Security Technologies for Mobile and BYOD

Businesses today are faced with the almost insurmountable task of complying with a confusing array of laws and regulations relating to data privacy and security. These can come from a variety of sources: local, state, national, and, even, international law makers. This is not just a problem for big businesses. Even a small business with a localized geographic presence may be subject to laws from other states and, possibly, other nations by virtue of having a presence on the internet.

In many instances, these laws and regulations are vague and ambiguous, with little specific guidance as to compliance. Worse yet, the laws of different jurisdictions may be, and frequently are, conflicting. One state or country may require security measures that are entirely different from those of another state or country. Reconciling all of these legal obligations can be, at best, a full time job and, at worst, the subject of fines, penalties, and lawsuits.

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Internet Trust Marks: Building Confidence and Profit Online

The fear of fraud, spoofing, phishing, identity theft, and lax website security have a sizeable percentage of consumers wary of using credit cards online. According to the 2011 Norton Cybercrime Report, cyber fears are on the rise – nearly three quarters of adults (74 percent) say that the possibility of cybercrime is something they are always aware of when online and nearly 9 in 10 adults say it’s important their security software protects their computer 100 percent of the time.
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Fraud Alert: Phishing — The Latest Tactics and Potential Business Impacts – Phishing White Paper

As one of the top cyber crime ploys impacting both consumers and businesses, phishing has remained a consistently potent threat over the past several years. In fact, the cumulative number of phishing attacks recorded in 2011 represented a 37 percent increase over 2010. You no longer need to be a sophisticated hacker to commit fraud on the Internet. Anyone who is motivated can join in, thanks to the off-the-shelf phishing kits provided by a thriving cyber crime ecosystem.
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Choosing the Right Security Solution

The online world can be a scary place as the integration of the Internet into everyone’s lives has also brought with it an ever-increasing trend towards malicious activity. Consumers are understandably concerned. This angst leads to diminished trust in e-commerce and sub-optimal results for online businesses. Consumers and businesses, alike, need protection from online security threats in order to thrive on the Internet and take full advantage of the many benefits of e-commerce.
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Assuring Application Security: Deploying Code that Keeps Data Safe

“There’s an app for that” has become the mantra of users, developers, and IT alike. The explosion of applications – whether homegrown, developed with outside teams, commercial off-the-shelf, or open source – is clear. But all that code can bring new risks. Unprotected web applications can lead to data leakage, compromised systems, and full-blown breaches. As such, developers, DevOps, and IT must ensure that the applications they create and run do not put the enterprise at risk. Download this Slashguide to learn the value of better testing & security of new apps during deployment & beyond.
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Beginner’s Guide to SSL Certificates

Whether you are an individual or a company, you should approach online security in the same way that you would approach physical security for your home or business. Not only does it make you feel safer but it also protects people who visit your home, place of business, or website. It is important to understand the potential risks and then make sure you are fully protected against them. In the fast-paced world of technology, it is not always easy to stay abreast of the latest advancements. For this reason it is wise to partner with a reputable Internet security company.
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The Heartbleed Bug: How To Protect Your Business with Symantec

On April 7, 2014, a team of security researchers announced the discovery of a critical vulnerability found in certain versions of the widely used Open SSL cryptographic software library. This bug would become known as “Heartbleed,” and its arrival exposed a serious vulnerability in OpenSSL, allowing attackers to access and read the memory of web servers running vulnerable versions of the library.
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Website Security Threat Report 2014-2013

Symantec has the most comprehensive source of Internet threat data in the world through the Symantec™ Global Intelligence Network, which is made up of more than 41.5 million attack sensors and records thousands of events per second. This network monitors threat activity in over 157 countries and territories through a combination of Symantec products and services such as Symantec DeepSight™ Threat Management System, Symantec™ Managed Security Services, Norton™ products, Symantec Website Security Solutions and other 3rd party data sources.
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Website Security Threat Report 20142013

Symantec has the most comprehensive source of Internet threat data in the world through the Symantec™ Global Intelligence Network, which is made up of more than 41.5 million attack sensors and records thousands of events per second. This network monitors threat activity in over 157 countries and territories through a combination of Symantec products and services such as Symantec DeepSight™ Threat Management System, Symantec™ Managed Security Services, Norton™ products, Symantec Website Security Solutions and other 3rd party data sources.
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Ensuring Compliance in the Asia Pacific Region with SSL Certificates

For those doing business in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore. or in other parts of the Asia Pacific region, privacy is a significant concern. Businesses holding personal data have a responsibility to preserve the privacy and confidentiality of that data. The task is complex, especially in an era of sophisticated, global cyber-crime. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates can help protect data and meet the demands of privacy laws across the region.
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Website Security Threat Report 2014

The Symantec Website Security Threat Report gives enterprises, small businesses, and consumers essential information to secure their systems effectively now and into the future. This year’s WSTR covers the wide-ranging threat landscape, with data collected and analysed by Symantec’s security experts.
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Bloomberg Research: Faster, Better, Safer

The future success of any company is predicated on perfecting the merger of mobility and security - and being nimble about it. This study focuses on the security issues surrounding mobile applications, and surveyed 150 senior business & senior IT decision-makers. Download to hear what they had to say.
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Mainstay ROI – Does Application Security Pay?

Does Application Security Pay? Actually, it does! Mainstay reviewed the Software Security Assurance solutions of 17 organizations and found financial benefits as high as $2.4M from efficiency and productivity improvements. Download this whitepaper to see how you and your enterprise might benefit from better software security.
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