E.P.I.C. Application Performance Management

Internet of Things, cloud, social network e altre tendenze hanno meritatamente conquistato una notevole popolarità, ma c'è un denominatore comune cruciale che potrebbe sorpassarli tutti per importanza: l'applicazione. Secondo le previsioni, il valore combinato di app a pagamento, acquisti di beni e servizi tramite app e pubblicità in-app sembra destinato a raddoppiare entro il 2017, arrivando a 151 miliardi di dollari.
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La Customer Experience nell’Application Economy

Per anni abbiamo sentito parlare delle promesse del computing onnipresente e dell'avvento dell'economia delle applicazioni. Oggi, con il rapido progredire del mobile computing, siamo finalmente sul punto di vedere realizzata quella visione di effettiva onnipresenza del computing e dell'accesso alle applicazioni. E quando guardiamo ai potenti trend della banda larga del mobile computing e dell'impiego diffuso dei processi agili di sviluppo e di gestione IT, è evidente il motivo per cui molte aziende stanno rilasciando con successo sempre più applicazioni.
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Migliorare la customer experience nel mondo mobile

Tablet, telefoni, orologi: ci affidiamo a loro e alle applicazioni e ai servizi che offrono. Nella nuova economia delle applicazioni, questi device hanno cambiato il nostro modo di vivere, lavorare e divertirci. Pensate appositamente per i device mobile, queste app si sono affermate come potentissimi generatori di ricavi. Nel 2014, le vendite di app hanno raggiunto i 30 miliardi di dollari e si prevede che, entro il 2017, il valore combinato di app a pagamento, acquisti di beni e servizi tramite app e pubblicità arriverà a 151 miliardi di dollari negli Stati Uniti.
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Perchè Agile Operations è fondamentale per la Digital Transformation

In passato, quando gli ambienti aziendali erano meno instabili e complessi di oggi, le operations IT si occupavano esclusivamente della stabilità. Con l'avvento dell'economia delle applicazioni, ogni azienda ha iniziato a produrre software e la pressione competitiva alla rapida innovazione e all'iterazione delle applicazioni sono aumentate in maniera esponenziale.
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Le agile operations e le tre vie

Praticamente ogni discussione DevOps andrà a evidenziare la trasformazione subita dai team di sviluppo nel corso della loro evoluzione dalla progettazione sequenziale di metodi a cascata all'adozione dell'approccio iterativo e agile caratteristico dei metodi Scrum. Non c'è da meravigliarsi, dato che si tratta di un processo significativo, quasi emozionante e che offre risultati impressionanti. A venire citata meno spesso, pur essendo altrettanto rilevante, è invece la transizione affrontata dai team di operations IT. In un contesto tradizionalmente noto per la sua stabilità e prevedibilità, potrebbe sembrare improprio suggerire che esista un insieme crescente di pratiche note come "agile operations". Almeno finché non si considera come il cloud computing, i microservizi, le applicazioni in container e simili stiano cambiando la stessa definizione di infrastruttura. Questa nuova infrastruttura agile, e i concetti a essa associati, come l'insuccesso pianificato, agevolano, se non proprio richiedono, la collaborazione tra dev e ops.
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Reliable Data Protection Designed for Virtualized Environments

Organizations are modernizing their data centers so that they can provision IT services faster, strengthen security and control, and lower operating costs. While building modern data centers, organizations invest in server virtualization, modern storage applications, and cloud-based services. However, businesses are facing new demands from end users, including access to data and applications at all times and systems with no downtime or data loss. In addition, they are facing exponential data growth annually.
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Data Protection Without Limits

Globalization has become the norm. The exploding use of mobile devices and the Internet now requires most businesses’ websites to be constantly available. Additionally, employees need 24×7 access to corporate resources. These types of requirements drive the need for increased levels of availability and recoverability for your business services. Downtime can be extremely costly. A 2014 Gartner study called “The Cost of Downtime” revealed that the average cost of downtime for businesses was $5,600 per minute, which roughly equates to $300,000 per hour. That particular study was an average across all businesses. For many organizations, it can be much more. For instance, according to a Forbes article, a 30-minute outage for Amazon in 2013 cost the company an estimated $3 million in lost revenue.
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Building scalable architectures with Veeam and Cisco UCS C3000 storage servers

This whitepaper is intended for a technical audience that understands how Veeam® Backup & Replication™ works. Additional knowledge about Cisco® UCS® and Cisco Unified Fabric is useful but not required.

Veeam Backup & Replication provides an architecture where different components can be scaled out simply by adding additional components. To maximize backup and restore performance for the entire system, the Veeam Proxy and Repository roles need to be balanced. Doing so allows Veeam to provide availability for the data, ensuring the lowest recovery time and point objectives (RTPO™). A performance-optimized architecture is key to reach that goal. This whitepaper will rely on the following simplified model of a modern data center.

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Application and Data Availability with Veeam and NetApp

In this technical whitepaper, Shawn Lieu and Michael Cade will guide you through three scenarios where Veeam Backup & Replication and NetApp technologies can be leveraged to achieve maximum application and data availability. One of the best ways to protect data and provide availability is to follow the “3-2-1 rule”— keep three copies of your data, stored on two different sets of media, with at least one copy stored off site. Implementing this level of availability can be somewhat challenging and requires planning ahead.
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Veeam Backup & Replication v8: Availability for Oracle Environments

Oracle databases are among the most important applications in many environments. Relational databases are used for custom applications developed internally by a company, or as a database backend for commercial applications deployments. In both scenarios, data registered in Oracle databases require a proper design for their availability needs. This involves specific virtualization capabilities like HA, and proper data protection. Availability for BCA is not something that can be applied afterwards as an add-on, but instead a critical component that should be planned for and designed into the overall plan.
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A Blueprint for Secure Mobile Workspaces

The concept of “remote work”, or teleworking, has become an increasingly important concept for organizations attempting to become more flexible and agile, while driving down costs. IDC reports that the U.S. mobile worker population will grow at a steady rate over the next five years, increasing from 96.2 million in 2015 to 105.4 million mobile workers in 2020. By the end of the forecast period, IDC expects mobile workers will account for nearly three quarters (72.3%) of the total U.S. workforce.
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Window 10 Application Compatibility

One of the biggest reasons why organizations have largely held off on migrating their enterprises to Windows 8 is that operating system migrations are a complex, costly, and risky undertaking. Not only are there costs associated with application compatibility testing and remediation, but there are also potential negative impact to end users and critical business processes.
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HOLIDAY HAZARD: Shopping Apps Highlight Risks of Mixing Personal Apps and Business Data

With the rapid infusion of mobile devices within the enterprise and the growing adoption of company-issued and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – mobility is a focal point for containing security risk. As is understanding the risks introduced by mobile applications to sensitive data and company reputation.

Consider a seemingly innocuous mobile phone flashlight app. A Federal Trade Commission lawsuit revealed that a flashlight app maker was illegally transmitting users’ precise locations and unique device identifiers to third parties, including advertising networks.

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Rationalisation Des Applications

L’accumulation des applications est l’un des principaux défis auxquels sont confrontés les DSI dans les entreprises. Il n’est pas rare, en effet, que ces dernières accumulent des milliers d’applications qui requièrent une maintenance et une prise en charge quotidiennes. Bien souvent pourtant, seul un faible pourcentage de ces applications est utilisé régulièrement de manière active. Lorsqu’une entreprise possède dans son portefeuille des applications inutilisées ou sous-utilisées, cela est généralement dû à un manque de communication entre les utilisateurs métiers et le service informatique
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Semperian Case Study

Europe’s largest specialist PPP investment partnership Semperian provisions an Enterprise grade infrastructure at 1/3rd the cost when they split from Land Securities in 2007.

Semperian knew that VPN was frustrating and windows file servers were expensive to maintain. The firm’s advisors needed to access their files when on the road and at meetings with clients. They wanted anywhere access to their files, without compromising on the level of security needed to keep important financial documents secure. Piotr Malinski, Head of Information Technology set out to find an enterprise level product to fulfill their file sharing and storage needs. Read the Case study to learn how choosing Egnyte saved Semperian $55,000 over a 2-year time period. With Egnyte, Piotr effectively replicated the enterprise infrastructure he had at Land Securities at 1/3 of the cost.

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