Gartner: Beyond GDPR: Five Technologies to Borrow From Security to Operationalize Privacy

Having to operationalize privacy caught many organizations unprepared. Thus, Gartner experienced a tremendous spike in client inquiry regarding GDPR preparations, with a 400% increase over the previous year.

In preparing for various privacy regulations, security and risk management leaders should review this report to review a set of balanced controls for privacy and security in the implementation of five key technologies.

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DevOps In An Unplanned World

When done right, DevOps Practices can rapidly increase the speed of release cycles. What happens when critical events occur which cause business disruptions resulting in delays in release schedules? Every minute of outage can mean tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, sometimes even millions, lost when mission-critical applications are involved.

Download this whitepaper to learn:

  • The 3 key factors for managing a successful service delivery value chain
  • Different curveballs which can add additional friction to the service-delivery process
  • How Everbridge can help organizations deliver services faster and achieve a higher rate of customer satisfaction

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Expand Your Team’s Collaborative Potential With Microsoft and Zscaler

For enterprises seeking to thrive in today’s shapeshifting working environment, enhancing productivity and collaborative workflows means strengthening their cloud-based application delivery with a direct internet connection.

Unfortunately, many organizations continue to rely on traditional network architectures, which simply weren’t designed for the collaborative needs of today’s workers. But as a hybrid workforce evolves to encompass both on-premises and remote teams, modern, SaaS-powered collaboration is the new reality—and the Microsoft 365 suite of collaborative tools is leading the charge.

Explore Zscaler’s leading solution for meeting Microsoft’s connectivity recommendations, and equip your business with the power to:

  • Identify and differentiate Microsoft Office 365 traffic.
  • Egress network connections locally.
  • Avoid network hairpins.
  • Bypass inspection proxies.

In a new e-book, Maximizing Your Microsoft 365 Investment: Enhancing Security and Accelerating Productivity with Zscaler, you’ll learn how optimizing your internet connections can overcome the challenges of a disparate workforce, with enhanced productivity, improved collaboration, and lower operating costs.

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Malware 101: Everything You Need to Know About Malicious Software

What is malware? How does it affect businesses and business devices? What types are out there that you should be aware of?

Get the answers to all of your malware questions and more in the Malware 101 eBook, including:

  • Explanations of common malware types from ransomware to key loggers
  • How malware gets into business networks
  • Prevention methods and best practices

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2021: Network Security Market Trends and Predictions

Rapid mobilization and growing remote workforces have led businesses to the cloud, Software as a Service (SaaS), IoT, BYoD, and more – with the goal of keeping workers connected and productive at home. But with cybercriminals fully aware of this change, how is network security changing to shield businesses from new threats?

Our 2021 Network Security Report covers:

  • How the shift in digitalization has affected network security
  • Trends in cybercrime and predictions for 2021 and beyond
  • Modern solutions to protect businesses from encrypted attacks
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The Digital Shift is Upending Business Cybersecurity

How remote work and new cyberthreats are affecting differing industries

Digitization was here before the pandemic, although some say it's been accelerated by 10 years as businesses had no choice but to take operations to the cloud in 2020. So how does this affect cybersecurity?

The Digital Shift eBook covers:

  • Remote work statistics and its impact on security
  • Cybercrime trends across 5 differing industries from education to healthcare
  • How to quickly protect businesses during rapid change
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Migrating Your Tax Processes to the Cloud

How Digital Transformation Simplifies the Complex Sales Tax Function

Rapidly evolving technologies and the rise of ecommerce were already changing the face and form of commerce. Now, world events, particularly the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, are causing major upheaval in the economy, forcing companies to re-evaluate their business processes. Across industries and sectors—from retail to industrial, B2B and B2C—efforts toward leveraging automation and data exchange are accelerating with digital transformation initiatives that integrate digital technology into all areas of a business.

For the mid-size and large organization, the mandate to automate is crucial for doing business in order to keep pace with competitors, enterprise and technological innovation and global growth.

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Transformation Takes Practice

Deliver with increased speed and innovation using open ways of working

It is a question asked time and again by business leaders: Why are so many digital transformation efforts failing?

In this e-book, we’ll explore how open transformation— the process of probing, sensing, and responding in a collaborative, continuous cycle of discovery and delivery— leads to more meaningful outcomes in software development, product innovation, and more.

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State of Malware

As entire businesses switched to remote working, IT teams found themselves trying to fit months-long projects into days, with security an unfortunate but understandable casualty. Faced with a new landscape, cybercriminals ditched some old tactics and placed a new emphasis on gathering intelligence. And as people adapted to their “new normal,” scammers exploited their isolation with a resurgence in tech support scams. New adversaries crawled out of the woodwork, too. April’s global shutdown was accompanied by a staggering rise in the use of stalkerware, a shorthand term for the type of mobile monitoring and spyware apps that are sometimes deployed by abusive partners.

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MSPs: The 5 essentials from your endpoint security partner

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are an important part of the IT environment, providing the knowledge and the trusted partnerships that enable organizations of all sizes to embrace innovations made available by our era of digital transformation.

While there has never been a more exciting time to be an MSP, there are also many challenges MSPs must navigate to acquire and preserve long-lasting client relationships. Specifically, MSPs cite maintaining profitability (27 percent), bolstering growth (33 percent), and managing cybersecurity (30 percent) as some of their top business issues.

When it comes to managing cybersecurity, safeguarding client endpoints is a critical piece of the MSP service offering. MSPs should have an endpoint security vendor that helps them overcome common issues that can cut into profits and lead to client churn.

Your selected endpoint security vendor should ensure that you can streamline your client deployments, simplify your ability to prioritize your response efforts, and manage your clients at scale. Ultimately, your vendor should optimize the efficiency of your time and efforts so that you can continue to grow your business and maximize revenue.

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MSPs: The 5 essentials from your endpoint security partner

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are an important part of the IT environment, providing the knowledge and the trusted partnerships that enable organizations of all sizes to embrace innovations made available by our era of digital transformation.

While there has never been a more exciting time to be an MSP, there are also many challenges MSPs must navigate to acquire and preserve long-lasting client relationships. Specifically, MSPs cite maintaining profitability (27 percent), bolstering growth (33 percent), and managing cybersecurity (30 percent) as some of their top business issues.

When it comes to managing cybersecurity, safeguarding client endpoints is a critical piece of the MSP service offering. MSPs should have an endpoint security vendor that helps them overcome common issues that can cut into profits and lead to client churn.

Your selected endpoint security vendor should ensure that you can streamline your client deployments, simplify your ability to prioritize your response efforts, and manage your clients at scale. Ultimately, your vendor should optimize the efficiency of your time and efforts so that you can continue to grow your business and maximize revenue.

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12 Hidden Costs and Hurdles to Managing AWS Infrastructure

Cloud adoption is booming. Gartner estimates that spending on cloud services grew 6 percent in 2020 to a total market value of $257.9 billion. While there are several large public cloud players, Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the largest, with 45 percent of the market share for Infrastructure-as-a-Service, and more than 1 million active users.

But, even with an estimated 91 percent of organizations now using a public cloud, many lack the bandwidth, internal resources, and expertise to properly manage their infrastructure. Aspects like monitoring, proactive improvements, and cost optimization typically require substantial legwork that may occupy engineers and pull them away from core business initiatives.

Without the right resources and expertise, managing your own AWS infrastructure can lead to:

  • Costly outages due to hard-to-use monitoring tools.
  • Never achieving a proactive approach.
  • Overpaying for cloud services.

In this Ebook, we will review 12 hidden costs and hurdles to managing AWS infrastructure on your own, and how working with a managed cloud service provider like Mission can help leverage AWS to accelerate your business.

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