Mission: Possible! Your Cognitive Future in Government

Big data has been called the new natural resource. And this resource continues to rapidly grow in volume, variety and complexity, particularly in government. Despite the explosive growth of information across industries, less than 1 percent of the world’s data is currently analyzed. How can government organizations bridge the gap between untapped opportunities and current capabilities? The answer is cognitive computing.

Cognitive-based systems build knowledge and learn, understand natural language, and reason and interact more naturally with human beings than traditional programmable systems. Download this article to learn more!
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App. Release & Deployment For Dummies

This eBook will take you through the basics of application release and deployment, and provide best practices for implementation with resources for a deeper dive.

Inside you will find:
  • Business and technical drivers behind automated application release and deployment
  • Evaluation guides
  • Success stories that utilize application release and deployment solutions
Complete the short form to the right to download the eBook.
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Ten Reasons You Don’t Need MDM

Tired of hearing all the ways you need to go “mobile” and all the ”things” it can do for your business. Don’t buy the hype, here’s a list of perfectly valid reasons fast and secure mobile deployment and management is a bunch of hullabaloo and poppycock.
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Rethinking Recovery for Distributed and Cloud Databases: A Versioned Database Future

Databases are essential tools for applications and much effort has been spent on managing and protecting them accordingly for the lifecycle of the data. The innovative new distributed approaches in database design have brought many advantages for enterprises in terms of agility and onboarding newer applications.

However, to unlock enterprise value from their data, organizations must also be sure that the data can be managed and recovered over its lifecycle. It is imperative that businesses fill these data recovery gaps to benefit from the best of both worlds and to scale their adoption across the enterprise and for their core applications.
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Now that you have a Microsoft private cloud, what the heck are you going to do with it?

Choosing and building a Microsoft Private Cloud is just the first step. Once you have the Microsoft Cloud Platform infrastructure up and running, you then have to figure out what you're going to monitor and manage all of the resources.

This whitepaper examines how businesses can leverage the benefits of a Microsoft Private Cloud, and take advantage of the following functions:
  • Enabling self-service.
  • Federating your Microsoft® Cloud Platform.
  • Taking advantage of software-defined networking.
  • Messaging services.
  • Database as a Service (DBaaS) and its advantages.
Read it now.
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The Challenges of Building and Operating a Microsoft Private Cloud

Business today requires a robust IT infrastructure and the connected mobile world needs 24/7 service with the agility to accommodate rapid changes in demand. A Microsoft Private Cloud enables businesses to balance the benefits of cloud computing with the benefits of a private data center. However, building and maintaining a Microsoft® Cloud Platform environment can be challenging.

Read this whitepaper to gain insight on:
  • How the Microsoft Private Cloud enables you to exceed the cost effectiveness of a standard virtualized infrastructure.
  • The challenges of managing a Microsoft Private Cloud.
  • The moving parts involved in establishing IT-as-a-service using Microsoft Private Cloud.
  • Features of the Microsoft® Cloud Platform powered by Rackspace©.
Download it now!
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The Cloud at Your Pace

The cloud has taken many twists and turns on its route to maturity. Along the way, many IT leaders have enjoyed real business advantages, including:
  • Lower costs
  • Reduced complexity
  • Faster roll-out of new apps and capacity
  • Streamlined processes
Yet some CIOs remain hesitant to get started. This white paper shows how you can now use the Microsoft technology stack to address your concerns, while minimizing your risks, and moving to the cloud at your own pace.
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WP Are You Ready to Respond

In spite of the best efforts of the cyber security industry to protect computer networks, breaches still happen, causing millions of dollars in damage, tainting the reputation of corporations, and causing end users to lose confidence in the security of their personal information. Given that new reality, it’s not enough for organizations to try to protect their networks from a breach, but to have an effective response plan in place for when a breach occurs anyway.

Today, companies need to conduct a comprehensive response readiness assessment that lays out what steps to take in the event of a breach in order to minimize the damage and recover from the intrusion as quickly as possible.
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Behind the Syrian Conflict’s Digital Front Lines

Physical conflicts increasingly have a cyber element to them. This report highlights how Syrian opposition forces fell victim to a well-executed hacking operation targeting secret communications and plans.

FireEye researchers uncovered these stolen documents as part of our ongoing threat research. Between at least November 2013 and January 2014, the hackers stole a cache of critical documents and Skype conversations revealing the Syrian opposition’s strategy, tactical battle plans, supply needs, and troves of personal information and chat sessions belonging to the men fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. While we do not know who conducted this hacking operation, if this data was acquired by Assad’s forces or their allies it could confer a distinct battlefield advantage.
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Having some of the world’s most active economies, Asia Pacific countries are more likely to be a target of targeted attacks than the rest of the world. In “Operation Quantum Entanglement”, “Pacific Ring of Fire: PlugX / Kaba” and other FireEye reports, we have highlighted how Northeast Asian countries have been at the centre of advanced attacks. Today, we release a new report “APT 30 and the Mechanics of a Long-Running Cyber Espionage Operation,” which documents about a threat group, APT 30, who has consistently targeted Southeast Asia and India over the past decade.
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WP How Secure Do You Want to Be

Protecting against advanced cyber-attacks requires, among other things, that you meet the same level of sophistication as your attackers. Unfortunately, most current security technologies fail to meet that bar, resulting in organizations being breached when they thought they were protected.

A resulting breach can be devastating, leading most organizations to re-evaluate their security program. Critically evaluating your security program in its entirety and looking for the areas it can be improved is a daunting task.
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WP Are You Ready to Respond

"In spite of the best efforts of the cyber security industry to protect computer networks, breaches still happen, causing millions of dollars in damage, tainting the reputation of corporations, and causing end users to lose confidence in the security of their personal information. Given that new reality, it’s not enough for organizations to try to protect their networks from a breach, but to have an effective response plan in place for when a breach occurs anyway.

Today, companies need to conduct a comprehensive response readiness assessment that lays out what steps to take in the event of a breach in order to minimize the damage and recover from the intrusion as quickly as possible."
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Application Performance Management: Best Practices

As Application Performance Monitoring tools become more widely used by organizations, there are trends surfacing among those organizations that are fully embracing APM as a strategic initiative within their IT organization. This paper offers a brief overview of APM and then details the 10 emerging best practices drawn from real APM user experiences so you can improve your own APM strategy.
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