ESG: The IBM FlashSystem 840: Technical Evolution to Deliver Business Value

Although solid-state in various forms has been a specialist storage technology since the late 1970s, it shed its "niche" moniker for good in 2008. Enterprise-ready flash - fast, not astronomically expensive, and versatile - had arrived, and its maturation allowed storage vendors to begin packaging the technology in ways that could directly improve not only their customers' IT efficiency, but also their business effectiveness.

In this whitepaper, you will learn how this high-speed storage technology has tremendous potential to support I/O-intensive and/or latency-sensitive applications. Discover how a well-chosen, well-implemented flash-based system can have positive effects such as faster response times, lower TCO, smaller data center footprint, or speedier or more frequent application updating.

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Create Operational Flexibility with Cost-Effective Cloud Computing

This white paper provides a view of cloud computing for the chemicals and petroleum industry and describes the technologies and functions that can help them improve efficiency, reduce costs and enable new capabilities. It also gives an overview of the numerous IBM cloud offerings for the chemicals and petroleum industry: IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud, IBM LotusLive, IBM CloudBurst and IBM Cloud Consulting Services.
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Deploy a dynamic, services-oriented cloud for your business

There is no "silver bullet" in the cloud. No single product or packaged bundle can deliver all the virtualization you need to make the cloud real or all the control you need to make it effective. Heterogeneous, evolving and typically complex, the cloud requires a measured approach to its implementation and an integrated approach to its many components. A technology such as the hypervisor that creates compute virtualization is, in fact, only one of a cloud's many building blocks. When designing a cloud, organizations should consider the needs of the applications and workloads beyond compute virtualization such as networking and storage-and then evaluate the integration and control requirements across cloud and non-cloud business services.
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Pay As-You-Grow Data Protection

In this analyst paper John Webster from Evaluator Group discusses the data protection requirements for the SMB IT administrator and uses IBM Tivoli's Full-featured Data Protection Suite for Small to Medium Businesses as an example of a solution. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Suite for Unified Recovery (TSM SUR) includes the advanced functionality of solutions designed for the enterprise data center, but is offered in a way that is easily implemented and consumed by the SMB.
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5 Easy Steps to Adopting an Enterprise App Store

Employees are demanding access to apps and data that make them productive on-the-go. But as untrusted devices flood the workplace, IT must ensure security and compliance requirements are met. To meet this need, an enterprise app store should be part of your enterprise mobility strategy.
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Citrix XenMobile technology overview

IT needs to be able to secure and manage mobile devices, apps and data from one centralized point, and set app and data policies based on device ownership, status or location. Users need secure access to email, web and documents, and the ability to self-select the rest of the apps they need from a unified corporate app store - all with a beautiful user experience on any device. Read this technical white paper to learn about what's needed in an integrated approach that allows people to be fully productive while addressing IT's security and management concerns.
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Protecting your business data: Five Dos and Don’ts for SMBs

Small and midsized businesses have a particularly challenging time protecting company data. They have many of the same security and backup challenges as large enterprises, but fewer resources in terms of funding, time and specialized expertise.

The stakes are high: Symantec's State of Information Survey 2012 gathered information from more than 2,000 IT managers at companies with between five and 250 employees. Asked about the consequences of losing business data, the managers cited loss of customers (49%), brand damage (43%), increased expenses (41%) and decreased revenues (37%).The amount of data that businesses need to protect is also increasing rapidly. In the same survey, IT managers projected data stores at small and midsized businesses will grow 178% during the next year.

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Security and the Cloud: Perfect Match

Why are security and the Cloud a perfectly matched pair for your business? Independently, they have lots of benefits. Security protects your key devices, like PCs, and mobile devices, from cyber-thieves' malware, viruses and other nasty threats that can compromise, or even destroy, your business' critical information. Cloud technology, on the other hand, might seem complicated but it's really a simple way to use sophisticated software, like security technology, without the day-to-day hassles of software updates, hardware maintenance, and other expensive and time-consuming tasks.

But both are better together - especially for small and medium businesses who want to protect their key information, but don't have a full-time IT shop to support the infrastructure.

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