
Deliver the ultimate Office 365 experience with SD-WAN while reducing bottlenecks, simplifying deployment, and minimizing complexities improving overall end-user experience and performance in our rapidly changing experience economy. Read this guide to learn how you can deliver the ultimate experience leveraging Citrix SD-WAN on Azure.

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Citrix SD-WAN for Azure Virtual WAN

As applications continue to migrate to the cloud, and companies continue to operate across geographically dispersed locations, enterprise branch offices need an access solution that is purpose-built for the internet with enhanced security and improved reliability. Branch offices need to be able to optimize and scale Azure performance to deliver reliable access to resources. Read more to find out how Citrix SD-WAN on Azure can help you own the future of networking.

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Scale, Simplify and Secure your Digital Workspace with Citrix SD- WAN and Microsoft

On its own, Citrix SD-WAN is a powerful tool that can help you secure, scale, and simplify branch networking with a high-performance workspace. But did you know that since Citrix is a Microsoft Virtual WAN preferred partner, SD-WAN customers can experience even faster onboarding to workloads in Azure? And that's just the beginning. Read more to learn the true power of Citrix SD-WAN on Azure.

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The Definitive Guide to Enterprise Data Backup and Recovery Architectures

Modern data environments are distributed with endpoint, data center, and cloud workloads. On-premises data protection has not kept pace — while the cloud offers less expensive and more scalable solutions that are significantly easier to manage and maintain.

Download this eBook and learn:

  • The important differences between on-premises, hybrid, hosted, and cloud-native data protection and management solutions
  • The ABCs of recovery time objectives (RTOs) in the cloud
  • How cloud reliability has increased with improved physical security, continuous monitoring, frequent security audits, and new compliance measures
  • Questions for finding the right cloud data protection strategy

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Don’t Let Legacy Systems Limit Digitization, Extend Them Instead

When it comes to overcoming the challenges posed by legacy systems and addressing the the need for next generation capabilities like digital and mobile workflows, most organizations stop short. Adapting existing technological infrastructure to meet business needs can take months, sometimes years, and hundreds of thousands (even millions) of dollars.

So now what?

Download Don’t Let Legacy Systems Limit Digitization, Extend Them Instead and learn how you can still easily leverage your legacy systems and get the next generation capabilities you need to take your business to the next level.

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Deliver a Winning Lending Experience

With more twists and turns and “go back to start” than a game of Chutes and LaddersⓇ, it’s no surprise customers are looking for alternatives to the traditional mortgage process. Changing customer expectations combined with lower margin and price compression have driven digital transformation strategies across the industry. The next stop? The back office.

“The second digital revolution will focus on the back office to lower the cost for processing and underwriting.”

With a measured approach to automating middle and back office processes, lenders can: improve the customer experience, increase asset quality while mitigating risk, simplify regulatory compliance, increase efficiency, and contain costs.

Download Deliver a Winning Lending Experience now to learn how industry leaders like Stearns Lending are digitizing their back office operations to grow their bottom line.

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Digitizing Banking Back Offices with Low Code Platforms

Modernizing the Back­ Office: Digitizing Financial Services with Low Code Platforms.

Banks today operate between two distinct worlds of back­ office and front­ office operations. Yet, most banks focus on optimizing the front­end customer experience. Oftentimes, this creates even more back­office manual processes.

On average, retail banks today have between 300 and 800 back­ office processes to manage and monitor. These processes leave the back ­office staff to deal with redundant tasks, excessive manual processing, and slow response times. This is why digitizing back­ office processes have the most potential on making monumental impact to the business.

Download Digitizing Banking Back Offices with Low Code Platforms and learn how easily you can digitize back ­office processes in weeks with low ­code platforms like TrackVia. TrackVia helps banks improve operations, customer experience, as well as data quality and accessibility.

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Banking on Automation for a Better Back Office

Financial institutions are counting on banking operations to help transform them into the bank of the future. But, most bank back offices still have between 300 and 800 back ­office processes to manage and monitor ­­ hampering their progress and making data breakdowns are inevitable. As a result, banks can’t bring new offerings to market quickly, and still deliver disjointed experiences that leave consumers unfulfilled.

It’s time for a better way to approach back office automation.

Download Banking on Automation for a Better Back Office and learn how digitizing your back office processes with a workflow platform allows you to:

  • Automate data collection to reduce errors and standardize your data
  • Digitize work flows to speed up end ­to­ end processing
  • Reduce operating expenses and improve the cost ­basis of consumer offerings

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Prevent Data Blackouts

Digitizing Solar Operations to Connect Field Data to the Office.

When it comes to the solar business, you’re only as good as the data coming from the construction, operations and maintenance, and storage. Yet, companies today still collect data using paper and pen.

“...88% of all spreadsheets have errors in them, while 50% of spreadsheets used by large companies have material defects.” – CNBC

Solve the problem at the source — the field.

In Prevent Data Blackouts: Digitizing Solar Operations to Connect Field Data to the Office, we discuss how digitizing operations with a mobile friendly workflow platform, allows you to.

Acquire more complete, consistent, and accurate data in real­time. Take action in a fraction of your current response time. Analyze all your data across multiple systems for faster and more informed business decisions. Download the eBook today

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Turn Up The Power

Digitizing Operations to Improve Performance, Quality, and Compliance.

These days, competition, regulation, and technology are fundamentally changing how energy and utilities businesses operate. As the stakes get higher, the pressure is on to do everything better and faster — while continuously reducing costs.

Energy and utilities leaders understand they need a digitization strategy that will see their organizations into the future and CEOs believe digital transformation will deliver sustainable cost reductions, enhance revenue growth, and support better decision ­making.

Yet, despite digital’s tremendous potential, energy and utilities organizations have been slow to adopt or fully implement digital initiatives. Meanwhile, the consequences of continuing to rely on manual processes and disparate systems negatively impact business — creating challenges with meeting goals for on ­time performance, quality, safety, and compliance.

Read Turn Up the Power: Digitizing Operations to Improve Performance, Quality, and Compliance and learn the day­today impacts of manual processes and disparate systems and how you can quickly implement custom, IT­ approved workflow apps that integrate with your systems in weeks.

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Customer 360 powered by Zero2Hero™

A pre-built data processing and analysis stack of exceptional tools, Bardess accelerators, preloaded with relevant industry data, designed to solve modern scale problems and deliver rapid value. Read on to learn more about this solution.

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Cisco and Citrix Together: Transforming the Way You Work

Increased mobility has changed the business landscape. As more workers use additional devices from a multitude of locations, connectivity to business data has become difficult to sustain and costly to scale. This increase in devices, device types, and locations also adds a higher level of business risk. To meet the increase in business needs while reducing the level of risks, businesses have expanded or migrated their workloads into the public cloud. However, customers have quickly learned some of the limitations presented by embracing a public cloud solution.

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Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI)

Amazing things happen when two industry leaders combine their talents into one integrated solution. Together, Citrix ADC and Cisco ACI solve a data center’s most pressing infrastructure and network management problems by providing a solution that integrates L4-L7 load balancing, alleviates overhead and sprawl, scales as demand fluctuates, and ensures future compatibility in competitive business environments. All the while providing industry-unique, application-focused visibility and the essential security analytics you require. Together, Citrix and Cisco deliver a secure, agile, and scalable environment backed by the quality, reputation, and support of industry standards Citrix ADC and Cisco ACI.

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Discover The Keys To A Modern Digital Platform

It’s what you do — a dynamic activity that people expect to accomplish anywhere, anytime, on any device. Supporting today’s workforce requires a digital platform that empowers productivity and ensures security and management at scale everywhere: on site, on the road, or in the cloud.

Citrix and Cisco solutions work together to help you transform the way you work, realize the multicloud promise, and innovate with confidence. Modern, flexible, and automated networking, combined with next-generation security, allows IT leaders to focus on innovative, business critical strategy.

In this eBook, you’ll learn how to accelerate realization of a modern digital platform for your business and gain access to resources and information that will help you on your journey.

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Modernizing .NET Applications

As a .NET developer, you're constantly asked to build relevant and resilient software that can run anywhere. That alone is a tall order. But you're also asked to upgrade existing .NET software to unlock new value.

This practical ebook shows .NET developers and architects how to improve the most impactful parts of your existing codebase and build a sustainable process for refining your entire .NET app portfolio.

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