dox, a new EFSS product, corresponds to user requirements.
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DDoS Attack Interceptor

Your business is increasingly reliant on digital content and a 24x7 online presence. Any disruption can have serious consequences to your reputation, operations, and bottom line. Yet the pace, scale, and sophistication of attacks targeting online resources is constantly increasing—and requires multiple lines of defense. Limelight’s DDoS Attack Interceptor is a comprehensive, multi-layer solution that offers protection from even the largest and most complex Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks before they can wreak havoc on your business.
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Trust Online is at the Breaking Point

Most alarming threat to security professional in 2015 is a Cryptoapocalypse: a discovered cryptographic weakness that becomes the ultimate weapon, allowing websites, payment transactions, stock trades, and government to be spoofed or surveilled (term was coined by researches presenting their findings at Black Hat 2013).
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Eliminate Blind Spots in SSL Encrypted Traffic

Many security systems now perform high speed SSL/TLS decryption. But these systems cannot decrypt traffic if they don’t have access to keys and certificates. To eliminate blind spots in encrypted traffic, you need to secure your keys and certificates. Otherwise, your other security controls become less effective and leave the door open to cybercriminals.
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Stop Unauthorized Privileged Access

SSH is a cryptographic security protocol used to connect administrators and machines. While SSH keys are often used to secure access to the most sensitive systems and data, there is usually little awareness or policy enforcement in place around their use. If you don’t know which administrator or SSH key has access to which servers, your IT environment may already be at risk.
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Failure to Protect Keys and Certificates Undermines Critical Security Controls

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) operators have proven they can breach enterprises like yours by undermining your critical security controls when you fail to protect digital certificates and cryptographic keys. Not securing all of your keys and certificates enables cybercriminals to bypass controls like threat detection, data protection, firewalls, VPNs, DLP, privileged access, and authentication systems that you expect will mitigate threats.
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2015 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Brazil

Discover how enterprise security solutions can help you address the core systems and business process-related activities that drive a range of expenditures associated with a company’s response to cyber crime.

The cost framework for cyber crime includes:

• The costs related to dealing with the cyber crime (internal cost activity centers): detection, investigation and escalation, containment, recovery and ex-post response.
• The costs related to the consequences of the cyber attack (external consequences and costs): information loss or theft, business disruption, equipment damage, and revenue loss.

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