IDC Paper: Attributes of SAN Storage Required for Business Critical Workloads

Organizations expect their IT departments to deliver a SAN storage infrastructure that can support faster rollout of applications and services, continuous and fast access to data in key applications, and efficient scale to address corporate data growth without comparable growth in IT expenses. This IDC white paper reviews the key SAN storage features required to meet such challenges and the NetApp SAN storage portfolio offerings that best address your needs.
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ESG Brief: Enhancing Database Environments with NetApp Storage

Organizations of all kinds rely on their relational databases for both transaction processing and analytics, but many still have challenges in meeting their goals of high availability, security, and performance. Whether planning for a major upgrade of existing databases or considering a net new project, enterprise solution architects should realize that the storage capabilities will matter. NetApp’s systems, software, and services offer a number of advantages as a foundation for better operational results.
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Top 10 Emerging Dashboard Design Trends

Dashboards serve an important purpose as they transform dull and sometimes opaque data into visually stunning insights that resonate with a wide range of users. To maximize their impact, however, dashboards must be implemented around the needs of the business, so that the decision makers consuming it can act immediately on the information presented.
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The Art of Dashboard Design: 7 Fundamentals to Master

Why is designing for dashboards so important? It serves as a visual display that represents the most important information needed to achieve a specific objective. But how do you start? What if your not a design expert? This guide will arm you with the top fundamental design concepts that you can apply to the most basic of visuals.
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5 meilleures pratiques pour créer des tableaux de bord efficaces

Sélection mesures pertinentes à inclure dans votre tableau de bord est critique. Surtout, ils doit être métriques qui comptent et qui sont pertinentes pour l'emploi à portée de main . mais ceci ne signifie pas chaque métrique devrait être incluse - loin de là. Vous devriez être très sélective pour déterminer quelles mesures gagner une place sur votre tableau de bord .
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Quel graphique ou diagramme vous convient le mieux ?

Vous avez données et vous avez des questions . Création d'un tableau ou un graphique relie les deux , mais parfois vous n'êtes pas sûr du type de graphique obtiendra la réponse que vous cherchez . Ce document répond aux questions sur la façon de sélectionner les meilleures cartes pour le type de données vous l'analyse et les questions que vous voulez répondre . Mais il ne sera pas arrêter là !
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10 principales tendances en matière de solution décisionnelle pour 2015

Tout comme le paysage de business intelligence a transformé en libre-service données , il faut aussi que la gouvernance transformer . Approches simples comme verrouillage bas tous les données d'entreprise ne fonctionneront plus - ni volonté de l'approche la suppression de tout processus du tout . Organisations vont commencer à enquêter ce qui signifie la gouvernance dans un monde de l'analyse en libre-service .
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7 tendances du cloud

Un des plus grands changements qui se dessinent dans le nuage marché est l'attitude de l'informatique. cloud réussie applications telles que Salesforce et journée de travail, et les dirigeants de l'infrastructure de cloud comme Amazon , gagné du terrain au début avec des groupes d'affaires cherchent à contourner des obstacles. Aujourd'hui, cependant , Il est souvent le sponsor principal de la transition vers le cloud .
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5 Best Practices for Creating Effective Dashboards

Selecting relevant metrics to include in your dashboard is critical. Above all, they must be metrics that matter and that are relevant to the job at hand. But that doesn’t mean every metric should be included – far from it. You should be highly selective in determining which metrics earn a spot on your dashboard.
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Which chart or graph is right for you?

You’ve got data and you’ve got questions. Creating a chart or graph links the two, but sometimes you’re not sure which type of chart will get the answer you seek. This paper answers questions about how to select the best charts for the type of data you’re analyzing and the questions you want to answer. But it won’t stop there!
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Top 10 Trends in Business Intelligence for 2015

Just as the business intelligence landscape has transformed to self-service data, so too must governance transform. Simple approaches like locking down all enterprise data won’t work any longer—nor will the approach of doing away with any process at all. Organizations will begin to investigate what governance means in a world of self-service analytics.
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7 Trends in the Cloud

One of the biggest changes emerging in the cloud market is the attitude of IT. Successful cloud applications such as Salesforce and Workday, and cloud infrastructure leaders like Amazon, gained early traction with business groups looking to bypass IT roadblocks. Today however, IT is often the chief sponsor of transitioning to the cloud.
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Software-defined Storage solves performance problems

Big Data, Cloud Computing, Social Media, Mobile Business: These trends have spurred on exponential volumes of data that now need to be recorded, processed and analysed. High performance applications are required to assist, but also storage systems need to offer sufficient performance to efficiently store and back up the data they generate, guaranteeing high availability and overall administration. Traditional hard drive- storage arrays quickly reach their limits here. As a result, alternative paths are sought to work around these limits. This paper provides an overview of storage technologies available today and their advantages and disadvantages.
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