Best Practices and Applications of TLS/SSL

SSL/TLS has been and will be a core enabling technology critical for securing communications. The most significant challenge facing the SSL ecosystem is its implementation. Researchers have recently published reports indicating widespread errors and shortcomings in the implementation of SSL/TLS in mobile applications. These issues often result from flawed use of SDKs or APIs used by developers.

This paper lists necessary steps to take to create a stronger, more trustworthy SSL implementation. All SSL client non-browser applications should follow all these practices to ensure strong authentication, confidentiality & integrity.
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Building an Android App using MobileData Cloud

Learn more about the benefits of Bluemix. This webcast focuses on building an Android application using the MobileData service. Walk-through the real process and workflow used to build and link the MobileData service within your application.
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The Product Delivery Problem (Hint: It’s Not You)

For product managers and their counterparts, the road to launch is a fight to keep every task, every detail, every change grounded in business goals. It’s not enough to be fast. Or to deliver the right product. You need to do both. This requires:

• Balancing the needs of many stakeholders to define a set of requirements for what’s being built, why and how.

• Prioritizing and re-prioritizing “must-have” mandates from multiple voices—everyone from front-end users to engineers to sales to support.

• Ensuring that what gets built is what every one expects.

This white paper outlines surefire ways you can establish and maintain a strong connection between intended outcomes, development methodologies and customer value.

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A Modern Take on the Agile Manifesto

When the Agile Manifesto was published in 2001, our workplace looked very different from how it does today. Despite major changes in how we work, our interpretation of the Manifesto hasn’t changed in over a decade. So what does today’s Agile look like? Do the values of the Manifesto still apply? How can we evolve Agile concepts to tackle today's product-delivery challenges in a new way?

Download this eBook for an opportunity to rethink the Agile Manifesto. View Agile in a new light and deconstruct which concepts were home runs and which still need to evolve.

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Increase Product ROI With Better Decision Making

What if you could get the right product to market 18 percent faster? What would that mean to your bottom line? For the average 100-person team, 18 percent translates to $1.5 million a year, and puts about one to two hours back into the day of every person on the product team.

Business decisions = dollars. Get your money’s worth.

Download this whitepaper to learn how you can maximize return on your product delivery investment by getting the right products to market, faster and better than before.

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Project Management Best Practices

Project management is a juggling act, with too many balls in the air at once. Anyone can learn to draw a Gantt chart, but effective project managers also rely on the savvy that comes from experience. Whether you are a rookie or a veteran PM, these tips, from people who’ve already done their tours of duty in the project management trenches, will help you drive project success in an unpredictable world.

You’ll learn 21 solid survival tips in the following categories:

1. Lay the foundation

2. Plan the project

3. Estimate the work

4. Track your progress

5. Learn for the future

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IDC Paper: Attributes of SAN Storage Required for Business Critical Workloads

Organisationen erwarten von ihren IT-Abteilungen , um ein SAN-Speicher -Infrastruktur, die schnellere Einführung von Anwendungen und Diensten , kontinuierlichen und schnellen Zugriff auf Daten in den wichtigsten Anwendungen und effiziente Skala auf Unternehmensdaten Wachstum ohne vergleichbare Wachstum der IT-Ausgaben befassen unterstützen kann liefern . Diese IDC White Paper einen Überblick über die wichtigsten SAN Storage-Funktionen erforderlich, um solche Herausforderungen und die NetApp SAN Storage-Portfolio -Angebote , die am besten Adresse Ihre Bedürfnisse.
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ESG Brief: Enhancing Database Environments with NetApp Storage

Organizations of all kinds rely on their relational databases for both transaction processing and analytics, but many still have challenges in meeting their goals of high availability, security, and performance. Whether planning for a major upgrade of existing databases or considering a net new project, enterprise solution architects should realize that the storage capabilities will matter. NetApp’s systems, software, and services offer a number of advantages as a foundation for better operational results.
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